Thursday, August 20, 2015

Suppressed War News:More than 200 Saudi are arrested by the Syrian authorities over their terrorist activities







Saudi Intelligence Chief to Visit Damascus Soon

TEHRAN (FNA) – In the context of the Russian initiative to sustain the Saudi-Syrian rapprochement, KSA Intelligence Chief may visit Damascus by the end of August, according to well-informed sources.

More than 200 Saudi are arrested by the Syrian authorities over their terrorist activities as 700 others have joined the militant groups which are fighting the Army, Al-Manar reported.

The sources added that the Russian side has managed to convince the Saudi leaders that battling ISIL and all the terrorist groups is of a great importance for all the regional countries.

Russia considers that preserving the Saudi-Syrian-Egyptian triangle will preserve the political and security situation in the Middle East and that if the terrorist groups manage to destroy this formula, terrorism will invade the whole region and reach Europe, according to the sources.

The sources note that the Saudi-Syrian convergence is expected to reach fruitful results yet that it needs time for KSA to arrange its internal files in preparation for a strategic change.

Political Analyst: Israel behind Siege of Shiite-Populated Areas in Syria

Political Analyst: Israel behind Siege of Shiite-Populated Areas in Syria

TEHRAN (FNA)- Abdul Rahman Al-Zala, political analyst and Head of the Islamic Unity Studies Center of Syria’s Levant, underlined that the siege of Shiite-populated areas in the countryside of Idlib by pro-Saudi Takfiri terrorists is an Israeli plot.

“The Takfiri groups supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar with their prolonged siege of al-Foa and Kafria proved that they are dirty tools for implementing the plots by the US and Israel to disintegrate the region,” Al-Zala told FNA on Tuesday.

He noted that the attempts by the Al-Nusra Front and Jeish al-Fath terrorists to enter Kafria and al-Foa and committing horrendous crimes there proves that these groups have not learned anything about Islam.

On Saturday, Syria’s popular defense forces of the Shiite-populated town of Foa killed nearly two dozen Takfiri terrorists and injured many more. At least 23 Al-Nusra Front terrorists were killed in Foa town. The Syrian popular defense forces also seized the nearby town of Kafria.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

Al-Nusra Kidnaps at Least Five More US Trained Militants in Syria

Al-Nusra Kidnaps at Least Five More US Trained Militants in Syria

TEHRAN (FNA) – Al-Nusra Front kidnapped at least five more US-trained militants during an overnight raid in Northwestern Syria, reports said.

“Between Monday and Tuesday, al-Nusra Front seized at least five rebels from Division 30 in the village of Qah, near the Turkish border,” the chief of the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

Last week al-Nusra Front attacked the same US-trained division, kidnapping the unit’s commander, along with seven members of the Division, according to the observatory.

Syrian Army Advancing against Rebel Groups in North of Lattakia

Syrian Army Advancing against Rebel Groups in North of Lattakia

TEHRAN (FNA) – Informed sources in the coastal province of Lattakia said that the country’s army men have gained the upper hand against the militant groups in parts of the Northern battlefields in Lattakia province.

The sources said that several militants were killed or wounded in the Syrian army’s operations in Frunluq Forests and al-Azer Mountain. The sources added that the army has launched mop-up operations in the abovementioned fighting areas to haunt the rest of the rebel fighters.

On Saturday, Some 50 Takfiri militants were killed in Syrian air raids in the countryside of Lattakia.

The air raids hit hideouts and concentration centers of terrorists in Dweirshan, al-Rawda, al-Wadi and al-Durra in the Northern countryside of Lattakia, killing 50 Takfiri militants, most of them foreign militants.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorist Attack on Western Aleppo

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorist Attack on Western Aleppo

TEHRAN (FNA) – The Syrian army repelled the terrorists’ attack on the Western parts of Aleppo for the fourth time. The foreign-backed terrorists were pushed back from the surrounding areas of the Family House district in Western Aleppo before they could capture the area, Syrian military sources announced.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured in heavy clashes with the Syria troops.

Also in the past 24 hours, the Syrian Air Force in a statement strongly denied the news reports that one of its warplanes has been shot down in Idlib province early Monday.

Some Arab and western media claimed yesterday that a Syrian air force fighter jet had crashed in a marketplace in the Northwestern town of Ariha, killing at least 23 people.

“The report about the crash of a Syrian warplane is not true; this has actually been a US missile strike,” the Arab-language al-Mayadeen TV quoted an informed Syrian government source as saying.

Meantime, the terrorists in Syria have received hazardous chemical substances loaded in trucks crossing the borders from neighboring Jordan.

“The Takfiri terrorist groups have received dangerous chemicals in trucks which crossed Jordan into Syria through Nasib border crossing,” local Syrian sources disclosed.

The local sources also revealed that the hazardous chemical substances included chlorine agent.

Meantime, an ISIL suicide bomber blew himself up in a command center of the rival Al-Nusra Front in Idlib countryside. The suicide attack by the ISIL was carried out in Harem region of Idlib countryside and killed a large number of Al-Nusra Front terrorists, including senior commanders.

Ahrar al-Sham terrorist group, an ally of Al-Nusra Front, in a statement on Monday said that the ISIL attack on Al-Nusra Front command center has inflicted heavy casualties on the group.

Elsewhere, the Syrian army troops retook the Hamka hill in Idlib province from the Takfiri militants. The army regained control over Hamka hill in Idlib countryside. A group of terrorists were killed, and militants’ machinegun-equipped vehicles and mortar launchers were also destroyed in the operation.

Also, the Syrian government forces targeted positions of the foreign-backed Takfiri militants in Quneitra, and killed a large group of them.

The army targeted Takfiri militants’ hideouts and concentration centers in al- Hamehiyeh and al-Samadaniyeh al-Gharbiyeh villages in the countryside of Quneitra, and killed a large group of terrorists, and destroyed all their weapons and ammunition.

The Syrian forces also targeted the hideouts of terrorists, most of them affiliated to al-Nusra Front, in the vicinity of the main square of Quneitra city, killing and injuring a large group of them.

Meantime, the Syrian army continued its advances in the Southern parts of the Arab country, killing tens of Takfiri militants, including a notorious commander.

The Takfiri terrorist commander was killed in the army’s operations in al-Manshieh district of the city of Daraa in Southern Syria, the Syria Observatory for Human Rights said. The UK-based monitoring group did not reveal further details, including the name of the Takfiri terrorist commander.

Elsewhere, the Syrian army and the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement made considerable gains in Idlib province, Northwestern Syria, deploying troops in a region close Jisr al-Shugour and preparing for a major offensive to take back the city.

Military sources confirmed that the Syrian troops and the Lebanese resistance forces are now only a quarter of a mile away from Jisr al-Shughour.

“The army and Hezbollah’s joint forces have deployed in a region around al-Sarmania village which is adjacent to Jisr al-Shughour… ,” a military source told FNA.

Meantime, a military expert hailed the Syrian army’s recent victories against the foreign-backed terrorists, and said that the new military gains in Hama and Idlib provinces are prelude to large-scale battles targeting the militants across the country.

“The Syrian army is conducting military operations to assess the military capabilities of the terrorists and bring them out of their hideouts to pave the way for a major battle to seize back the cities of Aleppo, Jisr al-Shugour and Ariha,” Syrian military expert Ali Maqsoud told FNA.

