Monday, February 13, 2017

Dollars for the Apocalypse

Dollars for the Apocalypse

Vladimir Putin’s speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference has proven prophetic, analysts told Sputnik. Putin warned against the exertion of the “unipolar model” on other nations by the US-led NATO bloc. The question arises whether the US under Donald Trump will recognize “the right of all nations to put their own interests first.”
Ten years ago, on February 10, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech on global affairs and international security which was later called “prophetic” by international observers.
In his speech the Russian President brought the post-Cold War world order into focus, predicting that an “uncontained hyper use of military force” by NATO member states coupled with “disdain for the basic principles of international law” will lead to global instability and a surge in violence.
“We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law. And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system,” Putin said, referring to the emergence of the “unipolar model.”
“One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?” the Russian President asked rhetorically.
“I consider the unipolar model not only unacceptable, but also impossible in today’s world… What is even more important is that the model itself is flawed because at its core there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilization,” Putin highlighted.
Speaking to Sputnik France, French journalist and geopolitical analyst Arnaud Dotezac pointed out that nothing has really changed since then and in the 2010s, the US continued to externalize their domestic law imposing theirown vision onto others.
“The unipolar system means that the US is playing the role of the world’s policeman… It turned NATO into an international gendarmerie, and police, which monitors compliance with the economic and financial standards. We have learned this first hand from the economic sanctions,” Dotezac told Sputnik.
“Even then Putin said that the United States had externalized its domestic law. Nothing has changed since then… and we see that [this practice] continues today,” the French analyst noted.
Dotezac recalled that among those who listened to Putin’s Munich speech in 2007 were Senator John McCain and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who at that time was regarded as Russia’s partner.
These people are still running politics and Putin’s words have not lost their relevance, Dotezac remarked. Lode Vanoost, political analyst and former deputy speaker of the Belgian parliament, echoes Dotezac.
In his interview with Radio Sputnik, Vanoost said that Putin’s 2007 vision is as relevant as ever.
“I think that the assessments Vladimir Putin made in 2007 are just relevant today as they were ten years ago… I don’t mean that nothing has changed in the world, it changes all the time, but everything he was warning against, the US and NATO member states are going in the direction that is detrimental to world peace,” Vanoost highlighted, referring to the disastrous situation in the Middle East, the refugee crisis in the EU and the recent escalation of global tensions.
“It was pretty clear when the Cold War ended that the so-called narrative behind NATO’s existence collapsed at once. NATO was [seen] as an organization aimed… at [containing] Russian, Soviet ‘expansionist ambitions’. And once [the USSR] was gone they [NATO] went on the same way… NATO and the EU continued to expand toward Eastern Europe. [It] was nothing but a provocation towards Russia,” Vanoost underscored.
Commenting on the matter, Koray Gurbuz, an expert at the Bilkent University and the former Chairman of the Turkish Veterans Council, pointed out that the NATO expansion fully complies with the US foreign strategy to maintain its control globally.
“The main goal of US foreign policy strategy, which is focused on expansion, is to maximally subjugate countries and nations, and to make them act in [the US’] own interests… While pursuing this strategy the US uses NATO standards as a tool to exert pressure on developing countries, in particular, on their military structures. This [strategy] poses a security threat to these countries and the world as a whole,” Gurbuz told Sputnik Turkiye.
Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? In his interview with Sputnik Serbian, Belgrade based independent analyst and researcher Aleksandar Pavic expressed cautious optimism US President Donald Trump’s foreign strategy.
Pavic noted that back in 2007 Putin realized the direction the world was going in. Putin’s prognoses proved true, the Serbian analyst said, referring to the unilateral proclamation of independence by the so-called “Republic of Kosovo,” the 2008 war in South Ossetia, provoked by the US-backed Georgian regime of Mikheil Saakashvili, the invasion of Libya, the military aggression against Syria and the February 2014 coup and civil war in Ukraine.
“I believe that the reason behind the victory of the US administration that [signaled that it] wants to normalize relations with Russia is that [the US] has realized the disastrous results of their policies,” Pavic assumed. “Trump’s first steps indicate that the United States wants to improve relations with Russia and consider the arguments Putin voiced ten years ago,” he said.
Indeed, during his inaugural speech Trump promised that the US will seek friendship with other nations and will do not seek to impose its way of life on others.
“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow,” Trump said.
Furthermore, in the course of his election campaign Trump has repeatedly called NATO an “obsolete” alliance.
However, Dusan Kerny, Slovenske Narodna Noviny’s columnist, does not share such an optimistic stance. According to Kerny, it is unlikely that the American establishment and the country’s influential military-industrial complex will let Trump make a dramatic shift in US foreign policy.
“In his Munich speech, Putin warned about stagnation in the field of disarmament. It has proven to be prophetic,” Kerny told Sputnik Czech. “Is there any hope that there will be any progress under Donald Trump? I’m afraid not, as the new US president will be under strong pressure from the military-industrial complex,”
The Founding Fathers would have been too smart to be in NATO
The Founding Fathers would have been too smart to be in NATO
 by Phil Butler,  …. with New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow
Did we not learn anything from the Iran nuke threat hoax?
Did we not learn anything from the Iran nuke threat hoax?
