Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Camelot by the Sea: JFK 50 years ago

Camelot by the Sea: JFK and family boating, swimming and playing golf 50 years ago

President John F. Kennedy speaks at the America's Cup dinner in Rhode Island to the teams and Australian Ambassador




Newly released footage shows John F. Kennedy and his family relaxing at the family's retreat, known as Camelot by the Sea, exactly 50 years ago this weekend. Over the weekend of July 27 to 29 in 1963, the First Family entertained guests including Press Secretary Pierre Salinger, British ambassador to the U.S. David Ormsby-Gore and Secretary of State Dean Rusk, at their Hyannis Port compound in Massachusetts. The 15-minute silent film, released by the John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, shows the President enjoying a round of golf and posing for official pictures with his guests at the Squaw Island seafront property. 


Downtime: The President enjoys a round of golf as he entertains guests at his coastal retreat

Downtime: The President enjoys a round of golf as he entertains guests at his coastal retreat

Welcome: The British ambassador to the U.S. and Secretary of State were among the weekend guests

Welcome: The British ambassador to the U.S. and Secretary of State were among the weekend guests

Formal: After an official photo shoot, the President and his guests began a more relaxed weekend

Formal: After an official photo shoot, the President and his guests began a more relaxed weekend. His son, John F. Kennedy Jr makes a brief appearance towards the end of the film, as he excitedly watches a helicopter land. The Kennedy compound was an important retreat for the whole family, who first started vacationing there in the 1920s.  Summer fun at 'Camelot by the Sea' with President Kennedy and his...


It was where the President first heard that he had won the election, and where the family gathered to mourn after his assassination only a few short months after this footage was taken. He had previously said: 'I always come back to the Cape and walk on the beach when I have a tough decision to make. The Cape is the one place I can think, and be alone,' USA Today reported.

Plain sailing: The President can be seen laughing and chatting with guests on board his boat

Plain sailing: The President can be seen laughing and chatting with guests on board his boat

Cooling off: The First Lady joins her guests as they dive into the sea off Nantucket for a swim

Cooling off: The First Lady joins her guests as they dive into the sea off Nantucket for a swim

Dive in: John F. Kennedy swims in the sea over the last weekend of July in 1963

Dive in: John F. Kennedy swims in the sea over the last weekend of July in 1963

On board: The First Family and their friends enjoy the boat trip off the coast near the Kennedy Compound

On board: The First Family and their friends enjoy the boat trip off the coast near the Kennedy Compound

On board: The First Family and their friends enjoy the boat trip off the coast near the Kennedy Compound

Family man: The President hands his daughter a towel as the boat heads back to the house

Family man: The President hands his daughter a towel as the boat heads back to the house. In the newly released film, the group is also seen heading off for a sail around the Nantucket coast on board the Honey Fitz, where First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, in a large-brimmed sun hat, and a young Caroline Kennedy are seen playing and chatting. It certainly appears to be a relaxed affair, with the President and his guests chatting and reading the newspapers before diving into the sea to cool off. Kennedy is seen as an attentive father, swimming and playing with his daughter, before they all return to the coastal home looking tired and happy.

Daddy's little girl: Caroline Kennedy perches on the arm of her father's chair as he chats to guests

Daddy's little girl: Caroline Kennedy perches on the arm of her father's chair as he chats to guests

Girl talk: Caroline chats to her mother as they sail around Nantucket

Girl talk: Caroline chats to her mother as they sail around Nantucket

Family fun: Not to be left out, John F. Kennedy Jr makes a brief appearance at the end of the footage

Family fun: Not to be left out, John F. Kennedy Jr makes a brief appearance at the end of the footage. Hyannis Port, Squaw Island July 27–29, 1963

To watch the full 15 minute film click here



















The final glimpses of JFK: His last hours as seen by members of the crowd in Texas

  • In JFK: The Final Hours, people who saw the president's last speeches, motorcade, handshake, and other everyday acts describe a man on the verge of becoming a legend

Instead of examining the immediate aftermath of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a forthcoming documentary will shed new light on the tragedy by exploring the hours that preceded the president’s death.