He pointed to the Syrian army’s strategy in its battles against the terrorist in Idlib and Hama, and said, “The Syrian army conducted unique and precise strategic military operations to bring out terrorists from their hideouts and then hunt them.”

Elsewhere, the Syrian government forces struck a heavy blow at the Takfiri militants in Sweida on Monday, leaving a large group of them dead.

The army killed all members of a terrorist group affiliated to the ISIL after monitoring their movements in al-Qaser village, 60 km to the Northeast of Sweida, a military source said.

Also, the Syrian forces killed 73 Takfiri militants in the province of Hama, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Meantime, informed sources in the Central Syria said that the country’s army has been successful in defending its positions against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists’ offensives in the Northern side of Homs city, and killed several of them.

The Sources confirmed that the ISIL terrorists’ infiltration attempts were foiled by the army men in the nearby areas of Hosh al-Talib towards Kafr Nan in al-Hola area, killing and injuring tens of the foreign-backed fighters.

Syrian Air, Ground Forces Hit ISIL Positions Hard near Palmyra

Syrian Air, Ground Forces Hit ISIL Positions Hard near Palmyra

TEHRAN (FNA) – The Syrian Air and Ground Forces stormed strongholds of the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in the nearby areas of Palmyra, in the Central province of Homs, and forced them to retreat from their positions, military sources said.

The sources said that the Syrian army’s operations against the ISIL gathering centers at the entrance of al-Masek valley and al-Zakari valley in Palmyra’s countryside resulted in the killing and injuring of scores of rebels.

The Syrian warplanes also attacked the ISIL hideouts in the surrounding areas of Jazal and Palmyra, said the sources and added that dozens of terrorists were killed or wounded in the airstrikes.

On Sunday, the Sources confirmed that the ISIL terrorists’ infiltration attempts were foiled by the army men in the nearby areas of Hosh al-Talib towards Kafr Nan in al-Hola area, killing and injuring tens of the foreign-backed fighters.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

Syrian Army Takes Control of Foru Town in Hama Province

Syrian Army Takes Control of Foru Town in Hama Province

TEHRAN (FNA)- Military sources said on Tuesday that the country’s army has won back the Foru town near Hama, in Central Syria. The sources said that the army’s massive offensives against al-Nusra Front’s strongholds in the countryside of Hama city resulted in taking full control over Foru town.

The sources added that the army is fortifying its position around the recaptured areas.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Syrian Army Foils Infiltration Attempt in Sweida

Syrian Army Foils Infiltration Attempt in Sweida

TEHRAN (FNA) – The Syrian army troops thwarted an infiltration attempt by the Takfiri militants in the Southern province of Sweida on Tuesday. The army repelled a terrorist group’s attempt to infiltrate into Tal al-Sheikh Hussein to the South of al-Tha’ala Airport in the Northern countryside of Sweida.

The army bombed the Takfiri terrorists’ hideouts and movements at the vicinity of Tal al-Sheikh Hussein, killing and injuring a number of the militants.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

7 Militants Killed in Syria’s Lattakia

7 Militants Killed in Syria's Lattakia

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army continued their mop-up operations against the foreign-backed militants in Lattakia province on Tuesday, killing 7 of them. The army, backed by the air force, destroyed a rockets’ depot and a car equipped with heavy machinegun belonging to the terrorists in Marj Khoukha village in the Northern countryside of Lattakia.

A military source said that 7 terrorists, most of them foreigners, were killed and 15 others were injured.

The self-proclaimed leader of a terrorist group, Abu Osman al-Tajiki, and the Lebanese militant, Ma’moun al-Hatar (aka Abu Mohammed al-Muhajer) were among the dead terrorists.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Syrian Army Retakes Grounds in Jisr Al-Shughour near Idlib + Video

Syrian Army Retakes Grounds in Jisr Al-Shughour near Idlib

Syrian Army Retakes Grounds in Jisr Al-Shughour near Idlib

Syrian Army units, backed by the voluntary forces, have recaptured lands near the northwestern region of Jisr Al-Shughour, inflicting heavy losses on foreign-backed terrorists in the strategic zone, known as the gate to the provincial capital of Idlib, Al-Alam News Network reports.

According to Lebanese Al-Manar TV, Syrian forces have made significant gains in the eastern parts of Jisr Al-Shughour.

Armed militants withdrew the region after suffering heavy losses, and did not take the time to even take away their military equipment, Al-Manar reporter said.

Meanwhile, Aletejah TV reported that the Syrian Army, backed by the forces from the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, are “only a quarter of a mile away from Jisr al-Shughour”.


Suppressed War News


August 1, 2015


Syria Army Clears Hasakah of ISIL Terrorists

Syria Army Clears Hasakah of ISIL Terrorists

Syria Army Clears Hasakah of ISIL Terrorists

The Syrian army announced on Saturday that it has full control over the eastern city of Hasakah after eliminating the last remnants of terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who infiltrated into the city’s neighborhoods on June 25, Al-Alam News Network reports.

The Syrian army, air force, and the paramilitary National Defense Force on Saturday conducted a number of operations against ISIL terrorists in different provinces of the Arab country.

Field sources told SANA reporter in Hasakah Saturday that last night and early morning Saturday, an army unit conducted intensive operations against ISIL positions in Al-Zohour neighborhood on the southern outskirts of the city, which resulted in killing and injuring dozens of terrorists.

During last month, ISIL terrorists perpetrated massacres and crimes against the civilians of the province, destroyed a number of their houses and burnt SADCOP Company’s oil tanks which caused the loss of 16,200,000 liters of diesel.

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it, mostly in the east.

The terrorist group claims as an independent state the territory of Iraq and Syria, with implied future claims intended over more of the Levant, including Lebanon, occupied Palestine, Jordan, Cyprus, and Southern Turkey.

The US and its regional allies have been supporting the militants operating inside Syria for more than four years.

Syrian Army establishes control over Hasaka, areas in Hama, kills terrorists

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Provinces, SANA, The army, air force, and national backing forces conducted Saturday a number of operations against terrorists in different provinces in the contry, establishing control over some, clear others, and destroy terrorists’ vehicles and dens.


The Syrian Arab Army, in cooperation with national supporting forces, established full control over the eastern city of Hasaka after eliminating the last gatherings of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” terrorists who infiltrated into the  city’s neighborhoods on June 25th.

Field sources told SANA reporter in Hasaka Saturday that an army unit conducted, last night  and early morning Saturday, intensive operations against ISIS dens in the Faculties of  Economy and Civil Engineering to the east of Al- Zohour neighborhood on the southern  outskirts of the city, which resulted in killing and injuring tens of terrorists.

The army units, backed national forces, checked and cleared the two faculties from explosive devices which ISIS terrorists planted in the facilities of the both faculties.

ISIS terrorists sabotaged and destroyed the infrastructure of both faculties and looted  equipments and teaching devices, the reporter said.

ISIS terrorists perpetrated, during last month massacres and crimes against the civilians of  the province, destroyed a number of their houses and burnt SADCOP Company’s oil tanks which  caused the loss of 16,200,000 litres of diesel.


Units of the army and the armed forces on Saturday destroyed dens and hotbeds  of the Takfiri terrorist  organizations in the southern Daraa province.

