Saturday, September 4, 2021





Soldiers and Civilians In WWI

As countries caught up in the war sent soldiers to the front lines, they also built support behind the lines and at home, with women taking many roles. As villages became battlefields, refugees were scattered across Europe.

When looking through thousands of images of World War I, some of the more striking photos are not of technological wonders or battle-scarred landscapes, but of the human beings caught up in the chaos.

Such a sad time. But such great music. Amazing people. Rest in peace, all soldiers who have passed are honorable. German, British, American, and all the great nations that fought in both world wars. I love to listen to this music. Think of what we have turned into. Its sad. It was better in those times. This music vs the "n***a imma kill you h*e" music... Jesus. It's very sad. I wish I could go 
The soldiers were men, young and old, and the opportunity to look into their faces and see the emotion, their humanity, instead of a uniform or nationality, is a gift - a real window into the world a century ago. While soldiers bore the brunt of the war, civilians were involved on a massive scale as well.

From the millions of refugees forced from their homes, to the volunteer ambulance drivers, cooks, and nurses, to the civilian support groups used by all major armies, ordinary people found themselves at war. Today's entry is a glimpse into the lives of these people, in battle, at play, at rest, and at work, during World War I. On this 100-year anniversary, I've gathered photographs of the Great War from dozens of collections, some digitized for the first time, to try to tell the story of the conflict, those caught up in it, and how much it affected the world.

French soldiers stand in a relaxed group wearing medals. The medals appear to be the Military Medal, established on 25th March, 1916, for acts of bravery.

They have probably been awarded for their part in the Battle of the Somme. The French helmets, with their very distinct crests, can be seen clearly.

This programme details the opening phase of the Gallipoli conflict. It was an audacious scheme, which, had it succeeded would have enabled the allies to capture Constantinople. This would have guaranteed control of the Bosphorus, which in turn guaranteed access to the Black Sea. This programme concludes with the disastrous naval engagement of 18th March. One, which meant that from that time forward, the Gallipoli campaign would be a combined operation with the army committed to a landing on the peninsula.

World War I in Videos: Aerial Warfare

World War I was the first major conflict to see widespread use of powered aircraft

It's been more or less proved that it was an Australian gunner on the ground who fired the shot to the barons chest that killed him,,not captain brown who most people believed he brought him down..But to be honest,,it was manfrieds own fault that he died that day,,he broke all his own rules to chase after an inexperienced allied pilot who he thought was about to be his 81st kill..He broke away from the dog fight to pursue the lone allied plane,,and chased him for a while and he was flying very low to the ground over the Somme valley...All those flyers were very brave men and they all had high respect for each other no matter which side they fought for

-- invented barely more than a decade before the fighting began. Airplanes, along with kites, tethered balloons, and zeppelins gave all major armies a new tactical platform to observe and attack enemy forces from above.

Over the course of the war, the role of the military aviator progressed from one of mere observation to a deadly offensive role. Early on, pilots would would fly off armed only with pistols (or completely unarmed) -- by 1918, fighter planes and massive bombers were in use, armed with multiple machine guns and devastating explosive payloads. Older technologies, like tethered balloons and kites were used on the front lines to gain an upper hand. As aircraft became more of a threat, anti-aircraft weapons and tactics were developed, and pilots had to devise new ways to avoid being shot down from the land and the sky. Aerial photography developed into an indispensable tool to guide artillery attacks and assess damage afterward. The pilots of these new aircraft took tremendous risks -- vulnerable to enemy fire, at the mercy of the weather, flying new, often experimental aircraft. Crashes were frequent, and many paid with their lives.

"Bloody April" was the result of two competing aviation strategies: The more defence oriented German Luftstreitkräfte and the more offensive oriented British Royal Flying Corps.

The RFC needed air reconnaissance for the Battle of Arras and the Germans needed to deny them them. With the superior German Albatross D.III fighters, the German Jagdstaffeln inflicted heavy losses on the RFC

During the First World War, women stepped into men’s jobs for the first time ever, thousands of women served abroad on the front lines, women’s football even became a hugely popular sport, and the war is thought to have strengthened the Suffragettes' case for the right to vote. But how far did the war really impact women's lives and women's rights, or was it all 'for the duration'? Delving into the IWM film and sound archives, we uncover some incredible true stories of the women who served and worked during the First World War. 

The Austrian-Hungarian army at the time of the war crimes did not hide the murder of serbian civilians. The army took to photographers and journalists to report on the killing of Serbian men, women and children. There was a font page photo of Serbians chained together with their heads cut off. Austria wanted those photos published because they didn’t see anything wrong in their actions. Guess what, the Austrian civilians didn’t have any problems with the treatment of Serbia 


Industrialization brought massive changes to warfare during the Great War. Newly-invented killing machines begat novel defense mechanisms, which, in turn spurred the development of even deadlier technologies. Nearly every aspect of what we would consider modern warfare debuted on World War I battlefields.

When Europe's armies first marched to war in 1914, some were still carrying lances on horseback. By the end of the war, rapid-fire guns, aerial bombardment, armored vehicle attacks, and chemical weapon deployments were commonplace. Any romantic notion of warfare was bluntly shoved aside by the advent of chlorine gas, massive explosive shells that could have been fired from more than 20 miles away, and machine guns that spat out bullets like firehoses. Each side did its best to build on existing technology, or invent new methods, hoping to gain any advantage over the enemy. Massive listening devices gave them ears in the sky, armored vehicles made them impervious to small arms fire, tanks could (most of the time) cruise right over barbed wire and trenches, telephones and heliographs let them speak across vast distances, and airplanes gave them new platforms to rain death on each other from above. New scientific work resulted in more lethal explosives, new tactics made old offensive methods obsolete, and mass-produced killing machines made soldiers both more powerful and more vulnerable. On this 100-year anniversary, I've gathered photographs of the Great War from dozens of collections, some digitized for the first time, to try to tell the story of the conflict, those caught up in it, and how much it affected the world.

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