JFK: The Final Hours, which airs November 8 at 8pm, portrays the president not as the legend he’s become but as the man he was before his murder. First-hand accounts from people who were among the last to see him alive describe their remarkable brushes with history.

Among those first-hand accounts in the National Geographic Channel film, is that of narrator Bill Paxton who, at 8-years-old, was in the crowd in Fort Worth where Kennedy gave one of his last public speeches just three hours before his death.

New take: A new National Geographic documentary called JFK: The Final Hours documents the man who JFK was in the day leading up to his death instead of the legend he became because of it

New take: A new National Geographic documentary called JFK: The Final Hours documents the man who JFK was in the day leading up to his death instead of the legend he became because of it

‘I remember thinking it was like seeing a movie star,’ says the Emmy nominated actor. ‘There stood a man at the peak of his life and his career, but little did he or any of us know that in three hours he would be murdered in cold blood.’

Another account comes from Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who leapt on to the bumper of the Kennedy’s limo after the fatal shots rang out.

Hill recalls the beginnings of an ‘ordinary’ political tour that was transformed into a personal and national nightmare.

Buell Frazier, the man who gave assassin Lee Harvey Oswald a ride to work as he carried what he claimed were curtain rods, describes his uncomfortably close encounter with the killer on the day he changed history.

Legend: In the hours leading up to his assassination, JFK briefly entered the lives of countless Texans. By letting them speak through interviews and photos, the film portrays the man behind the legend

Legend: In the hours leading up to his assassination, JFK briefly entered the lives of countless Texans. By letting them speak through interviews and photos, the film portrays the man behind the legend

Actor Bill Paxton narrates and was himself a witness to JFK's last hours, in a speech at a Ft. Worth hotel. 'Little did he or any of us know that in three hours he would be murdered'

Actor Bill Paxton narrates and was himself a witness to JFK's last hours, in a speech at a Ft. Worth hotel. 'Little did he or any of us know that in three hours he would be murdered'

Corkie Friedman, the first lady of Fort Worth at the time, tells of the moment JFK complimented her earrings on the morning he died, causing her to nearly faint.

Friedman shows the fated earrings, and they are among a trove of objects in the film that have become historical footnotes thanks to their role in Kennedy’s last day.

Oblivious: Vice President Lyndon Johnson smiles with First Lady Jackie Kennedy while Lady Bird Johnson looks on at the Texas Hotel breakfast, just hours before the November 22, 1963 assassination of the president

Oblivious: Vice President Lyndon Johnson smiles with First Lady Jackie Kennedy while Lady Bird Johnson looks on at the Texas Hotel breakfast, just hours before the November 22, 1963 assassination of the president

The objects include the white Lincoln in which Kennedy rode the morning before he died, the 5-ton SX limousine in which Kennedy died, the president’s now-restored Air Force One that carried his corpse, and the wedding band that Lee Harvey Oswald removed the morning before he became history’s most infamous assassin. One inspiration for the two-hour film’s unique take on the 1963 assassination comes from Jacqueline Kennedy, who said in an interview following her husband’s death: ‘Now, he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man.’

The film will also premiere on the National Geographic Channel internationally in 171 countries and 48 languages.