A military source told SANA that all members of a terrorist group were killed and their arms and ammunition were destroyed in a special operation carried out by an army unit on Friday night to the northwest of Tal al-Za’atar, 8 km from Daraa city.

The source added that many terrorists were also killed, most of them from Jabhat al-Nusra,  in an operation carried out by a unit of the army against their hotbeds in the surroundings  of al-Banin School in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood.

Meanwhile, the Takfiri terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on the social networking websites that a number of their members were killed.

On Friday, army units killed more than a hundred terrorists during operations against their dens and gatherings in Daraa city, al-Meleiha al- Gharbiya and the eastern outskirts of the city,


A number of terrorists were killed and their military equipment destroyed in operations carried out by the army units against their dens in al-Hamidyia village in the southern Quneitra province.

The source added that an army unit also destroyed arms and ammunition belonging to the Takfiri terrorists, killing scores of them in Jibbat al-Khashab village.

An army unit also carried out intensive bombardments against positions of the terrorist organizations in Ovania village, inflicting heavy losses upon them personnel and equipment.


The army air force destroyed the supply routes of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations in the countryside of the northern Aleppo province.

A military source told SANA that the army air force carried out intensive airstrikes against positions and supply routes of the Takfiri terrorist organizations on the direction of Bshantara –Kafr Dael in the western countryside of the province.

The source added that a convoy of terrorists’ vehicles was destroyed in the strikes and all terrorists onboard were killed, some of the vehicles were equipped with heavy machineguns.


50 Terrorists killed, most of them of non- Syrian nationalities, in strikes by the Army air force against dens and gatherings of terrorist organizations in Dweirshan, al-rawda, al-wadi and al-Durra in the northern countryside of Lattakia.


Units of the army establish control over Zaizoun station in the north western countryside of Hama after killing a number of terrorists and destroying their arms and ammunition.

On Friday, the army units established  control over Ziyadia and Zayzoun towns in the countryside of Hama province after inflicting heavy losses among terrorists in personnel and weapons.

Field sources told SANA today that a unit of the army destroyed a gathering for terrorists in al-Madeq citadel town to the north-west of Hama.

The sources added that scores of terrorists were killed in the operation, among them leader of a terrorist group nicknamed as “Abu al-Dardar.”

Turkish warplanes kill civilians in Kurdish region’s Qandil

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Turkish fighter jets launched a fresh attack against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on Saturday, killing 10  civilians and injuring 11 others in the Qandil Mountains of the Kurdistan region, a Rudaw reporter at the scene said.

“We were all sleeping when the Turkish fighter jets bombarded our village,” Ismail Abdula Ghader, one of the injured civilians,said by phone this morning. The bombing targeted Zargali village in Rawanduz district, which is on the outskirt of the Qandil Mountains. The PKK was used the area as a stronghold for many years.

Ghader said the fighter jets dropped bombs over the civilians’ houses and killed six civilians instantly and injured seven others.

The Hurriyet Daily News reported Friday an intelligence source saying that 30 F-16 warplanes shelled 130 targets in the Qandil Mountains both inside the Turkey and in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The source also claimed that Turkish airstrikes have killed 190 PKK guerrillas and injured at least 300 others. The PKK has previously confirmed the death of four members because of the recent aerial attacks in Qandil.

Turkey claims its attacks are “in retaliation” for the killings of two Turkish police officers last week, for which the PKK claimed responsibility.

The latest conflict has possibly brought to a halt a peace agreement reached between Ankara and the PKK two years ago.

Since July 24, Turkish air force jets and artillery have kept up a wave of attacks against the PKK, including five rounds of airstrikes on Saturday that targeted the Qandil Mountains.

Syrian Army foils a terrorist attack at Tha’ala air port, establishes control over town in Hama, kills terrorists in other areas

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Provinces, SANA- The army and armed forces units continued Friday combating terrorism in different areas of the country, killing and injuring scores of them and destroy their vehicles and weaponry.


A Syrian Arab Army unit foiled a terrorist group’s attempt to infiltrate into the vicinity of al-Tha’ala airport in the countryside of Sweida province.

A military source told SANA that the clashes resulted in killing and injuring all of the assailants and destroying their vehicles and weaponry.

Another army unit prevented an infiltration attempt by terrorists from the direction of Tal Saad and the dump towards Tal Bouthaina, located around 35km northeast of Sweida city, killing many terrorists and destroying their weapons and ammo.


More than a 100 terrorist killed in Daraa

Army units killed more than a hundred terrorist during operations against their dens and gatherings in Daraa city, al-Meleiha al-Gharbiya and the eastern outskirts of the city, after the units launched intensive strikes against terrorists’ gatherings south of Syriatel Buliding and the area surrounding Electricity Company in Daraa al-Balad in Daraa province, killing many of terrorists and destroying their ammo and weaponry.

The Army destroyed dens of “Jabhat al-Nusra” and” al-Muthanna Islamic Movement” in the southeastern part of al-Mliha al-Gharbia in the northeast countryside of Daraa.

A number of terrorists were killed, others were injured and their weapons and ammunition were destroyed during the operation.

An army unit eliminated many terrorists and destroyed their weapons in the area surrounding Tal al-Sheikh Hussein northeast of Daraa.

To the north of Daraa city, the army targeted with intensive strikes terrorists’ convoys in Ibta’a town and destroyed their vehicles, some of them equipped with machineguns.

Another army unit killed a number of terrorists and destroyed their weapons and ammunition during accurate strikes against “Saudi Palace” on Daraa Taffas road in the northern countryside.

The Army also killed many terrorists, injured many others and destroyed their weapons in the area surrounding Zimrin village to the northwest of Daraa city.

Army units killed members of “Jabhat al-Nusra” and” al-Muthanna Islamic Movement” and destroyed many of their vehicles during intensive strikes against their dens in Ataman town, east of al-Qassr al-Abyad rest stop and in Daraa neighborhood.


A number of terrorists were killed and others were injured during army operation against their dens and gatherings in Mashara village to the north of Tal al-Harra in Quneitra.


Meanwhile, other army units killed a number of terrorists in the villages of al-Kabir, al-Helweh and al-Durra in the northern countryside of Lattakia province.

An Army unit destroyed a mortar launcher and killed all its staff during intensive strikes against their gatherings in al-Kabir village in the northern countryside of the province.

Mohamed al-Sheikh Ali and Rajab al-Haj Jom’a were among those killed.


In central Syria,Army units eliminated several terrorists in Unk al-Hawa, Rahoom, al-Shandkhania al-Shamalia and al-Rastan in Homs countryside.


A military source said that army units destroy terrorist hideouts around the Air Force Academy and the Scientific Research center and in al-Rashidin, al-Mansoura, New Aleppo, al-Lairamoun, and Khan al-Assal in Aleppo and its countryside.

The source added that the army also prevented infiltration attempts by terrorists from in the directions of Khanasser, al-Safira, and Family House in the province.


The Army’s Air Force eliminated a number of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in Abu al-Duhour, Ariha, Jisr al-Shughour, Tal al-Sahn, Jannet al-Qura, al-Hamidiye, and Marj al-Zuhour in Idleb and its countryside, a military source said.


Army establishes control over Ziyadia and Zayzoun towns

Army units established control over Ziyadia and Zayzoun towns in the countryside of Hama province after inflicting heavy losses among terrorists in personnel and weapons, the military source affirmed.