[ Editor’s note: The replacement for the Iranian nuclear weapons hoax is rolling out as I had predicted.
Russia won that prize, with NATO moving up to its borders with forces on hand; knowing that Russia would have to counter with additional border forces, after which the devils in the Pentagon would claim as “proof” of Russia’s aggressive intent to set the stage for increased “aggression” spending by the Pentagon.
But we are not that stupid… some of us, anyway. But that might not bother Mr. Ashton Carter, because even the most honest Congressman we have loves defense spending in his state and district, and would buy any justification put forward by the Pentagon scammers.
The veteran organizations generally surrender when it comes to standing up to any of this, with the Viet Nam vets entering the ranks of getting tired out from fighting the system. Too many have the VA spending as number one, and then any additional spending on the military as always being a good thing. The term “watchdog” is only viewed in its canine context. I had an older VT reader tell me today of an American Legion chapter having to offer free drinks and music with dinner to retain members.
These folks always have only one goal in mind
These folks always have only one goal in mind
Russia was happy to have let its military spending slide when it was crawling out of the looting hole that the American and Israeli banksters had put them in, during their attempt to turn Russia into an oligarchs’ colony.
It almost worked, except for a guy named Vladimir Putin, who is hated by that crowd; and they are seeking revenge now, as the hidden hands behind the new Russian boogie man scare.
These scamsters should be booed in public folks, not applauded politely out of respect. They are not showing you any, so why should you boost their public image so they can do more damage? When is the last time a Secr. of Defense was picketed? When will we see some veteran groups challenging the NATO expansion strategy?
Phil Butler lays out the inside games being played to set the stage for military confrontation over nothing more than some trade war advantage that would accrue to only the one-percenters. Our military is now looked upon as business tool for the banksters to use at their will.
Phil’s focus is the Middle East proxy war funding that is on the table with Congress now, part of a multi-front spending plan, so the Pentagon has multiple bets down… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published …  June 7, 2016 –
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” — Albert Einstein
Ashton Carter
Ashton Carter
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter just went before a Senate Armed Services Committee to wrestle still more billions from the American war chest in support of Middle East regime change. The Barack Obama appointed head of America’s military has presented a supposed comprehensive plan to defeat an enemy that Syria’s Assad and Russia’s air might have already crushed.
The real purpose of Carter’s appearance before the Senate last week was to further fund anti-Assad forces, and to further invest in America’s military industrial businesses. United States policy in the Middle East is being unmasked, with inestimable sums of money fueling a perpetual war fire.
The fictitious war on terror America’s leaders milk billions out of, is intended to go on in perpetuity. Worse still, the mission to draw Europe into the fray is intended to make our EU partners further dependent on US military prowess. Barack Obama intendeds to leave his predecessor with an unwinnable war, a war that will break the union of European states permanently. Here’s that story.
America’s Syria Bonfire
Pixilated evidence of Western deployment of exotic energetic materials in Syria
Camera pixelation suggests Western deployment of exotic energetic materials in Syria
The Syrian Civil War began in the spring of 2011 as a latter end-game component of the Arab-Spring regime changes across the Middle East. Billed as another “freedom fight” to overthrow a tyrannical regime, the latter events of the conflict have proven the war to be yet another “applied democracy” insurgency, with the intent of reshaping the policies of the entire region.
The facts of what happened in Syria are in plain sight, only obscured by controlled media in the West. The United States funded and fueled an anti-Assad rebellion comprised of al-Qaeda, al-Nusra and other extremists, and more or less created ISIL.
Then, Washington funneled billions into a farcical effort to destroy terror under the guise of ISIS (ISIL), while turning Syria into essentially another Libya.
This is widely understood, even by the people of the United States of America. Still the neoCons and Washington elite press on, intent on mission 1, ready to pour more billions into a bloodbath that is crippling Europe and the region. Carter is lying, and here is the truth.
Using territorial gains of ISIL as the excuse for military intervention in the region, the United States began air missions against the extremist organization in August 2014. Then in September, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry held meetings with the ministers of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Denmark and Italy at the NATO Summit in Wales.
After the meeting, those allies agreed to support “anti-ISIL forces” in Iraq and Syria with supplies and air support. This coalition action was undertaken without the invitation of consent of the legitimate leader of a sovereign nation. This fact is undeniable; and the ensuing regional catastrophe is the result of an illegal act by these nations, even under the United Nations Charter. This too is incontrovertible.
As we see today, this war has metastasized into a proxy war in between the United States and Russia. Congress is aware, Brussels is aware; the world knows what is at stake. Now we can move on to dogged pursuit of world conflict by America’s leadership. It is interesting, and a bit positive, that some American politicians seem to understand the disaster Carter’s boss has wrought.
Speaking last week, Republican presidential hopeful, Donald Trump said:
“Our actions in Iraq, Libya and Syria have helped unleash ISIS. We’re in a war against radical Islam, but President Obama won’t even name the enemy, and unless you name the enemy, you will never ever solve the problem.”
Illegitimacy versus Legitimacy
11 October 2015, basically one year after the US-led coalition achieved nothing against ISIL, Russian president Vladimir Putin made a statement on the mission of the Russia/Syria/Iran coalition arrayed against ISIL and insurgents.