Last drive: Like a gauntlet, all these people witnessed JFK's Ft. Worth motorcade, his last before taking off for Dallas, where he was assassinated

Last drive: Like a gauntlet, all these people witnessed JFK's Ft. Worth motorcade, his last before taking off for Dallas, where he was assassinated


The presidency of JFK, 50 years ago

Fifty years ago this month, John F. Kennedy was elected president of the United States. He held the office for just over 1,000 days before his assassination, but they were significant days, and the man and his family became iconic around the world, especially capturing the imagination of Americans at home. This year, a four-year, $10 million effort to digitize the JFK Library and Museum’s archives is nearing completion, and LIFE Magazine has just released a series unpublished photos of the president. Collected here are a sampling of these photos, most from the JFK Library, some from LIFE and other press agencies, looking back 50 years ago. (26 photos total)

President John F. Kennedy addresses the nation from the Oval Office during the Berlin Crisis on July 25th, 1961. (Cecil Stoughton, White House/ John F. Kennedy Library)


While part of every candidate's retinue, security was simply not the pressing, public concern in 1960 that it would suddenly and necessarily become within a few short years. Here, seemingly alone in a crowd in Logan County, West Virginia, JFK speechifies from a kitchen chair as, mere feet away, a young boy absently plays with a jarringly realistic-looking toy gun. (Hank Walker/TIME & LIFE Pictures) #


On a drive through Illinois during the 1960 campaign, photographer Paul Schutzer turns his camera on his colleagues in the press. (Paul Schutzer/TIME & LIFE Pictures) #


Vice President Lyndon Johnson, President John F. Kennedy and Special Assistant to the President Dave Powers during Opening Day of the 1961 baseball season at Griffith Stadium, Washington, D.C. (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum) #


Watching the lift-off of the first American in space on May 5th, 1961. From left to right, Vice President Johnson, Arthur Schlesinger, Adm. Arliegh Burke, President Kennedy, Mrs. Kennedy. (Cecil Stoughton, White House/ John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy sailing aboard the U. S. Coast Guard yacht "Manitou" on August 26th, 1962 in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. (Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy's address to the people of Berlin, Germany on June 26th, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Library) #


In Miami, Florida, after President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy address the 2506 Cuban Invasion Brigade at the Orange Bowl Stadium, Mrs. Kennedy informally speaks with some of the members on December 29th, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy with his children, Caroline and John Jr. in the Oval Office of the White House on October 10th, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy's arrival in Hyannisport, Massachusetts on May 11th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


A large group of photographers, including White House Photographers Cecil Stoughton and Abbie Rowe, crowd around the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to document President Kennedy's signature in the Treaty Room on October 7th, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy confer outside the West Wing of the White House on October 3rd, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President John F. Kennedy peers into space capsule at the presentation ceremony of NASA Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) to Astronaut and Colonel John Glenn, Jr. at Hangar 'S' at Cape Canaveral, Florida on February 23rd, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


Florida Senator George Smathers and President John F. Kennedy at NASA's Cape Canaveral, Pad B, Complex 37, where they were briefed on the Saturn rocket by Dr. Werner Von Braun (not pictured) on November 16th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President John F. Kennedy signs the Equal Pay Act on June 10th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


Mrs. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr., late 1962 in the White House Nursery. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy speaks at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas on September 12th, 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library)#


First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and her sister Princess Lee Radziwill ride an elephant while on tour in India in March of 1962. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office of the White on July 11th, 1963. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


President Kennedy appears in a motorcade in Cork, Ireland on June 28th, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


November 22nd, 1963 - President Kennedy reaches out to the crowd gathered at the Hotel Texas Parking Lot Rally in Fort Worth, Texas. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


Moments after he was shot, the limousine carrying mortally wounded President John F. Kennedy races toward the hospital in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. Secret service agent Clinton Hill rides on the back of the car, Mrs. John Connally, wife of the Texas governor, bends over her wounded husband, and Mrs. Kennedy leans over the president. (AP Photo/Justin Newman) #


President Kennedy's casket is loaded onto Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. Onlookers include Lawrence "Larry" O'Brien, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Dave Powers. (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