Earlier on the day, army units eliminated large numbers of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in Zeizoun, the Zeizoun station housing area, and al-Madiq Citadel in Hama countryside.

Syria: Dozens of Militants Killed in Failed Terror Attack

Syria: Dozens of Militants Killed in Failed Terror Attack

TEHRAN (FNA)- A failed terror attack on a makeshift army base outside the Syrian city of Aleppo has left at least 25 militants dead, reports said Saturday.

Three senior militant commanders were among 25 terrorists killed late Friday, said the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

Syrian Army Retakes 2 Towns in Hama

Syrian Army Retakes 2 Towns in Hama

TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian army retook 2 towns in the countryside of Hama from the foreign-backed Takfiri militants.

The army regained control over the towns of Ziyadia and Zayzoun, and inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists, a military source said Friday.

Earlier, the army forces killed large numbers of terrorists, and destroyed their vehicles in Zayzoun, the Zayzoun station housing area, and al-Madiq Citadel in Hama countryside.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists’ Attack on Strategic Airport in Sweida

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Repels Terrorists' Attack on Strategic Airport in Sweida

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army thwarted an attempt by the terrorist groups to take control of a strategic military airport in the province of Sweida.

The foreign-backed terrorists were pushed back from the surrounding areas of al-Tha’ala Military Airport in Sweida.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured in heavy clashes with the army over the control of the airport.

Also in the past 24 hours, the Syrian army made new gains in the countryside of Hama by winning back three strategic regions.

The army units seized back al-Masoura and Kharba al-Qanous towns as well as Savame al-Hoboub area in Sahl Dasht region in Hama countryside.

The Syrian army started fresh military operations against the Takfiri terrorists in Hama countryside on Thursday evening.

Meanwhile, army units destroyed the terrorists’ strongholds in Qastoun, al-Ankawi, Kafar Zeta in Hama countryside.

Also the local sources said that the army killed the so-called leader of Al-Nusra Front named Hassan al-Mohammad in al-Madiq Citadel in the Eastern parts of Hama.

Elsewhere, the Syrian Army gained the upper hand against the militants of al-Nusra Front and the ISIL in some parts of the Southern province of Dara’a.

Informed sources said that the Syrian soldiers’ operations against Takfiri terrorists of the ISIL in the nearby areas of Atman town in the Northern countryside of Dara’a province resulted in the killing and injuring of a number of them.

The army also inflicted heavy losses upon al-Nusra Front terrorists in the Eastern countryside of Dara’a city.

Abdel Qader Abdel Rahman al-Sharif, a senior rebel commander, was among the killed terrorists in the battlefield.

Meantime, informed military sources in the Southwestern province of Quneitra said that the Syrian Army cut the supply route of al-Nusra Front in the Northern parts of the province.

The sources said that the Syrian army has intensified its operations against strongholds of al-Nusra fighters in Quneitra and hit one of their main logistic routs near Taranja village.

The source added that the army also destroyed terrorists’ positions in the town of Mas’hara in the Eastern side of the province.

Also, the Syrian Army and popular forces, in joint operations, stormed the positions of al-Nusra Front across the costal province of Lattakia, and killed or wounded several fighters, the military sources announced.

The sources said that the country’s soldiers and popular forces pushed back Nusra militants from the nearby areas of al-Furolouq forests and Tal al-Araz in the Northern countryside of Lattakia and killed scores of them.

Elsewhere, scores of al-Nusra Front rebels were killed or injured in the joint operations of the Syrian Army and Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement in Zabadani.

The military sources said that the Syrian and Hezbollah forces seized control over Barada mosque and a number of buildings in the Southern edge of the city, killing a number of terrorists in the battlefront.

The army and Lebanese resistance advanced towards al-Shalah region into the direction of Za’atout street near al- Mahata and tightened the grip on the terrorist organizations.

The army operations ended up with the killing of a number of al-Nusra terrorists, including Mohammad Dalati, Mohamad Shahada and Osama Ali Hamdan.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fuelled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 230,000 people, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people, including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year.

Over 3.8 million Syrians have left their country since the beginning of the crisis. According to reports, more than seven million Syrians have become internally displaced.



United States to deploy stealth F-22 fighter jets to Europe in response to Russian advances in Crimea

  • The elite jets will be part of a broader effort to support eastern European NATO members unnerved by Russia's intervention in Ukraine
  • The first deployment of the F-22 to Europe outside air shows is seen as a move to address growing concerns about Russian military aggression
  • The Air Force said the deployment allow U.S. forces to train with NATO partners across Europe and test the aircraft's abilities

The United States will deploy F-22 fighter jets to Europe very soon as part of a broader effort to support eastern European members of the NATO alliance unnerved by Russia's intervention in Ukraine, Air Force Secretary Deborah James said on Monday.

James did not give details about the specific number of planes, date or location of the deployment, but said it was in line with Defense Secretary Ash Carter's recent call for a strong and balanced approach to Russia.

The first deployment of the Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) F-22 to Europe outside air shows is seen as a move to address growing concerns among NATO allies about Russian military aggression. The Air Force has also been using radar-evading F-22 fighter jets to carry out some its attacks against Islamic State, the first real combat air strikes by the jets.

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The United States will deploy F-22 fighter jets to Europe very soon as part of a broader effort to support eastern European members of the NATO alliance unnerved by Russia's intervention in Ukraine


The United States will deploy F-22 fighter jets to Europe very soon as part of a broader effort to support eastern European members of the NATO alliance unnerved by Russia's intervention in Ukraine

Announcement: 'Russia's military activity in the Ukraine continues to be of great concern to us and to our European allies,' Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, left, told a news conference at the Pentagon


Announcement: 'Russia's military activity in the Ukraine continues to be of great concern to us and to our European allies,' Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, left, told a news conference at the Pentagon

'Russia's military activity in the Ukraine continues to be of great concern to us and to our European allies,' James told a news conference at the Pentagon. 'For the Air Force, an F-22 deployment is certainly on the strong side of the coin.'

Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh James said the F-22's inaugural training deployment in Europe would allow U.S. forces to train with NATO partners across Europe, testing the ability of the jets to communicate and fight together with the Eurofighter, and other advanced warplanes.

China sends five aircraft for China-Russia joint Sea exercise

James said the deployment would give F-22 pilots more experience with the European terrain. The Air Force has previously deployed the jets in Japan and South Korea.

Welsh said it would also allow the jets to fly into and out of facilities that could be used in some future conflict.

The single-seat, twin-engine, all weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft was designed by Lockheed and Boeing Co (BA.N) as an air superiority fighter, but it can also be used for ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence.

The jets formally entered service in December 2005, with the last F-22 delivered to the Air Force in 2012.

Vladimir Putin gets into a submarine. This is not a drill

Putin continues to agitate the situation in the Crimea and just this month he plunged into the black see in a bathyscaphe off the coast of the disputed region of Ukraine


Putin continues to agitate the situation in the Crimea and just this month he plunged into the black see in a bathyscaphe off the coast of the disputed region of Ukraine

People walk past a graffito depicting Russia's President Vladimir Putin in the Crimean city of Simferopol. Russia military activity in the region has America's allies in the region getting increasingly nervous


People walk past a graffito depicting Russia's President Vladimir Putin in the Crimean city of Simferopol. Russia military activity in the region has America's allies in the region getting increasingly nervous



Bush Middle East War Continues

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on August 15, 2015


Jordanian Popular Forum calls for dismantling MOC operations room, halting interference in Syria

Amman, SANA – The Jordanian National Popular Forum called on the Jordanian authorities to stop Jordan’s negative official interference in the affairs of Syria, Iraq and Yemen and to put an end to its involvement in the Saudi and American alliances against these countries.