He told an audience “the military operation had been thoroughly prepared in advance”, and he further defined Russia′s goal in Syria as, “stabilizing the legitimate power in Syria and creating the conditions for political compromise.”
A year of coalition airstrikes, billions spent either aiding jihadists against Assad, or bombing “sand” in the deserts of Iraq and Syria, and the NATO coalition achieved nothing. Five months into the Russian air support mission, Putin pulled out his largest air forces contingent, and the Syrian Army takes back Palmyra. US PR strategies cannot mask the truth of Syria. The goal has been to undo Assad all along.
With Turkey and Saudi Arabia implicated in assisting the Assad regime overthrow, and with a supposed ceasefire in effect, the United States leadership still presses to arm Assad’s enemies. But the real cataclysm has less to do with arming al-Qaeda, and more to do with cementing Europe’s allegiance to America. It was at about this time a report surfaced that cast a huge shadow over the CENTCOM and the US led policing of the world.
In September, the Defense Department Office of Inspector General announced opening an investigation into allegations intelligence information provided by CENTCOM’s Intelligence Directorate, “falsified, distorted, suppressed, or modified intelligence. In effect, CENTCOM’s effectiveness across the board was called to question, with regard to missions from Afghanistan to Syria and beyond.
The US House of Representatives launched the investigation in December of 2015, and promised results early this year. One of the congressmen assigned to lead the inquiry is US Army reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Brad Wenstrup, who is and Ohio representative, who is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The ensuing report, which the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Mac Thornberry characterized back then as crucial:
“Now there’s an inspector-general investigation — we don’t want to mess that up — but at the same time we’re not going to wait until they conclude. This is a very serious matter that we have an obligation to get into.”
I have contacted each of the congressmen appointed to investigate CENTCOM impropriety, but as of this writing, none have responded. My assessment of congress’ role in all this is that these leaders simply play “good cop-bad cop” as always.
The facts indicate these leaders’ only true ideological differences being which Congressional district back home gets the most federal kickback in the form of military spending. Leaving off here for the moment, let’s look at Secretary Carter’s misleading testimony before the people last week.
Binding Europe to Chaos
The Special Operations command has a lot of levels to it with 50,000 people
The Special Operations command has a lot of levels to it with 50,000 people
Looking at the transcript of Ashton Carter’s testimony, we find a Vietnam-like escalation of US military support in this fiasco.
Commenting on a 10X amplification of Special Forces troops deployed to Syria, Carter told the Senate:
“[The US military forces] will also serve as a hub to incorporate partner special forces from both European and Gulf partners that will augment our coalition’s counter-ISIL efforts there.”
Supposedly these Special Forces elements are intended to call in the massive might of the US military on the heads of ISIL. But in fact the force additions represent an escalation in involvement, a ramping up toward a wider conflagration.
Looking at congressional transcripts and the wording of the so-called Syria Train and Equip authorities given President Barack Obama, it is essential to note the rewording of the program’s objective. The initial documents stated that a purpose of these appropriations was for:
“…defending the Syrian people from attacks by the Syrian regime, facilitating the provision of essential services, and stabilizing territory controlled by the opposition…”
Later documentation, and especially after the so-called “McKeon amendment” (PDF), curtailed the Obama administration’s authority, at least with regard to the stated mission. An imbecilic “Equip and Train” mission still goes forward, only without actually stating that America is trying to overthrow Assad. “Defending against Assad” has become, “Defending the Syrian people from attacks by the Islamic State o of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Reading the transcripts of congressional discussion of this “Equip and Arm” disaster, it also becomes clear the majority of lawmakers in Washington knew of, and approved of, overthrowing the Assad regime. Ash Carter speaking to the Arms Services Committee now, it simply capitalizes the bigger lie to the American people by the majority of American leadership.
Complicit are, the president, the US House of Representatives, and the US Senate.
I use the world “complicit” for purpose, for the constituents of these leaders has literally no idea what regime change effort in Syria has meant, nor the ramifications of the ongoing proxy war. The American people are misdirected, lied to, and marginalized in any decision making process in Washington.
The aforementioned CENTCOM intelligence tampering is as clear as day, ever since Putin’s air forces began televising the destruction of ISIL oil tankers headed to NATO ally Turkey. No US leader in Washington could win a court case stating otherwise. Returning to Carter’s part in this new kind of warfare, it becomes clear that fiction is acceptable in the halls of power in Washington.
Lying Like a Clinton
Carter also deliberately misled Congress with regard to ISIL not making advances after May of 2015. This is illustrated by the fact Assad forces forced ISIL back during the battle of al-Hasakah in August, and with no help from an anemic coalition effort to stop ISIL oil revenues.

