Tuesday, June 16, 2015

US soldiers could soon travel like stormtroopers





US soldiers could soon travel like stormtroopers



Army reveals armored trucks fitted with LASERS to blast mines out of the ground and explode stray bombs

  • Uses a laser to detonate bombs up to 300 meters away
  • Interrogator arm and manipulator claw can move 50 pounds of debris
  • Could be used instead of bomb disposal experts in body armour

The U.S. Army and Air Force are working together to develop laser weapons that can blast mines out of the ground.

The vehicles would be able to safely explode mines and other explosives from a distance.

Currently highly-trained bomb disposal specialists wore body armour, protective suits or used robots to render an area safe.

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The vehicles would be able to safely explode mines and other explosives from a distance.


The vehicles would be able to safely explode mines and other explosives from a distance.

Called Recovery of Airbase Denied by Ordinance, or RADBO, it uses a laser to detonate bombs up to 300 meters away.

It also has the Army's integrated interrogator arm and manipulator claw, which can pull 50 pounds of debris up from cracks and underneath rubble.

Infrared cameras, driver vehicle enhanced capabilities and two alternators were installed to provide more than 1,100 amps of power. 

With lasers, operators can negate the threat of improvised explosive devices, makeshift bombs, mines, and other unexploded explosive ordnance from a safe distance.

The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center, or AMRDEC, Prototype Integration Facility, or PIF, U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command and the Redstone Test Center developed the system.

'Building the prototype was right in the wheelhouse of what the PIF is set up to do,' said Steven Colvin, PIF project manager.

'We were able to assemble a strong team of mechanical, electrical and design engineers to solve the problems, fabricators and integrators to build the prototype and technical writers to document the installation, operation and maintenance of the system.'

Infrared cameras, driver vehicle enhanced capabilities and two alternators were installed to provide more than 1,100 amps of power.


Infrared cameras, driver vehicle enhanced capabilities and two alternators were installed to provide more than 1,100 amps of power.

'We may see hundreds to thousands of small unexploded ordnance items on a runaway or airfield but the RADBO will allow us to reduce the time it takes to get an airfield operational,' said Marshall 'Doc' Dutton, Air Force explosive ordnance disposal modernization program manager of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center on Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.

'Currently, if a runway gets hit it can take days to weeks to get cleared.

'With the RADBO, runways can be cleared and operational at a much quicker pace.' 

Another non-combat use of the RADBO is the ability for immediate range clearance allowing fighter pilots to use the range immediately after a live-ordnance drop training exercise.

Since ranges can be cleared immediately for repeated use, this capability has the potential to save lives on the battlefield.


Military bosses developing Star Wars 'hoverbikes' for the battlefield

  • Hoverbike will become a Tactical Reconnaissance Vehicle
  • Could carry troops and equipment into battle
  • Being developed with UK firm Malloy Aeronautics 

Star Wars could soon be headed to the battlefield - thanks to a New Zealand inventor.

Malloy Aeronautics has revealed a deal with the  U.S. Department of Defense to develop its radical flying machine for the military.

They say the Hoverbike is being developed to operate as a new class of Tactical Reconnaissance Vehicle (TRV).

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Malloy Aeronautics has revealed a deal with the U.S. Department of Defense to develop its radical flying machine for the US military.


Malloy Aeronautics has revealed a deal with the U.S. Department of Defense to develop its radical flying machine for the US military.

A mockup of the full sized hoverbike, which is similar in size to a small car.


A mockup of the full sized hoverbike, which is similar in size to a small car.


The 'hoverbike' is similar to a quadcopter, using four standard helicopter style rotors, overlapped with each other.

The full sized design uses a motorcycle engine and controls.

The firm made the announcement at the Paris Air Show.

Maryland Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford joined with SURVICE Engineering Co., a Belcamp, Md.-based defense firm, and U.K.-based Malloy Aeronautics, an aeronautical engineering firm, to announce that the two companies have teamed up on the development of Hoverbike technology for the U.S. Department of Defense.

SURVICE and Malloy are working on the Hoverbike as part of an ongoing research and development contract with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. 

As part of this strategic alliance, Malloy Aeronautics has also announced that they have established a U.S. office in Belcamp adjacent to Aberdeen Proving Ground to complete work on the Hoverbike.

'I am pleased to join with SURVICE Engineering and Malloy Aeronautics to announce their partnership on the Hoverbike, which represents a new frontier in aviation,' said Lt. Governor Rutherford.