The participants in the forum called for dismantling the operations room in Jordan- known as MOC- at which terrorists are trained to launch attacks inside Syria, and for stopping coordination with the regional, international and Arab sides that are hostile towards Syria.

They stressed their rejection of any presence of members of terrorist organizations operating against the Syrian state on the Jordanian territories, warning of the repercussions of this Jordanian interference in Syria on the national, political, economic and social security of Jordan.


>Syria in Last 24 Hours: Infighting Intensifies among Rival Groups in Aleppo

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Infighting Intensifies among Rival Groups in AleppoTEHRAN (FNA)- Infighting intensified among the Takfiri terrorist groups in the countryside of Aleppo after their recent defeats in the war with the Syrian army.

The bloody clashes erupted between the ISIL and Ahrar al-Sham Takfiri terrorist groups in the Northern parts of Aleppo countryside.

The infighting erupted after the ISIL had attacked the headquarters of Ahrar al-Sham in Idlib countryside with two bomb-laden vehicles.

Also in the past 24 hours, tens of Takfiri terrorists were killed in militants’ repeated raids on the Western parts of Aleppo city in the last few days.

Aleppo has been the scene of heavy clashes between the terrorists and the Syrian troops in the last several weeks.

Elsewhere, hundreds of foreign-backed militants surrendered to the government troops in Al-Qalamoun region in Damascus countryside.

Over 1,200 terrorists laid down arms and surrendered to the Syrian authorities late Thursday, the Syrian local sources also confirmed.

The militants also turned over their cache of ammos to the authorities, both sources added.

The development came after President Bashar al-Assad in a televised address in July pardoned all soldiers who have fled the army, saying that his words served as a general decree to relevant officials.

Assad said even those who have fought the Syrian army will be pardoned. This was the third general amnesty declared by President Assad in the last four years.

Meantime, sources in the Southwestern province of Quneitra said militants have retreated from several battlefields following the Syrian Army’s offensives in various parts of the province.

The sources said that the army troops’ operations in al-Tuloul al-Homr, Trinjeh and Abo Shabta have resulted in the killing and wounding of several insurgents.

Also, military sources said that the Syrian Army carried out massive operations against the rebel groups’ centers in the Southern province of Dara’a, and pushed them back from their positions.

The sources said that the militants sustained heavy losses in the Syrian army men’s operations in al-Ghariyeh, Nawa, al-Yadoudeh, al-Nueimeh, Khrab al-Shahm, Bosra al-Harir and al-Sheikh Miskin.

Meantime, the Takfiri terrorists violated the 48-hour ceasefire they had earlier signed with the Syrian Army in the two towns of Kafria and Fouah in Idlib countryside.

The terrorists affiliated to Jeish al-Fath group led by the al-Nusrah Front and the Syrian army inked a ceasefire deal which started at 6 am Wednesday but it was violated by the Takfiri terrorists.

The terrorist groups resumed firing mortar shells and missiles at the residential areas in Fouah and Kafaria towns which killed 7 civilians and injured 24, some of them in critical conditions.

Elsewhere, the Syrian air raids targeted positions of the foreign-backed militants in several areas across Hama and Idlib.

The Syrian warplanes killed a number of terrorists in Tal Wasit, al-Ziara, Tal Zajram, al-Zaka, Kafar Zita and al-Bahsa in Hama countryside.

Meantime, large groups of the Takfiri militants were killed in Syrian military operations in several areas across Aleppo.

The army targeted hideouts of the ISIL terrorists in the vicinity of the air force academy, Balat and Assafiyra to the East of Aleppo city.

Over 120 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Iraqi Air Strikes

Over 120 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Iraqi Air Strikes

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iraqi air force conducted several airstrikes against positions of the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in the province of Salahuddin, and killed at least 125 of them.

The Takfiri militants were killed after Iraqi warplanes carried out precision strikes against ISIL positions in the town of al-Shirqat, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) North of the capital, Baghdad, a security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Friday.

The source further said that six arms depots belonging to the terrorists were completely destroyed in the air raids.

Commander of the Federal Police Forces Lieutenant General Raed Shaker Jawdat also said Iraqi police troopers have engaged ISIL militants in the city of Husaybah, which lies seven kilometers (4.5 miles) East of Anbar’s provincial capital city of Ramadi, killing 29 terrorists in the operation.

He added that a large amount of munitions and equipment, including rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, were destroyed in the operation.

Meanwhile, Iraqi troops backed by fighters from allied Popular Mobilization units have regained control of al-Mal’ab region in the province of Anbar. Ten terrorists were killed and three booby-trapped houses destroyed during the operation.

The ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently control shrinking swathes of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Ezadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq.

Senior Iraqi officials have blamed Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some Persian Gulf Arab states for the growing terrorism in their country.

The ISIL has links with Saudi intelligence and is believed to be indirectly supported by the Israeli regime.

Syrian Army Kills 3 Turkish Terrorists in Lattakia, Strikes ISIL Hideouts in Homs

Syrian Army Kills 3 Turkish Terrorists in Lattakia, Strikes ISIL Hideouts in Homs

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army killed 3 Turkish terrorists in the Northern countryside of Lattakia and struck hard the ISIL Takfiri terrorists’ hideouts in Palmyra countryside, military sources said Saturday.

The sources said that the Syrian army destroyed 5 cars of terrorists and killed 3 Turkish terrorists during its operations against al-Nusra Front hideouts in the Northern countryside of Lattakia.

The agency added that Syrian warplanes bombed the ISIL hideouts in Palmyra countryside, killing many terrorists.

The sources also confirmed the death of at least 33 terrorists affiliated to the so-called Jaish al-Fateh during the country’s army men operations in Idlib and Hama.

Rebels Sustain Heavy Losses in Syrian Army Operations in Lattakia Province

Rebels Sustain Heavy Losses in Syrian Army Operations in Lattakia Province

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army launched massive operations against the militants’ gathering centers in the coastal province of Lattakia, and pushed them back from their positions in different areas, the military sources said.

The sources said that the militants’ strongholds were massively stormed by the Syrian army men in Karfous, the nearby areas of Dair Hanna and Katef al-Ghanameh, which forced the rebels to retreat from their positions.

On Wednesday, a military source said that the army carried out operations against terrorists’ hideouts and concentration centers in Dweir al-Akrad, Jeb al-Ahmar and Abu Risheh, killing scores of terrorists and destroying a number of their vehicles, an armored vehicle, and a weapons depot.

>Syrian Army Recaptures Tal Za’tar in West Dara’a

Syrian Army Recaptures Tal Za’tar in West Dara’a

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army’s 132nd Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – launched a counter-assault against the Liwaa Thawar Souriya in the strategic hilltop of Tal Za’tar and retook full control over the area, military sources said.

The sources said that the Syrian army recaptured Tal Za’tar from the rebel group before 4:30 p.m. (Damascus Time) on Friday, forcing the rebels to retreat from the area towards the town of Yadouda in order to evade the aerial assault from the Syrian Air Force.