On November 22nd, 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson takes the oath of office on Air Force One following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. From left to right: Mac Kilduff (holding dictating machine), Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Jack Valenti, Congressman Albert Thomas, Marie Fehmer (behind Thomas), First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (eyeglasses only visible above LBJ's shoulder), Congressman Homer Thornberry (in shadow, partially obscured by LBJ), Roy Kellerman (partially obscured by Thornberry), Lem Johns (partially obscured by Mrs. Kennedy), former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Pamela Tunure (behind Brooks), Congressman Jack Brooks, Bill Moyers (mostly obscured by Brooks) Date 22 November 1963(1963-11-22) (Cecil Stoughton, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


The body of President John F. Kennedy lies in state in a casket in the East Room, at the White House as the Honor Guard stands guard on November 23rd, 1963. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #


Family members and others march in the Funeral Procession of President John F. Kennedy in Washington D.C. on November 25th, 1963. Image includes: Robert F. Kennedy, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Edward M. Kennedy, R. Sargent Shriver, Stephen E. Smith. (Robert Knudsen, White House / John F. Kennedy Library) #




Tuesday, September 24, 2013






The great inventor Nikola Tesla, was a man whose genius was far beyond the great minds of his day. He had an intellect that at times seemed almost unearthly. I suppose this is why some have speculated that such a remarkable individual could not have sprung from the bosom of mother Earth, but instead was the product of extraterrestrial intervention. His name, in its absence, spoke of dark conspiracies and downright thievery.  In public, only the Tesla-coil stands out in honor of its namesake, but few know of the person for whom it is christened.

Textbooks held no place between its pages for this great man, and teachers rarely uttered his name.  Thankfully, some have come to recognize the great injustice that has been done to Tesla and have found a place in some classrooms to teach his history.  It would be safe to say that Nikola Tesla was the man who invented the 20th Century. But a mystery remains.

We know that the United State Patent Office granted patents to many of Tesla’s inventions.  These were inventions that Tesla and his investors saw as potentially profitable – the AC motor is an excellent example of one of Tesla’s inventions that changed the world.   However, Tesla also invented an unknown number of other items that were never patented for one reason or another.  Tesla had a keen sense of what would garner financial interest, but he also worked on and developed technology that was simply for his own curiosity. Of these inventions, we know practically nothing.

Lightning pierces a dark sky above buildings in central Shanghai during a storm on August 15, 2012. (Reuters/Aly Song)

Worldwide, lightning strikes around 50 times every second (more than 4 million times every day). Electrical imbalances generated by turbulent skies are suddenly balanced by a spectacular discharge tracing across a darkened sky -- a display that is both frightening and awe-inspiring. Collected below are recent images of lightning around the world, including a rare image of an upper atmosphere "red sprite" flash captured by NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station.  

Storm chaser photographer Mike Meadows is silhouetted as lightning strikes outside Lake Havasu City, Arizona as monsoon moisture continues to invade the Mojave deserts area, on July 30, 2012. (Reuters/Gene Blevins)



Is There A Large Pyramid Underground
Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

“The TV news showed the whole world and they had it sliced out where the pyramid was and how big it was in proportion. I mean the thing was huge in the proportional graph they showed.”

- Douglas A. Mutschler, Chief Warrant Officer, U. S. Army Counterintelligence

Mount McKinley is north of Anchorage. Nome is upper left red circle on Norton Sound west of Mount McKinley. The region between Mount McKinley and Nome is where the large pyramid structure was allegedly found during geophysical studies of the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground detonation of a large nuclear bomb at Lop Nor.

I received the following email from a retired Navy Captain and professional engineer who provides analysis of a large “square” he found in Google maps in which each side of the square measures exactly twice the length of each side of the Cheops Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Following his email and Alaska pyramid or square Google map discovery, I received another email from an unidentified source about the relationship between electrical properties and pyramids.

I am a retired Navy Captain that served as a Navigator/Communicator, Tactical Coordinator, Mission Commander in 3 active duty and Naval Air Reserve Patrol Squadrons over my 25-year career. I have been both an Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of two reserve units. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Ga Tech, a Master’s Degree in Ocean Engineering from Fla Atlantic Univ, and am a Professional Engineer.

