Sunday, June 25, 2017

Russia warns Norway that expansion of hosting 330 US Marines will hit their diplomatic ties

  • Norway announced this week that 330 US Marines will remain in the country until the end of 2018, a year longer than planned
  • The US force arrived in January and is based near Trondheim, 900 miles from the Russian border
  • The Russian Embassy in Norway warned on its Facebook page Saturday that the move could 'escalate tensions and lead to destabilization of the situation in the northern region.'

Russia has told Norway that the extension of a U.S. military deployment in the country will hit diplomatic ties.
The Russian Embassy in Norway warned on its Facebook page Saturday that the move could 'escalate tensions and lead to destabilization of the situation in the northern region.'
It said 'this step contradicts Norwegian policy of not deploying foreign military.'
Norway announced this week that 330 U.S. Marines will remain in the country until the end of 2018, a year longer than was originally planned. 
The Russian Embassy in Norway (above) posted a rather strongly worded message on its Facebook wall
The Russian Embassy in Norway (above) posted a rather strongly worded message on its Facebook wall
The U.S. force arrived in January and is based near the western city of Trondheim, 900 miles from the Russian border
The U.S. force arrived in January and is based near the western city of Trondheim, 900 miles from the Russian border
The U.S. force arrived in January and is based near the western city of Trondheim, 900 miles from the Russian border.
Russia and members of NATO have accused each other of ramping up tensions in recent years with increased military activity by both sides.
The embassy wasn't coy about its feelings on the matter.
'We have repeatedly explained our point of view on the issue of setting up a US military base in the territory of Norway. 
'We consider that this step contradicts Norwegian policy of not deploying foreign military bases in the country in times of peace' said the Russian Embassy about the troops
'We consider that this step contradicts Norwegian policy of not deploying foreign military bases in the country in times of peace' said the Russian Embassy about the troops
We consider that this step contradicts Norwegian policy of not deploying foreign military bases in the country in times of peace, steps out of line of the traditions of good neighborhood, makes Norway not fully predictable partner, can also escalate tension and lead to destabilization of the situation in the Northern region,' the embassy's administrator wrote on Facebook.
'We see it as an element of the US-led military preparations that have intensified against the background of the anti-Russian propagandist hysteria.'
At least one person on the Facebook back was astonished that Russia would be concerned about such a small amount of Marines.
'I don't know who is working at the but did the one posting this complaint about the deployment of soldiers, not see the irony and hypocrisy in this?' wrote Jacob Dalgaard. 'Did the person not stop to think that complaining about 330 US soldiers in Norway makes Russia sound incredibly weak?'

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