Tal Za’tar is strategically located to the West of Dara’a City; its proximity to the provincial capital’s Western suburbs makes it an imperative military endeavor for the rebel forces that are attempting to besiege the city of Dara’a from three different flanks (West, South, and East).

Inside Dara’a City, clashes between the 132nd Brigade of the Syrian army and the so-called Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigades” were reported at the Al-Manishiyah-Dara’a Al-Balad axis; however, there was no change in the ground situation as a result.

Iraqi Forces Kill Top ISIL Leaders

Iraqi Forces Kill Top ISIL Leaders

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraqi security forces killed two top ISIL leaders in the province of Anbar on Saturday.

Al-Jazeera and AL-Badiya operations command killed two ISIL leaders in al-Jiba area in Baghdadi district in Anbar, a security source said.

The ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently control shrinking swathes of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Ezadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq.

Senior Iraqi officials have blamed Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some Persian Gulf Arab states for the growing terrorism in their country.

The ISIL has links with Saudi intelligence and is believed to be indirectly supported by the Israeli regime.

Syrian Fighter Jets Pound Rebel Positions near Aleppo

Syrian Fighter Jets Pound Rebel Positions near Aleppo

TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian warplanes hit the rebel centers hard in the nearby areas of the Northern city of Aleppo, inflicting heavy losses upon them, sources said.

The sources said that the rebel groups’ gathering centers in the surrounding areas of the Air Force Academy, al-Bab, and Ballat were massively targeted by the country’s air force which resulted in the killing or wounding of several militants.

On Thursday, large groups of the Takfiri militants were killed in Syrian military operations in several areas across Aleppo.

The army targeted hideouts of the ISIL terrorists in the vicinity of the air force academy, Balat and Assafiyra to the East of Aleppo city.

During the army operations, a large group of terrorists were killed and their weapons were destroyed.

The army targeted positions of the Takfiri militants in Bani Zaid, old Aleppo, Sheikh Said and al-Ramoseh in Aleppo city, leaving a group of them dead.

Syrian Army strikes terrorists hard in different areas, destroying rocket launching pad and leaders’ den in Eastern Ghouta


Damascus, SANA-Units of the army and armed forces on Saturday continued to launch wide-scale military operations against dens and positions of the Takfiri terrorist organizations across the country, killing scores of them and destroying their arms and ammunition.


Units of the army and armed forces  destroyed the supply routes and dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and of the so-called “Jaish al-Yarmouk” in the southern Daraa province.

A military source told SANA that units of the army carried out operations against terrorists’ dens on the southwestern outskirts of Daraa City, killing a large number of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri organizations, adding that among the terrorists killed was Hasan Mansour al-Saleh who is the leader of the so-called “Horan Martyrs Brigade”

In Daraa al-Balad neighborhood, an army unit carried out special operations morning against hotbeds and dens of the Takfiri terrorists in the surroundings of Zenobia School and the building of the Doctors Syndicate, and in the neighborhoods of al-Nazihin, al-Sibieh, and al-Hammadin.

Two armored vehicles were destroyed in the operations and a number of terrorists were killed including terrorist Mifleh al-Kinani who is the leader of one of the Takfiri organizations in the area.

An army unit also destroyed a den of the Takfiri organizations to the east of al-Sikak buildings in Ataman town, killing a number of their members and destroying a machinegun and an amount of varied arms.

Heavy losses were also inflicted upon the Takfiri terrorist organizations in the personnel and the ammunition in operations carried out by units of the army against their dens in Tal al-Harra, Enkhil, Jasem and Kafr Shams.

Meanwhile, the terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on the social networking websites that tens of their members were killed including terrorist Hasan Mansour al-Saleh who is the leader of the so-called “Horan Martyrs Brigade” and Mohammad Nidal al-Shummari who is the leader of the so-called “Jaish al-Yarmouk.”


An army unit targeted gatherings of terrorists and others’ hideouts in Tuloul al-Homr in the countryside of the neighboring Quneitra province, leaving a number of them dead or injured and their vehicles, weapons and ammunition destroyed.

Other army units killed scores of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and destroyed their vehicles which were equipped with heavy machine guns as they targeted their hideouts and movements in the villages of um Batina and Mumtanah.

More of the terrorists’ weapons and ammunition were destroyed in the village of Abu Shabta.

Damascus countryside

A rocket launching pad belonging to terrorists was destroyed in army air strikes in Mdeira town in Eatsern Ghouta in Damascus Countryside.

A den of leaders of terrorist groups and an ammunition deport were also destroyed in army air strikes in Erbin city in Eastern Ghouta.

In the meantime, many terrorists, most of them foreigners, were killed as the army’s air force targeted their den in Harasta city near Damascus.


The Army Air Force carried out a number of airstrikes against dens and positions of the ISIS terrorists in the countryside of Tadmur city in the central Homs province, inflicting heavy losses upon them in the arms and personnel.

The warplanes destroyed a number of the machinegun-equipped vehicles belonging to the ISIS terrorists, killing scores of them in airstrikes against their dens and hotbeds in the surroundings of al-Maqale’a and to the west of al-Muthalath strategic area in the countryside of Tadmur.


A number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists were killed and others were injured and a number of their machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed in operations carried out by the army last night and against their dens in al-Mansoura village and in the surroundings of Scientific Research building in the western countryside of the northern Aleppo province.

A number of terrorists were also killed and their arms and vehicles were destroyed in operations carried out by the army against their dens and positions in the villages of al-Wadihi, Blat and Jbab, and to the east of al-Sfera city.

A number of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists were killed and others were injured and their vehicles and ammunition were destroyed in operations carried out by the army over the past 24 hours against their dens and positions in the villages of Kwaires, Arbid and al-Jdaida in the eastern countryside of the province.

Meanwhile, units of the army continued to hunt down the remnants of the ISIS terrorists on different axes in the surroundings of the Air Force Academy, 40 km to the east of Aleppo City.

In Aleppo City, units of the army destroyed the hotbeds of the terrorist organizations in the neighborhoods of Old Aleppo, al-Layramoun, Jam’aiyat al-Zahra, Bustan al-Qasir, al-Rashidin 4 and Bani Zaid, in addition to destroying their arms, ammunition and mortar launchers.

The Takfiri terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on the social networking websites that a number of their members were killed.


A unit of the army and the armed forces killed scores of terrorists, one of them of Saudi nationality in al-Hilweh town in the northern countryside of the coastal Lattakia province.

Putin Issues Ultimatum, Threatens War Over Erdogan’s Support of ISIS

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on August 4, 2015

Putin issues an ultimatum to Turkey, "End all military support for ISIS"

Putin to Turkish Envoy: Tell Your Dictator President He Can Go to Hell along with his ISIL Terrorists


Russian President Vladimir Putin in a meeting with the Turkish Ambassador issued a verbal ultimatum calling for an immediate end to Turkey’s support for ISIS and violations of Syria’s sovereignty.  In doing to, Putin has drawn a red line over Syria, after weeks of escalating NATO moves against that beleaguered nation.

In a startling move, Russian President Vladimir Putin castigated Turkish President Recep Erdogan, calling him a “dictator” and threatening to sever diplomatic ties with Turkey over what Putin claims is Erdogan’s continued support of the ISIS terror organization.