'We are also very excited to welcome Malloy and look forward to working with them to grow their operations in Maryland.'

'Establishing an office in Maryland was a clear business decision,' said Chris Malloy, managing director of Malloy Aeronautics.

'The proximity to the Army Research Laboratory and U.S. defense decision makers, access to the world-class facilities through the laboratory's Open Campus initiative, and the co-location with our strategic business partner, SURVICE Engineering, were all factors in favor of Maryland as the best choice for Malloy Aeronautics.'

The world's first flying motorcycle! Hoverbike gets test flight

The hoverbike is here! The 1/3 scale version of the bike being piloted by a 3d printed robo-pilot


The hoverbike is here! The 1/3 scale version of the bike being piloted by a 3d printed robo-pilot

The firm says it producing a 1/3 sized version of its design to help fund the full sized prototype.

'This drone was originally built as a proof of concept for our latest full-sized Hoverbike prototype,' said Chris Malloy, the drone's inventor.

'After testing the 1/3rd Hoverbike, we realized that it had lots of features that made it a fantastic drone, not only this - selling this scale Hoverbike to the public would allow us to raise funds to continue the development of the manned version.

'The objective of this campaign is to kick-start sales of our beautiful 1/3rd scale Hoverbike drone and accessories via your pledges, and to help create a long term income stream that we can use to continue development of the manned Hoverbike,' it says.

The full sized design uses a motorcycle engine and controls.

However, the smaller version uses electric motors, and can be controlled using a standard RC helicopter controller.

The hoverbike in action - complete with its 3D printed humanoid robot driver.

The hoverbike in action - complete with its 3D printed humanoid robot driver.

The drone is made up of four blade, which give it its stability.


The drone is made up of four blade, which give it its stability.

The firm says its full sized version could be used to commute on.

The futuristic prototype has the potential to travel up to 92 miles or for about 45 minutes on one tank of fuel and is expected to come with a hefty price tag of more than £45,000.

So far the bike, which weighs 270kgs, has only been tested while tethered to the ground to prevent it flying too high. But plans to test it's capabilities without any restrictions are set to go-ahead soon.

The firm will also make a 3D printable pilot, who can have a Go Pro camera fitted in his 'head' to record flights


The firm will also make a 3D printable pilot, who can have a Go Pro camera fitted in his 'head' to record flights

'We combined the simplicity of a motorbike and the freedom of a helicopter to create the world's first flying motorcycle,' it said.

'When compared with a helicopter, the Hoverbike is cheaper, more rugged and easier to use - and represents a whole new way to fly. 

'The Hoverbike flies like a quadcopter, and can be flown unmanned or manned, while being a safe - low level aerial workhorse with low on-going maintenance.'

The firm says it is almost ready to begin flight testing of the full sized version.

Big screen: Luke Skywalker(Mark Hamill) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) battle a baddie on their speeder bike in Star Wars Return of the Jedi

Big screen: Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) battle a Stormtrooper on their speeder bike in Star Wars Return of the Jedi

'We are in the final construction stages of the latest manned prototype of Hoverbike, and in a few months we will start flight testing.

'After the successful completion of test flights we will build a final engineering prototype for submission to aviation certification authorities.






0-60 in 3.5 seconds and a top speed of 80mph: the former tank that performs like a sports car on any terrain



  • Ripsaw Extreme Vehicle 2 is fasted tracked vehicle ever developed
  • Makers spends six months transforming tank into personalized off-roader
  • The modified tank was recently used in Mad Max: Fury Road

It can go from 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, travel at 80 mph, and manoeuvre over any surface or terrain a tank can.

A US company is selling high-powered former military tanks as 'luxury vehicles' for anyone who has a spare few hundred thousands dollars.

Looking like a cross between the Batmobile and a moon buggy, the Ripsaw Extreme Vehicle 2 has been crafted into 'one of the world's most sought after high performance, luxury vehicles,' according to makers Howe & Howe Technologies.

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Fast: The Ripsaw Extreme Vehicle 2 is the fastest tracked military vehicle created by Howe & Howe


Fast: The Ripsaw Extreme Vehicle 2 is the fastest tracked military vehicle created by Howe & Howe

Originally designed for the US military for service as a high-speed tracked vehicle, it is the fastest tracked vehicle ever developed.

