Saturday, April 15, 2017

  • U.S. Army troops performed military defense exercises near the border of North and South Korea in Paju on Saturday
  • President Trump sent an aircraft carrier-led strike group to the Korean Peninsula as US officials feared the Kim Jong-un would mark its national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test
  • The North Korean leader vowed to detonate an 'annihilating strike' if Washington attacks, during the country's Day of the Sun parade

  • The regime has accused Trump of provoking armed conflict and issued multiple warnings of retaliation 

Kim's Special Forces: North Korean despot unveils elite grenade launcher-wielding troops trained to defend him if Trump tries to 'remove' him from power

    • North Korea's Special Forces unit was unveiled at the country's Day Of The Sun celebrations this weekend 
    • The elite soldiers wore night-vision goggles and carried rifles fitted with grenade launchers in Pyongyang
    • Their participation in the military parade is said to be a show of force against the US and President Trump
    • The 'highly trained' squadron is reported to be trained to defend the country should it come under attack

    North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un unveiled his deadly Special Forces unit for the first time this weekend in an apparent show of force against US President Donald Trump.
    The menacing and 'highly trained' troops yelled patriotic slogans as they carried rifles fitted with grenade launchers through the streets of the Pyongyang during a military parade on Saturday.
    The crack team, said to be the best equipped in the Korean People's Army, had night vision goggles affixed to their helmets and handguns strapped to their chest.
    'Once Supreme Commander Kim Jong-un issues an order they will charge with resolve to thrust a sword through the enemy's heart like lightning over Mount Paektu [the country's highest peak],' a broadcaster announced on North Korean state TV. 
    Its presence at this weekend's Day Of The Sun celebrations comes amid rising tensions with the United States and President Trump, who has refused to rule out a pre-emptive strike if Kim reaches for the nuclear button.
    North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un unveiled his deadly Special Forces unit, pictured, for the first time at a military parade during the country's Day Of The Sun celebrations this weekend
    North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un unveiled his deadly Special Forces unit, pictured, for the first time at a military parade during the country's Day Of The Sun celebrations this weekend
    The menacing and 'highly trained' squadron wore black and green camouflage paint and carried rifles fitted with grenade launchers through the streets of Pyongyang as their leader watched on
    The menacing and 'highly trained' squadron wore black and green camouflage paint and carried rifles fitted with grenade launchers through the streets of Pyongyang as their leader watched on
    Th appearance of the Special Forces unit, who high fived frenzied North Koreans, comes amid rising tensions with the United States and President Trump
    Th appearance of the Special Forces unit, who high fived frenzied North Koreans, comes amid rising tensions with the United States and President Trump
    Thousands of North Koreans lined the streets of the capital Pyongyang as soldiers and tanks rolled through to mark the 105th birthday of Kim Jong-un's late grandfather
    Thousands of North Koreans lined the streets of the capital Pyongyang as soldiers and tanks rolled through to mark the 105th birthday of Kim Jong-un's late grandfather
    North Korea's Special Forces unit is on standby to defend the country from elite US soldiers who are practicing to 'remove' Kim Jong-un from power should war arise, an analyst with South Korea's Yonhap news agency claims.
    A Pentagon report singled out the soldiers as 'among the most highly trained, well-equipped, best fed and highly motivated" forces in North Korea's army, CNN reported.
    It said the highly secretive force, which is said to have carried out covert missions in South Korea, 'appear designed for rapid offensive operations' and defence against foreign attacks.
    The report went on to say the Special Forces 'operate in specialized units, including reconnaissance, airborne and seaborne insertion, commandos and other specialties'. 
    It also predicted that North Korea was 'committed to developing a long-range, nuclear-armed missile that is capable of posing a direct threat to the United States'.
    In Saturday's parade celebrating the 105th birthday of North Korean founder Kim Jong-ul, his grandson also unveiled a 'game-changing' ballistic missiles which Pyongyang claims can travel thousands of miles. 
    The intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) heightened fears the reclusive state is preparing for a possible attack on Washington. They were revealed as Kim Jong-Un warned of deploying them for an an 'annihilating strike' if the US attacks his country. 
    The two new kinds of ICBM were enclosed in canister launchers mounted on the backs of trucks as they were paraded in front of cheering crowds. 