The coalition was not flying air cover for Assad’s army, after all. Carter makes the Congressional committee believe coalition funding and military operations put a half to ISIL, when it was first the Syrian army, and later Russia’s air campaign which accomplished this.
Furthermore, ISIL’s mission objectives are not totally geographical or territorial. Carter mentions nothing of this…. Carter knows this, but his report to Congress misdirects in suggesting ISIL advances were somehow halted by the coalition.
The Kobanê Massacre is a good example. In June 223–233 civilians and another 37 Kurdish militia were killed in ISIL suicide attacks.
Carter wants Congress to think US billions to fund this internal war are effective at halting terror, when in reality the reverse is true. Trillions of dollars and millions of lives wasted, and Washington still cheers the victories of US policy. But the core of this malignancy is more transparent than most imagine.
This National Defense University Press report tells us all we need to know about Syria, Arab Spring, and the new Cold War on Russia. US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is the subject of a report entitled; “Back to Basics on Hybrid Warfare in Europe: A Lesson from the Balkans.”
While you digest the concept of the “deconstruct” of Yugoslavia being seen as a “success” for these psychopaths, I’ll relate key elements of the report.
It will help you to know that there was a Bosnian operation exactly like the one Washington is funding in Syria now. The Bosnian Train and Equip Program is documented in a proud report entitled; “A Lesson in Interagency Integration of Hard and Soft Power, Strategic Perspectives 15 (NDU Press, March 2014).”
Cutting through the dogma and philosophy for you here, this was simply a template for regime change enacted by then US President Bill Clinton. Under the auspices of a NATO protective umbrella over Europe, the strategy of “hybrid warfare” is condoned and promoted to “counter Russian aggression”.
I do not want to drag the reader too deep into these Draconian strategies, so suffice it to say each successive US administration in the last 70 years has inched eastward toward Moscow.
March 23, 1994 Bosnia meeting in the Situation Room with Madeleine Albright, Tony Lake, Warren Christopher, President Clinton, William Perry, John Shalikashvili, and others. (Courtesy: William J. Clinton Presidential Library)
March 23, 1994, Bosnia meeting in the Situation Room with Madeleine Albright, Tony Lake, Warren Christopher, President Bill Clinton, William Perry, John Shalikashvili, and others. (File photo courtesy: William J. Clinton Presidential Library)
Yugoslavia went under the wheels of democratic progress, as have many of the former Soviet states. Once you read the report, you’ll be aghast at the US strategy being applied in nations around the world. Ash Carter’s, CENTCOM’s, the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch of US government’s makeup is not part of a “hybrid” World War essentially. Quoting from this new war manifesto:
“Hybrid warfare fundamentally involves an integrated mix of previously separate instruments of power, whether military, diplomatic, intelligence, covert, informational, or other capabilities.”
As applies to the Syria situation, we see this “integrated” approach to regime change playing out in each category, most notably the “informational” aspect. CENTCOM tells the world of America’s blasting ISIL to smithereens, when in effect US and coalition planes are protecting what is really going. What Washington wants most of all is Arab Spring to be completed, and to turn the Middle East into the Balkans.
Under the thumbs, powerless to do more than complain to, the authority and might of NATO, the Middle East as essentially a surrogate to America. The report reveals more of this madness. The authors applaud “Train and Equip” Bosnia, and use it to show why the Syria version is failing. Dogged, determined, hard headed stupid that is what these “experts” are. Quoting again from think tank lunatics intent on defending Machiavellian polices:
“The (Obama) administration assigned the complex Syria train and equip mission to lead agencies rather than configuring it from the beginning as an integrated interagency effort. It began as a CIA-run covert operation. Then the administration decided to increase the scale and profile of the effort and gave it to the Department of Defense (DOD).”
A Hybrid Total War
“In order to be an effective president … when you say something you have to mean it,” he said. “You gotta kill em.”
“In order to be an effective president … when you say something you have to mean it,” Bush said. “You gotta kill em.” (File photo)
Breaking this all down for you, the Bush administration began the Assad overthrow operation back in 2006. Sanctions and other levers were applied, to put the regime under intense pressure. Covert CIA efforts to help anti-Assad elements then grew exponentially, as Iraq and Syrian militants were cooked into an extremist stew.
Then Obama took office, and upped the ante using the CIA, the Saudis, Turkey, the Kurds, and with the behind the scenes support of Israel. The news “Weapons of Mass Destruction” lie was concocted, and only Putin and Russia stood in the way of some full scale invasion.
Arming and Funding (Train and Equip) took on a massive, half a trillion dollar scale approved by ALL of America’s leadership.
And now the same DOD is in charge. The plan has only changed to emulate the Bosnia plan, and the proxy war with Russia goes on full scale. America’s treasury is bankrupt, the American people are left out of the equation, and a new “hybrid” form of World War is underway. Now even European allies are literally being attacked by the United States, though this is less obvious visibly.
If you read the documents, and examine the rhetoric, then you’ll see the intent is there. NATO and EU nations bogged down, and with casualties in Syria…. Where do you think this puts NATO and America? Think protection racket.
This morning BBC is reporting that Washington wants peace in Syria. This proves the collusion in between UK’s rulers and the Washington elites running this horror show.
“The United States says it is working on specific initiatives to de-escalate fighting in Syria and revive a nationwide cessation of hostilities.”
The White House and the US Congress are still intent on “Train and Equip”, when it is clear the war on ISIL could end tomorrow. If Barack Obama’s last executive order before leaving the White House in November were to throw al-Qaeda (our sworn enemy) and al-Nusra (more extremist jihadists) under the bus, then Syira, Russia and Iran would decimate ISIL within weeks.
Furthermore, if the coalition led by the US had coordinated and assisted Russian air forces rather than trying to shoot them down (Turkey), ISIL would no longer have arms, money, or the moral to continue. Again, this is incontrovertible. This is the reality. This is the truth of Syria and the refugee catastrophe. Think about it.

