Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Burial site of Cleopatra and Mark Antony will be 'uncovered soon': Final resting site of the famed Pharaoh will be revealed near the Egyptian city of Alexandria, archaeologist claims

  • Archaeologists believe that they have found the tomb of the ancient couple
  • They say the crypt is in Taposiris Magna, around eighteen miles from Alexandria 
  • Historians believe that the couple, who ruled in 30BC, are buried together
  • Dr Zahi Hawass says they are close to finding the accurate location of the tomb
Archaeologists believe they have found where the burial crypt of Antony and Cleopatra, who are thought to have died around 30 BC.
Egyptian historians say that they believe they now know where to dig and hope to uncover the tomb 'soon'. 
The ancient city of Taposiris Magna, around eighteen miles from Alexandria, is believed to be where the two ruler's remains were laid to rest.
Archaeologist Dr Zahi Hawass said: 'The long-lost tomb of Antony and Cleopatra will be eventually uncovered.
Archaeologists believe they found where the crypt of Antony and Cleopatra is buried. Historians say they believe they know where to dig and hope to uncover the tomb soon. Here, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor star as the famed ancient couple in the 1963 film (file photo)
Archaeologists believe they found where the crypt of Antony and Cleopatra is buried. Historians say they believe they know where to dig and hope to uncover the tomb soon. Here, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor star as the famed ancient couple in the 1963 film (file photo)
Zahi Hawass, an Egyptian archaeologist and former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, said that it is only a matter of time before they uncover it. 
'I hope to find the tomb of Antony and Cleopatra soon. I do believe that they are buried in the same tomb,' he said.
'We are so close to discover the accurate location of the tomb; we are on the right way. We know where exactly we have to dig.
'The burial site has been finally estimated to be in the region of Taposiris Magna, 30km away from Alexandria.' The ancient city of Taposiris Magna, pictured here, is around eighteen miles from Alexandria, is believed to be where the two ruler's remains were laid to rest. Antony and Cleopatra are one of histories most well known couples, however little evidence of the ancient Queen and her husband exists (stock image)
The ancient city of Taposiris Magna, pictured here, is around eighteen miles from Alexandria, is believed to be where the two ruler's remains were laid to rest. Antony and Cleopatra are one of histories most well known couples, however little evidence of the ancient Queen and her husband exists (stock image)
The city of Taposiris Magna, around eighteen miles from Alexandria, is believed to be where the two ruler's remains were laid to rest. Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. Mark Antony, or Marcus Antonius, was a Roman general
The city of Taposiris Magna, around eighteen miles from Alexandria, is believed to be where the two ruler's remains were laid to rest. Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. Mark Antony, or Marcus Antonius, was a Roman general
Antony and Cleopatra are one of histories most well known couples, however little evidence of the ancient Queen and her husband exists.
Coins, busts and other depictions thought to represent them have been found are which leaves many to speculate about their lives and deaths.
Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. Mark Antony, or Marcus Antonius, was a Roman politician and general. 
Cleopatra and Antony famously took their own lives in 30 BC, after Octavian's forces pursued them to Alexandria. 
While Antony is said to have fatally stabbed himself in the stomach, Cleopatra's method of suicide is less certain. 
Legend has it that she died by enticing an 'asp'—most likely a viper or Egyptian cobra—to bite her arm  but some say she was murdered.   


In 41 BC, Mark Antony was in dispute with Julius Caesar's adopted son Octavian, which was known as The War between Antony and Octavian over the succession of the Roman leadership.
In 31 BC, Mark Antony and Cleopatra combined armies to take on Octavian in a sea battle at Actium, on the west coast of Greece. 
Octavian won the battle after one of Antony's former generals delivered to Octavian Antony's battle plan. 
Cleopatra and Mark Antony fled to Egypt but Octavian pursued them and captured Alexandria in 30 BC. 
With his soldiers deserting him, Mark Antony took his own life and Cleopatra chose the same course, committing suicide on the 12th August 30 BC.  
Antony and Cleopatra's dramatic lives are the subject of a Shakespeare play (Antony and Cleopatra) and featured in a long four-hour epic starring Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra and Richard Burton as Mark Antony.

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