Saturday, January 13, 2007

Stop President Bush on the Preemptive Attack on Iran

President Bush with his new surge strategy in Iraq, showed some sinister signs by the recent attacked of Iranian elements inside that country. There is that contingency to cross the Iranian border for the interdiction of more Iranian elements, and very well lead to a widening of the war to Iran and its partner Syria. With the nation against Mr. Bush in the low 70%, against the expansion of troops in Iraq, there is that planned preemptive attack on Iran. This is a likable option for Mr. Bush, to boost his support among the conservatives, be the hero among them, and at least save his legacy. The nuclear debate with Iran is over, and Mr. Bush knows that he is running out of options. Since President Bush is calling for global Jihad against Iran, Afghanistan, and God knows who is next, we have a dangerous situation boiling over this issue. Congress, the people, and our armed services should put a stop to this unfolding scenario. There is no more military solution to this war, we cannot afford to sacrifice our soldiers, to satisfy Mr. Bush desire to save his legacy.....................ASC

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