Romania and Poland Are Ground Zero Now


Michael McFaul has been put "in play" with his recent Estonia interview
Michael McFaul has been put “in play” with his recent Estonia interview
[ Editor’s Note: NATO is obviously going to do whatever it wants, as there is no mechanism for stopping it, via six-figure massive protests in the respective countries where forces are being deployed.
Most of the affected citizens look at it as free money, having outsiders pay for defense that they don’t have to. Gone are the days of the Philippine nuns lying down in front of the tanks to support the overthrow of their corrupt regime.
Ex-US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, gave an interview in Estonia this week, pumping up the fairy tale of the Russian threat as part of his pandering for an administration slot, maybe as Secretary of State. The path to power is not really serving the public interest, but those exploiting them.
It shows how stupid these Russian border countries are. All advanced-placement NATO forces are hour-one targets in the next war, and would have to be taken out quickly before they could fire their first-strike weapons to take out any Russian medium-range retaliation capability.
This creates a hair-trigger situation, actually putting these border countries in a less secure situation, where a simple technical malfunction could trigger a war, something even a third-party hacker country could initiate.
But is seems there is no cure for mass stupidity or greed. Public disapproval is something that we see easily controlled in almost all situations. The need is to just put layers of decision makers between the top and the bottom, so the public wears itself out punching air, finally realizing that it is hopeless and settles for just trying to protect their own homefront.
And this goes for most of the internet crowd. Those not organized for political action with the required structures and funding are out of the picture most of the time, as they have no “boots on the ground” capabilities.
They are too loosely organized and can only weigh in politically in very close elections. But in between elections, they can be ignored. This is a hollow democracy, one in holographic form only, and the political version of a computer virus…

