Thursday, August 24, 2017

Trump KNOWS 9/11 was an inside job — yet lies and blames Afghanistan

The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were not planned and directed from Afghanistan, as US President Donald Trump has claimed; rather, they were orchestrated by certain elements in Washington, DC and Tel Aviv, an American scholar and journalist in Wisconsin says.
“[The] Zionist coup d’etat of 9/11 was done by the combination of Israelis and neo-conservative Americans along with hard-line right-wingers in the American military and the intelligence establishment who pulled off this coup d’etat in America,” Dr. Kevin Barrett said.
Dr. Barrett, Veterans Today Editor and a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a statement Trump made on Monday during his policy speech about Afghanistan.
Speaking from Fort Myer, Virginia, Trump unveiled his much-anticipated agenda for Afghanistan.
During his speech, Trump said,
The consequences of a rapid exit [from Afghanistan] are both predictable and unacceptable. 9/11, the worst terrorist attack in our history, was planned and directed from Afghanistan because that country was ruled by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists. A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including ISIS and al Qaeda, would instantly fill, just as happened before September 11th.”
‘Trump sending US to graveyard of empires’
“Donald Trump has just committed the United States to an endless quagmire in Afghanistan — the graveyard of empires. And Trump’s rationale is the same one that has been in force for the past sixteen years which is that Afghanistan was somehow responsible for the attacks on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001,” Dr. Barrett said.
“It is amazing how this gift of 9/11 keeps on giving. And Trump is the last person one would have normally expected to do this,” he stated.
“When Trump was running for office, he was skeptical about foreign wars, open-ended engagements. He recognized that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have destroyed America’s economy and infrastructure,” he said.
‘Trump a 9/11 skeptic’
“And what’s more, Trump is also a 9/11 skeptic. On September 11th itself Trump immediately said that there must have been explosives used. He said there is no way that a plane could possibly take down these buildings. And he was right, as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have proven. Thousands of architects and engineers are on record having put their careers and livelihoods and reputations on the line to state that what happened to the three skyscrapers, including the Building 7, on 9/11, was clearly controlled demolition” Dr. Barrett said.
“So the official narratives of hijacking by people who were supposedly being commanded by a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan are utterly ludicrous and have been fully disproven on hundreds and hundreds of grounds,” he stated.
“And now Donald Trump, who has expressed skepticism about all of this in the past, and who drove (Jeb) Bush out of the presidential nomination by attacking (George W.) Bush, his brother, as the likely culprit or at least someone who is responsible for 9/11—now Trump who we all hoped might be an ‘irresponsible’ truth teller, that is, someone who would tell the incredibly subversive truth about what has really happened to America since the false flag attack of September 11th—all those hopes are now dashed,” he noted.
‘Trump under control of Deep State’
Dr. Barrett said:
Trump is clearly under the control of the elements of the Deep State that murdered three thousand Americans in an act of high treason on September 11, 2001. So those of us who care about the truth and care about the core values that made America great in the first place are now going to have to view Trump as well as the rest of the American leadership as treasonous enemies.”
The September, 11, 2001 attacks, also known as the 9/11 attacks, were a series of strikes in the US which killed nearly 3,000 people and caused about $10 billion worth of property and infrastructure damage.
US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists but many experts have raised questions about the official account.
They believe that rogue elements within the US government, such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, orchestrated or at least encouraged the 9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda.

Disturbing truth about all American Wars in the Mideast since WW2

America had no legal or constitutional right to be involved in any Mideast Wars since WW2.