    Soldiers take part in military parade during Day of the Sun
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    North Korea's Special Forces unit is on standby to defend the country from elite US soldiers who are practicing to 'remove' Kim Jong-un from power should war arise, a South Korean analyst claimed
    North Korea's Special Forces unit is on standby to defend the country from elite US soldiers who are practicing to 'remove' Kim Jong-un from power should war arise, a South Korean analyst claimed
    A Pentagon report singled out the Special Forces soldiers as 'among the most highly trained, well-equipped, best fed and highly motivated" forces in North Korea's army
    A Pentagon report singled out the Special Forces soldiers as 'among the most highly trained, well-equipped, best fed and highly motivated" forces in North Korea's army
    The Pentagon report claimed North Korea's Special Forces operates 'in specialized units, including reconnaissance, airborne and seaborne insertion'
    The Pentagon report claimed North Korea's Special Forces operates 'in specialized units, including reconnaissance, airborne and seaborne insertion'
    In Saturday's parade celebrating the 105th birthday of North Korean founder Kim Jong-ul, his grandson also unveiled 'game-changing' intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), pictured
    In Saturday's parade celebrating the 105th birthday of North Korean founder Kim Jong-ul, his grandson also unveiled 'game-changing' intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), pictured
    The intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) heightened fears the reclusive state is preparing for a possible attack on Washington Pictured: Another set of missiles paraded through the streets of Pyongyang
    The intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) heightened fears the reclusive state is preparing for a possible attack on Washington Pictured: Another set of missiles paraded through the streets of Pyongyang
    The ICBM missiles were revealed as Kim Jong-Un, above, warned of deploying them for an an 'annihilating strike' if the US attacks his country
    The ICBM missiles were revealed as Kim Jong-Un, above, warned of deploying them for an an 'annihilating strike' if the US attacks his country
    North Korea reveals unidentified rocket in Day of the Sun parade
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    Pyongyang has yet to formally announce it has an operational ICBM but experts believe they the new rockets could be liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles, or an early prototype. 
    Submarine-launched ballistic missiles were also on show for the first time, indicating an improving technological capability that could help it evade anti-missile systems.
    Meanwhile a gleeful looking Kim, wearing a Western-style suit as he stood over Kim Il-sung Square, saluted formations of soldiers who yelled, 'Long live!', to their despotic ruler.
    Kim has accused President Donald Trump of provoking his nation with a series of increasingly aggressive moves, including sending the USS Carl Vinson to the Korean peninsula.
    One of Kim's top officials, Choe Ryong Hae, today vowed North Korea would 'beat down enemies with the power of nuclear justice'. 
    US Vice President Mike Pence today warned the 'era of patience' with Kim Jong-un is over and insisted America's commitment to South Korea is 'iron-clad'.
    Pence, speaking in the perilous Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea, reiterated that 'all options are on the table' to deal with the threat posed by Pyongyang.
    After travelling to the region with his family, Pence said Donald Trump is hopeful that China will now use its 'extraordinary levers' to pressure the North to abandon its nuclear and ballistic programme.
    Kim has accused President Donald Trump of provoking his nation with a series of increasingly aggressive moves, including sending the USS Carl Vinson to the Korean peninsula
    Kim has accused President Donald Trump of provoking his nation with a series of increasingly aggressive moves, including sending the USS Carl Vinson to the Korean peninsula
    Meanwhile US Vice President Mike Pence has warned the 'era of patience' with Kim Jong-un is over and insisted America's commitment to South Korea is 'iron-clad'. Pictured: North Korean troops 
    Meanwhile US Vice President Mike Pence has warned the 'era of patience' with Kim Jong-un is over and insisted America's commitment to South Korea is 'iron-clad'. Pictured: North Korean troops 
    Thousands of North Korean troops armed with rifles took part in the show of force, which saw North Korea flaunt sophisticated new military hardware
    Thousands of North Korean troops armed with rifles took part in the show of force, which saw North Korea flaunt sophisticated new military hardware
    US officials feared Kim Jong-un would mark the national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test, since the country has used previous holidays to showcase its military prowess
    US officials feared Kim Jong-un would mark the national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test, since the country has used previous holidays to showcase its military prowess
    This morning he warned Kim Jong-un not to 'test the resolve' of the US President and insisted any use of nuclear weapons by the secretive state would be met with 'an overwhelming and effective response'.
    The visit came shortly after a failed North Korean missile launch that some claim may have been 'thwarted by cyber attacks from the US.' 
    Trump has ordered a naval strike group, led by the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, to the region, though the vessels remain a long way from the peninsula.
    But this morning, Japanese media claimed both China and Russia had dispatched intelligence-gathering vessels from their navies to chase the 'armada' amid mounting concern over the US deployment. The claims were made by multiple sources of the Japanese government