I found your interview on the Alaskan Pyramid quite interesting. Having spent two deployments in Adak with my Navy Patrol Squadron, I have always been interested in articles about Alaska. I don’t have any specific knowledge of the Pyramid subject matter, however after listening to the interview and reading the information linked to it on C2CAM, I did the following:
1. Signed on to Google Earth
2. Drew a line between Mt. McKinley and Nome
3. Set my altitude above the ground to@ 15,000ft-20,000ft
4. Proceeded to transit the line from SE to NW towards Nome looking for any anomalies that caught my eye. Specifically looking for “non-natural” features like straight lines or “non-natural” geometric shapes. Approximately 50 miles northwest of Mt. McKinley just to the north of the line connecting it to Nome, I came across a square shape that was very distinct in the ground. The area is a flat plain approximately 1950 ft ASL. The coloration of the anomaly is a darkish green and there doesn’t appear to be any type of surface structure. This is a very desolate area in the center of the state. However, the coloration is distinctly different than the immediate surrounding area. There are other areas nearby that have the same color, but are irregular in shape. The area that I noticed is a distinct “square”. My assumption is that if there is something below the surface it could be impacting the flora at the surface which somehow mirror the shape (dimensions) of a structure below. Perhaps it is a thermal differential that promotes growth or some other chemical/physical effect. I have no way to know other than observing the square anomaly.

I am forwarding to you for your inspection two jpeg files that I made from the Google map. One of the jpegs shows a reference Lat/Long that is @ 0.37mi from the anomaly. This reference Lat/Long is 63°18’North 152°32’ West. The red line just to the South of the reference position and the anomaly is the line connecting Mt. McKinley to Nome.

1)  Google Map Image of  “Square”

Google Map Image of “Square” Outlined

The second jpeg shows the anomaly outlined with the lines I created detailing the four sides of the square, as well as the lines bisecting the four corner angles and the lines bisecting the four sides. These lines all conform to a square with a base of 1510 Ft on a side and as you can see they match up perfectly with the square green anomaly in the first jpeg. You can duplicate what I have done by just going to Google earth the reference Lat/Long where you will see the anomaly.

2)  Google Map Image of  “Square” Outlined


“The red line just to the South of the reference position and the anomaly is the line connecting Mt. McKinley to Nome. The length each of the 4 side equals @ 1510 Ft. The interesting thing about this dimension is that it is exactly twice the length of the sides of the Great Pyramid at Gisa, which are 755 Ft on a side. The coincidence is interesting to say the least. This would make this square anomaly on the surface 4x the area of the base of the Great Pyramid, which at least is consistent with Our witness (Doug Mutschler) who said the underground pyramid that was supposedly identified during the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground test was much larger than the Great Pyramid at Giza.”

Compare above Google image to infrared satellite image below taken of 17 pyramids
hidden underground in Egypt and reported by U. K.'s BBC on May 26, 2011.


Infrared satellite images have discovered 17 underground hidden pyramids and 3,000 ancient settlements in Egypt. NASA-funded archaeologist Sarah Parcak told the BBC: “I couldn't believe we could locate so many sites. To excavate
a pyramid is the dream of every archaeologist.” 2011 infrared satellite image of underground pyramid at center of image by NASA.