by  Preston James

The USG never had any valid legal right to attack Iraq over its invasion of Kuwait in 1991 under US law, the US Constitution or International Law either.
Why? Because Iraq was very craftily manipulated by the USG and the CIA to invade Kuwait.
Here’s how it happened.
April Glaspie
It was a very crafty CIA covert operation that created the Invasion of Kuwait through political manipulation.
The CIA had approached the leaders of Kuwait with a plan to engage in horizontal drilling into Iraq’s main oil field.
Kuwaiti production was waning, and the CIA proprietary drilling company from Sante Fe assured Kuwaiti officials that the plan was foolproof and would never be discovered by Iraq.
After the horizontal drilling was completed and the oil was being pumped, it is alleged by some well-informed insiders that US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie met with Saddam Hussein.
She informed him that Kuwait was using a new type of drilling (horizontal drilling) and was pumping oil from Iraq’s biggest oil field.
It has been alleged that Saddam Hussein was also provided with satellite photos made with ground penetrating radar that showed the horizontal drilling.
Saddam reacted with anger and asked Ambassador Glaspie what would happen if Iraq invaded Kuwait and took back the land which was rightfully theirs in the first place, taken away by the British earlier. Glaspie supposedly replied, the USG would view that as an “inter-Arab” affair and would consider it none of our concern.
Saddam Hussein took this as a green light from the USG and proceeded to invade Kuwait. Immediately there was an outcry in Congress that something had to be done to stop this Iraqi aggression, which was supposedly threatening the security of the whole Mideast.
Of course the public was never informed that Saddam Hussein had started working for the CIA as a bicycle hit-man at 15 years of age, and worked his way up through the system to become a full-fledged CIA dictator-puppet like Noriega and so many others. Saddam Hussein was willing to attack Iran on Israel’s behalf, in a lengthy war that resulted in millions of dead, with many of these being innocent women and children non-combatants.
Right now Iraq is a destroyed nation. Its major infrastructure has been destroyed by American bombs, and a once modern nation has been reduced to rubble.
Sadly that is what Israel and the Pentagon have long planned for Syria and Iran too.
This is not likely to happen however because the Russian Federation has stepped in and is now defending its Mideast allies, Syria and Iran.
Advanced Technology
Electronic warfare device
The Russian Federation’s electronic warfare systems are reputed by deep insiders to be back-engineered alien ET technology, and at present, are far superior to America’s electronic warfare weaponry.
Proof of this is the incident in March of 2014 when two Russian Su-24’s armed with the Khibiny system shut off the USS Donald Cook’s main power bus, temporarily rendering its Aegis missile system and all onboard sonar and radar completely inoperable during that time.
The USS Donald Cook was dead in the water until the Su-24s left and turned off their Khibiny system.
It is a very good bet that this same advanced electronic warfare technology was used to set up the two recent collisions involving US Navy destroyers, with state of the art radar, sonar and other electronic warfare systems.
Since so many of the CPUs used on these ships were manufactured in China, it is possible that they all have secret backdoors that could be accessed remotely, but my best guess is that the ship’s GPS, radar and sonar were spoofed by someone’s satellite transmission using Quantum transmissions and Dimensional waves (D-waves).
USS Donald Cook
There’s a sucker born every minute” – P.T. Barnum
After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the CIA’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) began immediately to publish and broadcast USG propaganda, big lies and false narratives.
During Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ’s testimony to the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, she claimed Iraqi troops pulled babies out of incubators and threw them on the hospital floor to die. It was later revealed that she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States and that her testimony was proved false. It was a pretty convincing tale with tears and all, and Amnesty International even backed her story at first but later admitted it could not be verified. We now know for certain it was a fabricated story, a big lie and a clear case of false-atrocity propaganda.
The DC Establishment public relations firm Hill & Knowlton, hired by Kuwait, immediately prepared atrocity propaganda to motivate mainstream America to support a big American war to crush Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
The Kuwaiti Ambassador’s daughter told a very tall tale that was later shown to be a complete fabrication, that the Iraqi soldiers pulled Kuwaiti babies from incubators and threw them on the floor of the hospital to die.
Voice of God Alien ET Technology was deployed in the Gulf War.
Insiders have claimed for years that back-engineered Alien ET electronic warfare technology was deployed against Iraqi soldiers by the American Military.
There have been reliable reports from vetted, respected individuals that the “Voice of God” technology was deployed.
This technology was able to remotely entrain a voice believed by the Iraqi soldiers to be the voice of Allah that they plainly heard coming down from the heavens above.
Reports indicated that this voice of Allah instructed these Iraqi solders to lay down their arms and accept death and receive their immediate rewards from Allah. Thousands of Iraqi troops did so and were bulldozed into the ground to their deaths without any attempt to defend themselves.
Saddam Hussein did not have operable weapons of mass destruction when America attacked Iraq the second time and invaded its capitol city.
The second Mideast War was wrongly fought over false claims by the CIA and the Pentagon that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had operable weapons of mass destruction and was planning to deploy them against America. This claim was later proved to be completely false and was knowingly concocted by the Pentagon and fully supported in the UN by General Colin Powell.
So it is clear beyond any reasonable doubt that both the first Gulf war that stopped short of a complete invasion and set up “no fly zones”, and also the second Iraq war were major international war crimes, crimes against humanity and major acts of aggression against Iraq. The claim that it was the nations of the world that demanded these invasions through the UN was a concoction too, and the coalition forces were economically and financially manipulated into cursory support.