  • North Korea has been secretly training elite special forces to kidnap Westerners from South Korea and hold them hostage in the event of any conflict.
If the United States attacks the so-called Hermit Kingdom, snatch squads armed with deadly nerve agents are poised to slip past South Korean border checkpoints to grab diplomats, tourists and foreign businessmen.In an exclusive interview, Ung-gil Lee, who defected to South Korea after serving for six years in one of these clandestine units, told The Mail on Sunday: ‘The best case [for his old unit] would be to round them up and take them north, but if not they will take the foreigners hostage in South Korea.If the US attacks North Korea, the country's elite special forces will kidnap Westerners from South Korea and hold them hostage, a defector has revealed
If the US attacks North Korea, the country's elite special forces will kidnap Westerners from South Korea and hold them hostage, a defector has revealed
‘But they will all be killed, come what may – this goes hand in hand with assassination.’
North Korea has a history of abducting foreigners. In the 1970s, South Korea’s leading movie star Choi Eun-hee and foremost director Shin Sang-ok were held as prisoners to make films for the brutal totalitarian regime until they escaped seven years later.
The Mail on Sunday’s revelation of the terror units comes as tensions rise over North Korea’s growing nuclear strength. US President Donald Trump pledged to ‘take care’ of the issue following his surprise cruise missile attack on Syria over its use of chemical weapons.
Trump has sent a naval strike group, including an aircraft carrier and submarines, to the region. Kim Jong Un, the North Korean dictator, responded by warning he is ‘ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US’.
Ung-gil Lee defected to South Korea after serving six years in the 11th Storm Corps and was recruited by his uncle, who was a senior official. He endured one year of brainwashing 're-education'
Ung-gil Lee defected to South Korea after serving six years in the 11th Storm Corps and was recruited by his uncle, who was a senior official. He endured one year of brainwashing 're-education'Lee, a former corporal in the 11th Storm Corps, says his former comrades have been trained to carry out Islamic State-style terror attacks. The 37-year-old, who now works as a financial adviser in Seoul after defecting from the repressive regime in 2006, warns that if attacked, Kim Jong Un will respond very differently from Syria’s President Bashar Assad: ‘He is going to fight back and use all retaliatory measures. Unless Trump thinks he can get rid of him, he must not carry out an attack.’Lee was recruited to join North Korea’s infamous special forces aged 17. Following one year of brainwashing ‘re-education’, he spent five years training as a communications officer.The nation is thought to have 200,000 men and women in the world’s biggest special forces, with 140,000 in infantry groups and 60,000 in Lee’s 11th Storm Corps. They are renowned for extreme training that includes boxing fights before dinner every night, punching trees and swimming in freezing seas. Elite units are trained to infiltrate South Korea by air, sea and through a network of tunnels built by forced labourers.His group was also taught to memorise details about mobile phone systems – and were armed with nerve agents along with conventional weapons. Pictured, the US forces in South Korea
His group was also taught to memorise details about mobile phone systems – and were armed with nerve agents along with conventional weapons. Pictured, the US forces in South KoreaLee says he was part of a 100-strong land and air group selected for raids on the South to destroy infrastructure, disrupt roads and ports, and kidnap foreigners.‘We would sneak into the South, change our clothing, go into areas where there are lots of foreigners and capture some of them. We memorised locations, phone numbers and the car number plates of major embassies.’His group was also taught to memorise details about mobile phone systems – and were armed with nerve agents along with conventional weapons. ‘I carried neostigmine bromide and potassium cyanide. Those exposed to these drugs die of heart attacks. These were carried for attacks or else for us to commit suicide.’Neostigmine bromide is five times more toxic than potassium cyanide. North Korean agents have previously used tiny guns or pens loaded with the drug, which has been detected in the killing of a South Korean diplomat and the assassination attempt of a leading dissident.Lee used to go on raids in South Korea with his 100-strong land and air group. They destroyed infrastructure, disrupted roads and kidnapped foreigners. Pictured, a nuclear test site in North Korea
Lee used to go on raids in South Korea with his 100-strong land and air group. They destroyed infrastructure, disrupted roads and kidnapped foreigners. Pictured, a nuclear test site in North Korea
‘These were suicide missions,’ says Lee of his excursions into the South. ‘Obviously we were supposed to go back but, if not, we were told we must kill ourselves.’
There are several of these squads, each assigned a different region of South Korea. Lee’s unit – which he says still exists, although its number changes frequently to avoid detection – focused on Pohang, a port of half a million people.
Twice a year they would have sessions to hone training, and every other year hold a major exercise in an area in North Korea most similar to their target city. Prizes of party membership, which entitles holders to perks and privileges, were offered to the most tenacious operatives.