Russia’s Polyana Command & Control Post Can Track 500 Targets Simultaneously

The Polyana-D4M1 command and control system.This week Russian civil and defense concern Roselektronika premiered Polyana-D4M1, an automated command and control system for air defense, at the IDEX-2017 defense exhibition in Abu Dhabi. Sputnik gets into the details of what exactly the system is capable of.Speaking to Expert Online, a representative of Rostec, the state holding company which Roselektronika is part of, explained that the Polyana-D4M1 command and control system is designed to control anti-aircraft missile systems with a variety of ranges, including long-range systems like the S-300, medium-range weapons like the Buk-M1, and short-range systems like the Tor-M1 missile system.According to Rostec, the Polyana-D4M1 is designed to help defend vast territories of up to 800 by 800 square kilometers (which is about one hundred thousand square kilometers larger than the country of France) against air attack. The system can monitor up to 500 enemy objects at a time, tracking up to 255 of them in real time.S-400 regiment enters on duty in CrimeaState-of-the-Art Defense: One Russia’s S-400 Worth Four US Patriot PAC-3Equipped with 20 data channels, the system collects and processes information from both ground- and air-based radar systems, as well as air traffic control centers. Polyana can communicate with up to 14 anti-aircraft missile systems, command posts and headquarters simultaneously.In other words, the system coordinates air defense – protecting critical government facilities, industrial areas, military bases and areas where military units may be deployed. In a conflict situation, the Polyana-D4M1 becomes a fire control system for subordinate air defense installations on the basis of data it receives from radar reconnaissance.The response time for the C&C system (i.e. the time between when Polyana receives the signal and the time it communicates it to subordinate air defense systems to fire) is only 2-3 seconds.
The Polyana-D4M1 package includes the mobile command point itself, a command staff vehicle, a support vehicle, and two mobile diesel electrical generating stations.According to Rostec, the system is equipped with built-in artificial intelligence and, consequently, is capable of accumulating knowledge. The system is capable of managing air defense in three basic modes –manual (based entirely on operator commands), semi-automatic (the operator is issued recommendations and chooses whether to approve them or not), and fully automatic (where the operator does not take part in the control process, and decisions are managed by AI).An S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile system displayed during the international military-technical forum ARMY-2016 at the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center in the Military Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Russian Armed Forces, near MoscowRussia’s Next Gen S-500 Prototype Launch Date AnnouncedGiven the system’s use of modern electronics, it is subject to incremental improvements –from the expansion in the number of controllable missile systems, to expansion in the number of radar systems providing it with data.The Polyana-D4M1 is capable of ‘plugging in’ to both Russian and foreign-made air defense systems. Accordingly, Rostec says that the system is flexible enough to be a good buy for foreign buyers, since it can be adapted and integrated into the air defense control systems of any country.Development of the Polyana-D4, the D4M1’s predecessor, began in the late Soviet period, with the system adopted into the Soviet Army’s air defense forces starting in 1986. Production of the system was initially organized at the Minsk Electromechanical Plant, but later transferred to the Penza Radio Factory in Penza, central Russia. Since then, the system has been given multiple and substantive upgrades, taking into account the serious advances in the radio-electronic industry in recent years.Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the placement of U.S. missiles in nearby countries such as Romania and Poland will lead to a “Russian response”. In an unprecedented escalation of Cold War aggression, NATO now ups the pressure on an already unstable policy crisis.

Butler featured
Reuters and other western media report that Romania is now in “Putin’s crosshairs” should a confrontation ensue. In a redux of history, Romania seems bound to be an anti-Russian pawn as in previous wars. And Poland’s leadership proves once-and-for-all they are witless puppets.