It is believed that this is in response to Erdogan’s claim, pasted across the western press yesterday, that Putin had told him Russia was no longer going to support Syria in their war against al Qaeda, ISIS and their western backed sister organizations.

Putin summoned Turkish Ambassador to Moscow, Umit Yardim to the Kremlin for what turned out to be a two hour diatribe by Putin with fiery accusations returned by the Turkish Ambassador.  This is the best translation of key statements made by Putin:

“Tell your dictator Erdogan to go to hell and that unless he stops well established and easily proven support for ISIS, Russia will sever diplomatic relations.  We are  prepared to turn Syria into a big Stalingrad for Turkey and her Saudi allies and their vicious little gang of Hitlers.

Your little dictator is a hypocrite, attacking the military coup in Egypt while, at the same time, he is trying to overthrow the elected government of Syria. As it stands, China, Iran and Russia will guarantee the survival of Syria.”

In an article by the Moscow Times, a publication controlled by CIA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, a different version is given with Ambassador Yardim shouting down Putin and blaming Russia for all of Syria’s ills.

The meeting is said to have lasted over two hours and to have been behind closed doors.  The version we have of statements made were leaked by sources close to President Putin. We believe the statements quoted above are to be considered an ultimatum

Yesterday, President Obama announced that the United States would provide air support for US trained jihadists fighting inside Syria.  The White House statement may well have been misquoted by the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal.  The Journal, in another case of “mission creep,” quoted spurious anonymous sources in the Pentagon embellishing the president’s statement to include air attacks on Assad forces.

It is very possible that the White Houses’ failure to demand a retraction for the WSJ story until early this morning Washington time may have been a contributing factor to Putin’s rage.  To a large extent, the Wall Street Journal has become an organ of Netanyahu’s schemes since Murdoch bought the publication  in 2011.

Netanyahu has long seen himself as the ultimate winner in any military confrontation between Russia, China and NATO and Japan.

The Plot Thickens

One other possible contributing factor in Putin’s attack on Erdogan is the issue of the downing of MH17, the Malaysian Airlines flight shot down over Ukraine.  Last week, Russia vetoed a move in the United Nations Security Council to set up an unprecedented investigative tribunal to adjudicate the issue based on the yet to be released results of the Dutch (NATO) investigation.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov made it clear that he has no confidence in a NATO run investigation and that Russia sees this as an attempt by the west to spin what Russia sees as a Kiev backed false flag terror attack into a propaganda victory against Russia.

Russia sees the continued attempt to blame the downing of MH17 on a Russian BUK missile when no evidence whatsoever exists supporting that scenario, one the western press has adhered to unflinchingly.

Russia has tried to present evidence, backed by German based forensic investigators, that MH17 was shot down by a Kiev based SU25 seen by multiple radars closing in on the Boeing 777 aircraft immediately prior to its downing. The west has refused to consider this evidence much as the west had refused to accept evidence of Turkey’s use of chemical weapons against civilians inside Syria.

In 2012, Russian investigators attempted to present scientific evidence of the use of Turkish sarin gas by al Nusra forces near Aleppo.  The west refused to look at the evidence even when Turkish prosecutors had ordered the arrest of both Turkish nationals and foreign backed terrorists who were operating sarin production facilities inside Turkey.

It wasn’t until the possibility of military confrontation between the US and Russia became a reality that President Obama accepted the Syrian version of events.  Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh outlines this confrontation and Erdogan’s role in the use of sarin gas against Syrian civilians in his book, The Red Line and the Rat Line.

In June 2015, Erdogan failed to win a majority in a national election, one swayed from Erdogan by a large Kurdish opposition vote.  Erdogan has continued to rule without forming a government giving credibility to President Putin’s claim of Erdogan’s dictatorial rule.

It is estimated that a minimum of 25,000 ISIS fighters have transited Turkey into both Syria and Iraq since 2011. In the last 18 months, a number of Turkish officers have been killed or captured inside Syria.  Additionally, most ISIS and al Nusra fighters captured by Syrian, Kurdish and Iraqi forces have told of Turkey’s full complicity in their terror operations.

It should be noted that the terror attack of June 20, 2015, purportedly by ISIS against Erdogan’s Kurdish political opponents in the town of Suruc, was used to provide a rationale for the Turkish air assault on Syria and Iraq.  Turkey has flown hundreds of sorties against Kurdish villages along with providing air support for ISIS terrorists fighting against Kurdish forces of the YPG and PKK.

Another major factor involves a sea change in Saudi relations in the Middle East.  In an article today from the Fars News Agency in Tehran, we read the following:

“In the context of the Russian initiative to sustain the Saudi-Syrian rapprochement, KSA Intelligence Chief may visit Damascus by the end of August, according to well-informed sources.

More than 200 Saudi are arrested by the Syrian authorities over their terrorist activities as 700 others have joined the militant groups which are fighting the Army, Al-Manar reported.

The sources added that the Russian side has managed to convince the Saudi leaders that battling ISIL and all the terrorist groups is of a great importance for all the regional countries.

Russia considers that preserving the Saudi-Syrian-Egyptian triangle will preserve the political and security situation in the Middle East and that if the terrorist groups manage to destroy this formula, terrorism will invade the whole region and reach Europe, according to the sources.

The sources note that the Saudi-Syrian convergence is expected to reach fruitful results yet that it needs time for KSA to arrange its internal files in preparation for a strategic change.”

Erdogan’s Fail

With NATO moves in the region, including air defense weapons for Latvia, the militarization of Poland and America’s silence on Kiev’s continued violation of the Minsk peace accords, Putin may well have chosen Erdogan as the “weak underbelly” of NATO.  With Erdogan’s domestic political problems and his possible complicity in staged false flag terror attacks against political rivals, civil war in Turkey is a very real possibility.

With NATO voting last week to back Turkey’s moves against Iraq and Syria “without question,” Putin may well be extracting payment from the United States for 14 years of unreasoning bellicosity.

Saudi Arabia to buy 600 Patriot missiles for $5.4 billion

By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on July 30, 2015

This is really an economic war where the US is fully committed to using its military to win


… from Russia Today,  Moscow

Advancing missile technology is major arms race now

Advancing missile technology is major arms race now

[ Editors Note:  I did an interview with Press TV this morning to try to point out that these defensive Patriot missile sales are to replace older models.

Obama is playing this card now, trying to take the wind out of the Congressional NeoCons’ new spin that once Iran becomes the economic power in the region, it will arm itself to the teeth and attack westward.

This is a ridiculous ploy with not a shred of proof behind it, what we call “fear porn.” The main modern combat record the West has with Iran is the one million casualties inflicted on it by America’s proxy at the time, having Saddam engage in the long war with them.

American chemical weapons were illegally field-tested on both the Kurds and the Iranians during that war. So who the real WMD threat has been in the region is part of history.

That did not work out too well then, nor did it when we invaded Iraq versus seeking a diplomatic solution. Our methods have destabilized most of the region, impoverished large numbers of Americans, destroyed veterans’ families, and enriched some special interests.

This is really an economic war where the US is fully committed to using its military to help win, and to economically subjugate the rest of the world so the special interests behind the scenes can continue their concentration of wealth.

Americans have become cannon fodder in this plan, but a notch above the throw-away jihadis that are being used for cheap “boots on the ground” substitutes… no VA benefits, no college, no disability payments, no pensions. Rumsfeld would love all this.