  • On Wednesday the U.S. launched a surprise military exercise at the Kadena Air Base in Japan with jets in the 18th wing arsenal

The United States is flexing its military muscle in South Korea amid growing tensions with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after the dictator vowed to launch an 'annihilating strike' if Washington attacks, during the country's Day of the Sun parade.President Trump sent an aircraft carrier-led strike group to the Korean Peninsula as US officials feared the dictator would mark the national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test, since the country has used previous holidays to showcase its military prowess.The socialist state celebrated the 105th anniversary of its founder Kim Il-Sung's birth, where Jong-un threatened to defeat enemies with 'nuclear justice.' U.S. Army troops and Air Force conducted military exercises on Saturday near the border between the two countries in Paju. On Wednesday the United States launched a surprise military exercise at the Kadena Air Base in Japan, with HH-60 Pave Hawks, F-15 Eagles, E-3 Sentries and KC-135 Stratotankers, Fox News reported. 
US soldiers prepare for a military exercise near the border between South and North Korea on April 15 in Paju, South Korea
US Army soldiers with M1A2 tanks participate in a defence exercise conducted to simulate a response to a possible attack from North Korea at the Mugeon-ri drill field
US Army soldiers with M1A2 tanks participate in a defence exercise conducted to simulate a response to a possible attack from North Korea at the Mugeon-ri drill field
Tensions between the US and North Korea have been mounting in recent weeks, and yesterday Pyongyang issued a series of menacing threats to 'ravage' US troops and 'go to war if they choose'
Tensions between the US and North Korea have been mounting in recent weeks, and yesterday Pyongyang issued a series of menacing threats to 'ravage' US troops and 'go to war if they choose'
President Trump sent an aircraft carrier-led strike group to the Korean Peninsula as US officials feared the Kim Jong-un would mark its national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test
President Trump sent an aircraft carrier-led strike group to the Korean Peninsula as US officials feared the Kim Jong-un would mark its national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons testNorth Korea has showed off its strength by testing two nuclear bombs and multiple missile tests in the last year. On Saturday he told the packed-out square: 'If the United States wages reckless provocation against us, our revolutionary power will instantly counter with annihilating strike, and we will respond to full-out war with full-out war and to nuclear war with our style of nuclear strike warfare.' Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) were also among the sophisticated military hardware on show for the first time, indicating an improving technological capability that could help it evade anti-missile systems.  A total of 56 missiles of 10 different types were displayed, culminating in enormous rockets on articulated trailers and on 16-wheeler vehicles.Single-engine propeller-powered planes flew in a 105 formation overhead.Unlike previous parades attended by Kim, there did not appear to be a senior Chinese official in attendance, Reuters observed. 
Trump met with Chinese President Xi Jinping last week to put pressure on the leader to help ease tensions with North Korea or else the U.S. will take action alone.China is North Korea's lone major ally, but has spoken out against its missile and nuclear tests and has supported UN sanctions. China yesterday again called for talks to defuse the escalation in tensions.  Tensions between the US and North Korea have been mounting in recent weeks, and yesterday Pyongyang issued a series of menacing threats to 'ravage' US troops and 'go to war if they choose'.China warned the region could go to war 'at any moment'. US President Donald Trump is monitoring the emerging crisis from his Mar-a-Lago resort this weekend without the company of his top advisers. North Korean state television showed Kim, wearing a black suit and white shirt, stepping out of a black limousine.He saluted his honor guard before walking down a red carpet to a podium and clapped with senior government officials to address the massive crowd taking part in the parade. Goose-stepping soldiers and marching bands filled the square as tanks, multiple launch rocket systems and other weapons waited to parade.  Kim, a 30-something leader who took power in late 2011, emphasizes nuclear weapons as the foundation of his national defense strategy.The country under his watch has been aggressively pursuing a goal of putting a nuclear warhead on an ICBM capable of reaching the continental United States.     Kim Jong Un is all smiles at Day of the Sun celebrations