Since its military beginnings, the tank now sports 12-inches of suspension travel, a luxury interior, and a 600 horsepower diesel engine, while the gun and much of its body armor has been removed.

The vehicle has advanced suspension tracks, while its huge engine that sits at the back, giving it an acceleration that rivals most sports cars.

The custom-made machines are capable of trekking across all terrains including ice, snow and desert and have been developed in the name of fun.

'These vehicles take up to six months to fabricate and can cost well into the hundreds of thousands depending on desired luxury and performance packages,' a company spokesman said.

Incredible super tank turned sports car tears up terrain

Agile: The vehicles are described as the ultimate luxury vehicle for off-roading


Agile: The vehicles are described as the ultimate luxury vehicle for off-roading

Flashy: Inside the cockpit, the colorful controls look like something out of the movies. Incidentally, the vehicle was recently used in Mad Max 2


Flashy: Inside the cockpit, the colorful controls look like something out of the movies. Incidentally, the vehicle was recently used in Mad Max 2

High powered: The custom made tanks take about six months to alter into the ultimate all terrain vehicles


High powered: The custom made tanks take about six months to alter into the ultimate all terrain vehicles

Movie fans may recognize the souped up tanks as the Peacemaker chase vehicle in Mad Max: Fury Road.

Filmmakers use a modified Ripsaw, with a car body on top, in the Hollywood blockbuster.

The limited edition EV2s have been developed for public and extreme off road recreation.

Desert: The Ripsaw EV2 was originally designed and built for the military as a high speed super tank Desert: The Ripsaw EV2 was originally designed and built for the military as a high speed super tank

Desert: The Ripsaw EV2 was originally designed and built for the military as a high speed super tank

All terrain: The military vehicle was designed for all surfaces and is described as the ultimate off-road luxury vehicle


All terrain: The military vehicle was designed for all surfaces and is described as the ultimate off-road luxury vehicle. This can be used as the base for an anti UAV weapon

The sports car tank that can down a drone: My proposal, reveals anti-UAV weapon that can fire lasers from a moving vehicle
  • Designed for use on light tactical vehicles such as the Humvee

  • Initial trials with low power lasers have already taken place

  • The 30kW system is expected to be ready for field testing in 2016

Enemy drones have become a major threat on the battlefield, and the UU Navy hopes a roof mounted laser could be the answer.

Its Ground-Based Air Defense Directed Energy On-the-Move program, commonly referred to as GBAD, allowing controllers to simply drive the weapon to a target.

Once drones are spotted, it can them shoot them out of the sky with a high powered laser.

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The system will be able to spot and track drones, then shoot them out of the sky using a 30kw laser.


The system will be able to spot and track drones, then shoot them out of the sky using a 30kw laser.

'We're confident we can bring together all of these pieces in a package that's small enough to be carried on light tactical vehicles and powerful enough to counter these threats,' said Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, vice chief of naval research and commanding general, the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory.

The GBAD system is being designed for use on light tactical vehicles such as the Humvee and Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.

The navy hopes the system will provide an affordable alternative to traditional firepower to keep enemy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from tracking and targeting Marines on the ground.

'We can expect that our adversaries will increasingly use UAVs and our expeditionary forces must deal with that rising threat,' said Col. William Zamagni, acting head of ONR's Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department.

US Army reveals truck-mounted laser to shoot down drones

Some of the system's components already have been used in tests to detect and track UAVs of all sizes. Later in the year, researchers will test the entire system against targets using a 10kW laser as a stepping stone to a 30kW laser.

Some of the system's components already have been used in tests to detect and track UAVs of all sizes. Later in the year, researchers will test the entire system against targets using a 10kW laser as a stepping stone to a 30kW laser.

'GBAD gives the Marine Corps a capability to counter the UAV threat efficiently, sustainably and organically with austere expeditionary forces.

'GBAD employed in a counter UAV role is just the beginning of its use and opens myriad other possibilities for future expeditionary forces.'

Some of the system's components already have been used in tests to detect and track UAVs of all sizes.

Later in the year, researchers will test the entire system against targets using a 10kW laser as a stepping stone to a 30kW laser.

The 30kW system is expected to be ready for field testing in 2016, when the program will begin more complex trials to ensure a seamless process from detection and tracking to firing, all from mobile tactical vehicles.

Spotter vehicles and a control car will allow the system to operate anywhere.

Spotter vehicles and a control car will allow the system to operate anywhere.







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