This latest escalation is the most serious of all, considering the nature of the weapons being deployed and their locations. But NATO (and its lap dogs) contend the systems are aimed at stopping incoming missiles from Iran. Considering Iran does not even have the capability to strike itself with 100% effectiveness right now, it’s laughable what the Washington/Brussels war talkers are spitting out.
The missile installation in Romania is the first land-based defensive missile launcher in Europe. It is part of a larger NATO defense shield that includes a command-and-control center at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, a radar installation in Turkey and four ships capable of identifying enemy missiles and firing their own SM-3s, based in Rota, Spain.
The reality of this situation is exactly as Mr. Putin suggests. NATO is intent on eliminating Russia’s retaliatory capability, while at the same time adding first strike capability for NATO. Russia cannot allow this to happen. This is the whole point here.
Poland Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski claims to Polish are horrified Iran is about to launch a nuclear strike. To quote Mr. Waszczykowski:
“President Putin should know very well that the anti-missile shield in Poland has no relevance to Russian security. This system is to defend Europe from a missile attack from the Middle East.”
Iran-Poland Attack: Not Likely Until the Year 2525
Romania missile defense
Romanian missile defense
But Iran does not even have a program in place that would facilitate such an attack. To suggest this is a huge lie, and Mr. Putin has called it as much. These anti-ballistic missile systems are designed to negate retaliation in the event NATO was to launch a blitzkrieg on Moscow.
Russia’s fears, that defensive missiles can be reprogrammed as offensive ballistic missiles, are valid here too. First and foremost, it’s necessary to clear up this “Iran” fear for Polish leaders.
The WikiLeaks revelations from 2009 cables show clearly that Poland’s leaders fear Russia far more than Iran. Not only this, but they also show the US tone toward these NATO partners.
“Sharing most, if not all of our views” is how the wording goes when US Ambassador Victor Ash reported to Washington as his tour ended. Interestingly, Ash sits on the the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which essentially rules western propaganda. The point being, Poland’s leadership is lying through their teeth, and everybody knows it.
Romania’s Yosemite Sam
From left US Vice Admiral James D Syring, Romanian President Traian Basescu , US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy James N Miller, and Romanian Defense Minister Mircea Dusa shovel sand during the official ground breaking ceremony of an U.S. Aegis Ashore missile defense base in Deveselu, Romania, Oct. 28, 2013 (file photo)
From left US Vice Admiral James D Syring, Romanian President Traian Basescu, US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy James N Miller, and Romanian Defense Minister Mircea Dusa
As for Romania, former President Traian Basescu flat out called President Putin a liar, and jabbed at Romania’s current President Klaus Iohannis for not having jumped up and down like Yosemite Sam over the Russian response to NATO’s latest idiotic move. But just who is lying, who is stupid, and who is just a sellout?
First of all, an Iranian ballistic missile attack against Europe could not even be possible for the next few years, even if a program for long range capability were in place.
The most capable missiles now, the Sajjil-2 ballistic missiles under development, will not even be accurate enough to guarantee a target at these ranges. An Iran strike of more than 2,000 miles is as likely to hit the wrong country as it is the target nation, given the notoriously inaccurate weapons the country now possesses.
The Russian President’s concerns over the Deveselu facility that officially became operational this month in Romania are legitimate, and with frightful implications. The offensive capabilities of these weapons systems, if aimed at Russia, are nowhere to be found in ANY Congressional report I can find.
Mr. Putin also outlined these concerns to reporters in Greece:
“At the moment the interceptor missiles installed have a range of 500 kilometers, soon this will go up to 1000 kilometers, and worse than that, they can be rearmed with 2400km-range offensive missiles even today, and it can be done by simply switching the software, so that even the Romanians themselves won’t know.”
Liar, Liar, Romania and Poland on Fire
In order to understand how onerous these lies must be for the Russians, it’s necessary to recall a moment when US President Barack Obama assured then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he’d take care of Russia’s concerns when he was reelected. In the ultimate sidewinder reversal, Obama’s open mic gaff back in 2012 stinks up this whole affair. Obama was accidentally recorded saying to Medvedev:
“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Vladimir Putin) to give me space.”
U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a bilateral meeting before they both attend the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit later today in Seoul, South Korea, March 26, 2012
U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a bilateral meeting before attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea, March 26, 2012
Most people do not even realize that these Aegis and SM-3 Block IIA interceptors’ site plans were never really abandoned at all. Obama and the West promised to stop, but there’s no way those sites could have be operational now unless preparations had not been ongoing. Also, the “offensive” capabilities of these systems are veiled as well.
The newest versions are can destroy Russian satellites in low orbit, on top of the anti-retaliatory capabilities.
More important still, it is suggested that the SM-3 Block IIA now in development by Raytheon, will have limited nuclear weapons delivery capability of an offensive nature (see decommissioned W80 nuclear warhead for Tomahawk cruise missiles).
The Block IIA’s design closely resembles a small version of the Trident ICMB, and the payload capability matches the profile of a medium range ballistic missile. Research is obviously top secret, but Navy experience reminds me that an “Orbital Boost Vehicle” would enable exactly what Mr. Putin claimed. These missiles could be refitted to deliver a lethal nuclear or EMP first strike on Russia.
This Defense Industry Daily report shows a formidable shore based ABM system with every increasing capability, derived from the US Navy Aegis Cruiser systems. So Mr. Basescu’s posturing is best left in the cartoon realm, for this is no funny game. Putin and Russia will do what he says, and the Romanian system has already been certified as operational.
Russia is already pushed back to the wall by the EU and NATO, next they will move forward. The Polish and Romanian people have a right to not just know, but to understand the true implications of operational ABMs like these on their soil. Older readers will remember the ABM agreements back in the Reagan days. Space weapons and ABMs were the real détente killers back then, and they are even more so today.

Massive NATO military exercise in Poland – preparation for war with Russia?

NATO seems to be preparing for a war with Russia, which is entirely in keeping with the anti-Russian rhetoric spewed by NATO commander General Breedlove and a whole host of western politicians and talking heads
A massive NATO military exercise involving 24 nations began in Poland and Germany on the 7th June, 2016, as explained by this article on the US Army’s website:
INOWROCLAW, Poland — Polish Soldiers from the 56th Aviation Base, and U.S. Soldiers from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade “Task Force Griffin,” augmented by 3rd Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 127th Aviation Support Battalion, 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade and 3rd Battalion, 501st Aviation, 1AD CAB participated in the Polish led opening ceremonies for Anakonda 16, here, June 6, at Inowroclaw Air Base.
The ceremony marked the beginning of the exercise which will include combined planning, rehearsal and execution of air assault, attack and heavy lift aviation operations culminating in a battalion size air-assault.
“It was great meeting and shaking hands with the Polish Soldiers after the ceremony,” said Pvt. Jalani Jones, a 42A Human Resources Specialist, from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1AD CAB. “The camaraderie was instant between us, even though we didn’t speak the same language.”
The 12th CAB or “Task Force Griffin” deployed over 60 aircraft and 800 Soldiers to multiple locations throughout Poland.
“We do not always get the opportunity to work with foreign armies,” said Spc. Jarrett Green, a 15P Aviation Operations Specialist from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd. Bn., 227th Avn. Regt., 1 ACB. “It’s a great experience to see new European countries and how their militaries operate.”
The logistical planning for Anakonda 16 began months ago in Germany and the scale of the exercise provides a unique challenge when executing operations across such a large area.
“The reception and integration from our Polish Allies has been fantastic,” said Maj. David Hankins, the Brigade Logistics Officer for 12th CAB. “Their logistical support made our setup much easier.”
Anakonda 2016, scheduled to run through June 17, is a Polish national exercise designed to train, exercise and integrate Polish command and force structure into a joint multinational environment.