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     The U.S. is reportedly prepared to take action if North Korea attacks. On April 15, thousands of North Korean troops armed with rifles took part in the show of force, which saw North Korea flaunt sophisticated new military hardware
     The U.S. is reportedly prepared to take action if North Korea attacks. On April 15, thousands of North Korean troops armed with rifles took part in the show of force, which saw North Korea flaunt sophisticated new military hardware

    North Korea has warned that Donald Trump's 'troublemaking' and 'aggressive' tweets have pushed the world to the brink of thermo-nuclear war
    North Korea has warned that Donald Trump's 'troublemaking' and 'aggressive' tweets have pushed the world to the brink of thermo-nuclear war

    US intelligence sources claim President Donald Trump is prepared to strike if North Korea attacks  
    US intelligence sources claim President Donald Trump is prepared to strike if North Korea attacks  

    U.S. Air Force 44th and 67th Fighter Squadron F-15 Eagles and 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron E-3 Sentries taxi down the runway at the Kadena Air Base 
    U.S. Air Force 44th and 67th Fighter Squadron F-15 Eagles and 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron E-3 Sentries taxi down the runway at the Kadena Air Base 

    Tanks rolled through the capital city of the secretive state, which was marking the 105th birthday of Kim Jong-un's late grandfather
    Tanks rolled through the capital city of the secretive state, which was marking the 105th birthday of Kim Jong-un's late grandfather

    US officials feared Kim Jong-un would mark the national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test, since the country has used previous holidays to showcase its military prowess
    US officials feared Kim Jong-un would mark the national holiday by launching its sixth nuclear weapons test, since the country has used previous holidays to showcase its military prowess

    Smiling dictator: Kim Jung-un was noticeably relaxed and appeared happy as he attended the 'Day of the Sun' military parade in Kim Il Sung square - which celebrates his grandfather - the founder of North Korea
    Smiling dictator: Kim Jung-un was noticeably relaxed and appeared happy as he attended the 'Day of the Sun' military parade in Kim Il Sung square - which celebrates his grandfather - the founder of North Korea

    China, North Korea's sole major ally and neighbor which nevertheless opposes its weapons program, on Friday again called for talks to defuse the crisis. Pictured, preparations ahead of the parade
    China, North Korea's sole major ally and neighbor which nevertheless opposes its weapons program, on Friday again called for talks to defuse the crisis. Pictured, preparations ahead of the parade

    America flexes its muscle in South Korea as U.S. Army conducts defense exercises amid growing tensions with North Korea

    US soldiers prepare for a military exercise near the border between South and North Korea on April 15 in Paju, South Korea