The rest of Americans or their children look forward to a reduced standard of living, but have yet to focus on who is really behind it. More should read VT…Jim W. Dean ]



–  First published  …  July 29,  2015  –

Washington is set to approve a $5.4 billion sale of 600 advanced Patriot missiles to Saudi Arabia. More such sales are expected in the coming months, defense analysts say, as Gulf nations react to the Iran nuclear deal by buying US weapons systems.

According to a notice sent to Congress by the Pentagon on Wednesday, the State Department has approved a request by Saudi Arabia to purchase $5.4 billion worth of PAC-3 missiles.

“The proposed sale will modernize and replenish Saudi Arabia’s current Patriot missile stockpile, which is becoming obsolete and difficult to sustain due to age and limited availability of repair parts,” said the Pentagon’s notice to Congress. “The purchase of the PAC-3 missiles will support current and future defense missions and promote stability within the region.”

PAC-3 stands for the third generation of the Patriot Advanced Capability missile, the interceptor famously deployed during the first Iraq War. Made by Lockheed Martin Corp, the PAC-3, is advertised as the “the world’s most effective air and missile defense interceptor” against aircraft, cruise missiles and tactical ballistic missiles.

“Lockheed Martin is supporting the US government and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as they discuss the potential sale of additional PAC-3 Missiles as part of the upgrade of the Royal Saudi Air Defense Force,” the company said in a statement.

Saudi Arabia already bought a $2 billion shipment of Patriots in April, while the Pentagon purchased $1.5 billion worth of Patriots intended for Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, South Korea and the Saudis just last week, according to Defense One.

Gulf Arab states are eager to purchase US counter-missiles, as embargoes on conventional weapons and missiles against Iran are expected to be lifted in the next five to eight years under the terms of a nuclear deal reached in Vienna on July 14.

“We’re going to see more of this,” Thomas Karako, a missile defense expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington told Defense One.  “So long as the Iranian missile threat exists, GCC and other countries in the region are going to have to invest in counters, offensive and defensive.”

The GCC consists of six Persian Gulf nations: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

At a summit with GCC envoys in May, President Barack Obama assured his Arab allies that the US would “stand by our GCC partners against external attacks.” A joint statement adopted at the summit committed the US and the GCC to work towards increased security cooperation, particularly “on fast-tracking arms transfers… counter terrorism, maritime security, cybersecurity and ballistic missile defense.”

The United Arab Emirates have already acquired a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, with a greater reach than the Patriot’s. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have also expressed interest in the THAAD, while Qatar is now likely to proceed with the purchase of a missile-tracking radar system.


Moscow ready to supply weapons to Iraq to help fight ISIS

By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on May 24, 2015

ISIS Shock and Awe tactics open doors for East and West arms


ISIS Shock and Awe tactics open doors for East and West arms

… from Russia Today,  Moscow

Ramadi will divert any attack on Mosul for some time

Ramadi will divert any attack on Mosul for some time

[ Editor’s Note: There is something not right in Iraq on this Ramadi story. Troops usually break and run when the officers take off — and take off they do in most third world fighting, where leadership medals are given out for everything but actual fighting, where dying in combat is considered a display of poor judgment.

The news in the last paragraph below, that ISIL used 30 suicide car bombers in their takeover  of Ramadi was the shock and awe. Manning a checkpoint is no fun when it is raining suicide bombers.

Add to this is the US, after its Wednesday announcement of 1000 anti-tank missiles being sent to combat these attacks, doubled the number on Thursday to 2000. I assume this was to not let the Russians help scoop the US’ “good help press” the day before.

But the wild card for me is that the last time I looked, 50 cals and twin 20mm cannon tore a car bomber up in short order. They have the range and punch. All I can think of is that the gunners can’t hit anything, as they have been used to mainly put spray-patter fire on a position.

When mounted on a Toyota, the suspension is bouncing around like a circus ride, quite detrimental to one’s aim. But for a head on attack with decreasing range, I would rather be the gunner than the bomber.

But the Baghdad Bob award for the week goes to Marine Brig. Gen. Thomas D. Weidley for his comment about ISIS losing and on the run. If this were true, they never could have taken Ramadi… Jim W. Dean ]


Coalition airstrikes seem to be missing a lot of these convoys

Coalition airstrikes seem to be missing a lot of these convoys

–  First published …  May 21,  2015  –

Moscow and Baghdad have been expanding military cooperation, President Vladimir Putin said, and Russia is ready to supply weapons to Iraq to aid the fight against Islamic State militants’ advance in the region, said Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov.

“We will make all efforts to meet [Iraq’s] possible requests, to ensure it has the defense capability and the ability to drive out of its territories Islamic State [formerly ISIS, or ISIL] and other terrorists,” Lavrov told reporters, speaking ahead of talks in Moscow between Putin and Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi on Thursday.

“We have very close and tight military-technical cooperation [with Iraq],”he said.

“Unlike some other countries, we are ready to supply weapons to Iraq without preconditions, based on the fact that Iraq, Syria and Egypt are on the forefront of the struggle against terrorism.”

Iraq has been Russia’s longtime partner and over the past two years bilateral trade turnover has grown 10-fold, Putin said at the meeting with Iraq’s PM on Thursday.

“Iraq has been our longtime and reliable partner in the region. Despite all the hardships in the world economy and difficulties in the region, our relations have been developing successfully,” Putin said.

Putin said that Russia has been implementing major projects in Iraq and Russian investments there are estimated at billions of dollars. He added that Moscow will continue civilian, military and technical cooperation with Iraq.

Meanwhile, in a major setback, Iraqi forces have retreated from a compound they used as a command center in Ramadi, losing control of Anbar’s provincial capital to Islamic State militants. Local security officials said that the militants carried out mass killings of Iraqi security forces and civilians, AP reported Monday. The two days of fighting in Ramadi this weekend had displaced around 8,000 people according to the International Organization for Migration.

On Wednesday, IS militants captured Syria’s historic city of Palmyra, a UNESCO landmark, after gaining full control over the city. The group already controls wide areas in Syria’s north and east. This was the first time the jihadists have taken a large population center directly from Syrian pro-government forces.

Despite the IS advance in Iraq and Syria, the Pentagon has until recently continued to insist that the US-led air campaign is working.

We believe across Iraq and Syria that Daesh [the Arabic acronym for the militant group] is losing and remains on the defensive,” said Marine Brig. Gen. Thomas D. Weidley, chief of staff for Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve on Friday.

The US began its bombing campaign in Iraq in August 2014 and in Syria the following month. Syrian President Bashar Assad repeatedly pointed out that the bombardments are an illegal intervention unauthorized by a UN Security Council resolution, and so violate the sovereignty of Syria. He also said that the Syrian army has been conducting ground operations as well as airstrikes against terrorists which are larger than that those launched by the alliance.

In a separate development, the Pentagon said Thursday that the US will deliver 2,000 AT-4 anti-tank rockets to Iraq as soon as next week. This is double the number announced on Wednesday and is intended to help the beleaguered Iraqi army combat suicide car bombings used by Islamic State.

The Islamic State carried out about 30 suicide car bombings in taking the Iraqi city of Ramadi last weekend. Spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said that the anti-tank rockets would help the Iraqi army stop approaching suicide bombers, driving vehicles packed with explosives, from a distance. Relying on small arms fire to accomplish the same task requires killing the driver or taking out the engine.

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