While Russia seems to be largely ignoring this massive NATO exercise, it will not have gone unnoticed in the Kremlin. It is just the latest in a long series of aggressive NATO moves that have seen NATO forces and influence move ever close to Russia’s borders, deployment of NATO assets to forward positions (Radars and missiles in Poland and Ukraine, for instance) and highly beligerent, aggressive rhetoric from NATO commanders like General Breedlove. 
But why is this happening? The official line in the West is that Putin’s Russia is dangerous, aggressive and expansionist, that we should all fear the Russian Bear and prepare ourselves with more money spent on defense than at any time since the darkest days of the Cold War.
Quite frankly, I think that is all utter hogwash and that we are being manipulated by fear yet again so that the nefarious agenda of the international criminal cabal can be moved forward. This was the case with both world wars and I have no doubt it will be the case with the next one.
Winston Churchill admitted that ww2 was not about defeating and destroying the Nazis, it was about breaking and destroying Germany and the German people; French General Alphonse Juin remarked to American General George Patton in 1945 that ‘we (the Allies) have destroyed the last great nation of Europe’ in reference to the destruction of Germany.
The next war will not be about defeating Putin and his expansionist plans for Russia, it will be about breaking and destroying Russia and the Russian people.
Patch for the NATO Hunter 2016 exercise in Lithuania – note that is a Russian tank in the crosshairs.
Why do they want to destroy Russia so badly? Well, there are a number of very important reasons:
  1. Russia is the traditional enemy of the Khazars, it was the Russians who finally drew a line under the criminal enterprise that was Khazaria by crushing the kingdom and sending the Khazars fleeing  west into Europe where they became the Ashkenazi Jews. The Khazars have never forgiven Russia and never will as if you study the Protocols of Zion you will see that revenge is important to them, they are a very vindictive people who follow an agenda that has been in existence a very longtime, so to them, the passing of a few centuries matters not, they still ache for revenge.
  2. Russia is the last remaining powerful country that has maintained it’s sovereignty. The USA, Europe and most other countries have surrendered their sovereignty to a variety of multi-national corporate and banking interests and to intra-national trade groups like NAFTA, TAFTA and TTIP. Therefore Russia stands in the way of the plans for globalisation that are intended to place unprecedented power in the hands of a small group that are un-elected and above national governments. In Europe, the current unrest caused by the BREXIT debacle is a clear symptom of the unease felt by many at the centralisation of power into the hands of un-elected bureaucrats in Strassbourg and Brussels. The EU and Merkel are threatening Britain with the promise to sever trade ties should the British people vote to leave the EU. No-one seems to have noticed that Norway and Switzerland are not EU members but do most of their trade with the EU; so why should Britain not be afforded the same status?
  3. Russia has, since the dark days of the Yeltsin regime in the 1990s, completely transformed it’s military and technology, no longer do they have ‘a bunch of rusted out junk’ as Putin himself quipped. The Russian Army, while a fraction of it’s former size has transformed itself into a highly mobile all-arms force that is highly flexible in doctrine and deployment and is lavishly equipped with state of the art weapons and systems. In contrast, the US military has been declining in capabilities for decades. Rampant corruption has mean that every defense project ends up years behind schedule and costing vastly more than originally budgeted; therefore the US finds itself fielding weapons and equipment that is no longer the best in the world and in many cases, is barely fit for purpose. Even worse, since ww2, the US military has seen a decline in the quality and competency of it’s officer corps that truly boggles the mind. The only way this can be accounted for is deliberate policy – promote people based not on competency but on moral flexibility, willingness to follow any order, lack or regard for the lives of the men serving under them. The upshot of these two contrasting developments is that the Russian military is growing stringer while the USA’s forces are growing weaker and the European armies were never worth much anyways, the British being the exception, although they too are too reliant on US cooperation. So we get a situation where a mindset of ‘if we don’t fight them now, they will be too strong for us to be able to defeat’ develops among NATO commanders.
Personally, I think that a war with Russia would be a terrible disaster for all the people of Europe, the USA and Russia. In the face of ever-increasing hostility and belligerence, Putin has made no secret of the fact that Russia will use it’s military to destroy anyone who attacks them with statements such as ‘anyone who hurts us won’t live three days’. Of course, he is referring to Russia’s huge arsenal of thermonuclear weapons. Can we really be returning to the bad old days where every city in Europe, Russia and North America had an ICBM targeted on it and the spectre of  utter annihilation hung over us like a canopy of gray cloud. It really pains me to says so, but yes, we are and it is every bit as batshit crazy this time around.

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