Rare Earth Elements found in Afghanistan
Now for the US invasion of Afghanistan.
The DC Establishment had wanted to take over Afghanistan for many years to get the opium and the rare earth minerals like Lithium for batteries. Plus the Pentagon PNACers and top NeoCons in the USG, most of whom were Israeli-American “Israel-first” Dual citizens wanted to protect Saudi Arabia as part of the Petro Dollar agreement set up in 1971 by Henry Kissinger for Richard Nixon.
The Soviets had the same intentions and invaded Afghanistan in late 1979 and finally ended in early 1989 because the CIA had created and built up the Mujahedin army inside Afghanistan and armed them with hundreds of shoulder-fired Stinger missiles. After the Russians withdrew, the Pentagon and the CIA kept the Mujahedin army viable and operative.
When the Mossad (assisted by the Pentagon, NORTHCOM, the Administration, and the FAA) attacked America on 9-11-01, the USG immediately laid blame on the Terrorists run by Osama bin Laden that were based in Afghanistan.
This fake meme was broadcast and published day and night – 24/7 – by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), which neglected to inform the American masses of the real truth – that Osama bin Laden was just another CIA man used to run the Mujahedin for the Pentagon. His CIA trade-craft name was “Colonel Tim Osman”, and he was seen numerous times going in and out of the Pentagon long before 9-11-01.
Several Israeli leaders, including Barak and Netanyahu, chortled about how 9-11 helped redeem and justify Israel’s hard-line position against its enemies, hoping that the US would realize what Israel had been dealing with
ISIS is the private mercenary army of the CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia and has now been defeated.
There is substantial reason to believe that the CIA worked with Israel and Saudi Arabia to create a private mercenary Army called ISIS, ISIL or Daesh et al. This massive, well-supplied and -paid heterogeneous mercenary army was trained, supported and paid by the CIA with help from the Saudis.
This private foreign mercenary army of the CIA, Israel and Saudi Arabia has now been defeated by Syrian forces for Assad, with the help of precision Russian air-power. The Russian Federation is Syria’s legitimate and official ally, and was invited to be in Syria, to help defend Syria. Russia is a strong partner of the Syrians and has invested a lot of money there.
America has never had any business fighting anyone in Syria since it was never an ally and was never invited by Syria, who never wanted America there. Besides, the US Military has been accused by Syria of attacking its Syrian troops, like Israel occasionally did, and of supplying ISIS. It has now been admitted that ISIS’ wounded have been taken to Israel for medical treatment and that is strong evidence that they represent Israel and were created by Israel – the progenitor of Mideast terrorism.
Foreign CIA puppet/Cutout leaders get disposed of when no longer needed.
Like all other CIA foreign puppets, Osama bin Laden (Colonel Osman) was quickly discarded when no longer needed. But this time, he was used as a super devil to motivate the American Masses to attack Afghanistan. He died late in 2001, either from Americans bombs or of Kidney disease (Marfan’s disorder, the same genetic disorder that Abe Lincoln had and would have died of soon after his presidency, had he lived). He was buried in an unmarked grave, according to Mideast newspapers. But the Pentagon propaganda psyops masters decided to keep him officially alive, even though he was dead.
Afghanistan (Fine Art by James Dietz)
So now we know for certain that the USG’s officially stated reasons for America invading Afghanistan, as in both the Gulf War and the Invasion of Iraq, were all based on big government lies, false-narratives, and blatant propaganda.
Since WW2, the USG never had any valid reason to ever go to war in Iraq or Afghanistan or in any other war in the Mideast. These were all wars fought for the International Banksters, run out of the City of London.
But now the USG has recommitted American soldiers to Afghanistan and is sending in at least 6,000 more to fight in this illegal war of aggression for the Banksters, Israel and the Dual Citizens in the Pentagon.
Afghanistan did not attack America on 9-11-01.
Ever since the USG invaded Afghanistan in 2001, after falsely blaming them for the Israeli attack on America on 9-11-01, the US Army has been protecting the poppy production, which has increased many fold and is now the world’s largest.
The USAF flies the opium out of Afghanistan, and it ends up on the streets of America. Now, in America, young deaths from cheap, pure Heroin are the highest ever. And this is all done by the CIA to provide vast sums of drug money for black ops, money that is off the books and unaccountable to the Congress or the American people.
More American troops are now be sent to Afghanistan, because the Pentagon claims it is the root of most terrorism and there are many terrorist groups supported there. This is just another big USG lie. Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UK, and the USA are the world’s biggest terrorist countries. This is a hard, cold fact that needs to be faced.
Is this new American troop deployment to Afghanistan a secret way of trying to build up the Mujahedin into ISIS again?
America had no right under international law, American law or the US Constitution to ever attack Libya and murder Muammar Ghaddafy.
The Pentagon and the US Administration were ordered to do so by the International Banksters based in the City of London, a one square mile private nation inside London proper with its own ambassadors and police. It pays no taxes to the UK, but runs the global fiat interest-bearing, debt-note money systems.
(Copyright Gilbert Yu)
General Smedley Butler
Each of these nations – America, Israel, the UK, and Saudi Arabia, which foment terror all around the world through the CIA and NATO – has a war-based economy. This is because they have private Fiat money production that uses pernicious interest-bearing debt notes as mandated tender, which produces continuing inflation.
These terrorist nations must keep engaging in wars of aggression to acquire cheap natural resources and oil for the large International corporations and big profits for defense contractors and the Banksters.
The most decorated US Marine ever, General Smedley Butler, who was twice awarded the Medal of Honor, explained all this in his classic book, War is a Racket.


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