Retired U. S. Navy Captain:  “This location is near the western boundary of the Danali National Park; @ 150mi west of Talkeetna, the nearest large settlement; and some 230 mi from both Anchorage and Fairbanks. Therefore it is not logical to assume that there would be any type of agriculture or timber operations in this area that would create any type of straight lines or rectangular shapes of fields or forests.
What is even a little more interesting is that I measured the dimensions of the square that is visible. The length each of the 4 side equals @ 1510 Ft. The interesting thing about this dimension is that it is exactly twice the length of the sides of the Great Pyramid at Gisa, which are 755 Ft on a side. The coincidence is interesting to say the least. This would make this square anomaly on the surface 4x the area of the base of the Great Pyramid which at least is consistent with your witness who said the underground pyramid that was supposedly identified during the May 22, 1992, Chinese underground test was much larger than the Great Pyramid at Giza.
I have tried to measure the orientation of the anomaly and it appears as if the NE side is oriented to 330°/150° to true North. I don’t know if there is any relevance to this number. However, in checking out the Magnetic Declination for the area 63°N 152W° the current declination is some 18°East which means the magnetic compass direction today of this line would be close to 312°. Looking at the historic records that go back to 1900, magnetic declination was closer to 29°E which is significantly higher. This range in declination is due to the relatively close proximity of this location to the magnetic north pole whose position relative to true north varies greatly. It is not inconceivable that in the distant past the magnetic declination was a very high westerly reading which means that the magnetic compass heading could have approached 360°N, indicating that whatever might be causing the square anomaly could have been built pointing to the magnetic north pole at the time it was created. More likely however is that if there is a structure below the surface it was probably oriented to some astronomical feature such as a specific star.
One additional feature that I found interesting was looking at the elevation of the anomaly moving along the various sides. If you go to Google and place lines outlining the four sides of the anomaly, and right click the line and select the elevation feature, you will see an elevation plot of the line. When you move the line in the elevation drawing an arrow will detail your transit down the selected line. If you do this with the NE-NW boundary, the SE-NE boundary and the NE to SW diagonal, you will see a very distinct vertical sheer that exists in the NE corner of the square. The vertical sheer is from 6ft to 9ft located some 300ft from the NE corner down both sides and 400 feet down the NE-SW diagonal. The sheer face appears to create a vertical wall perpendicular to both the SE-NE side and the NE-NW side of the anomaly. I don’t know if there is any significance to these sheer walls, but they don’t exist at any other point on the anomaly which is relatively flat across its full dimension.
I hope this information is of interest to you. I would be curious to see if anyone else has identified this anomaly or if you believe it bears further investigation.
Best regards,
MW, Professional Engineer
p.s. – for what it is worth - In August of 1986 while out on a morning jog at about 5:30 am or so in St. Petersburg, Florida with my girlfriend, we witnessed a large (747 size or larger) triangular shaped UFO (with 5 white globe type lights on the leading edge forming a V-shape) fly over the area about 2-4 miles away from us moving from North to South at about 2500 Ft and absolutely silent. Two weeks after the sighting I went to a UFO seminar being held in St. Petersburg and heard several other people discussing what they had seen and it was the same object that we had seen. Having an aerospace engineering degree, having held a Top Secret clearance my entire 25 year career in the Navy and Naval Air Reserve I know for a fact that what we saw was a physical object, it was being intelligently controlled, it was of a design that I know far exceeded the capabilities of any heavier than air object existing at the time and being operated by the U.S. Military. I am a believer and I appreciate the work that you and others are doing to break through this fog of secrecy. Keep up the good work."

Electrical Properties of Pyramids

Subject:   Alaska, Sacred Geometry, Aether
Date:   July 30, 2012

“Certain geometries cause Aether to accumulate at various focal points. Applying electricity to these focal points will convert certain amounts of Aether into electricity. The electrical charge must be through static, in small prototypes this done via is a spark jump. The geometry of a pyramid has many of these focal points, one of them being top.

When a static charge jumps from the source node, to a destination node(The Aether focal point) the charge received is greater than the charge used to create the spark. How the Aether is converted to electricity is still unknown, but it is clearly a state of energy just like Heat, Light, Electricity, and Kinetic.

Aether penetrates all matter, it also exists in a perfect vacuum. Applying various frequencies to vacuums will cause light to be emitted, we believe the Aether is being transformed into light. Again more evidence that suggested to us that Aether is a form of energy, also demonstrating its ability to exist in a vacuum, and the ability for sounds frequencies to travel in a vacuum to some degree.

I am not in Alaska or have any knowledge of that program. My assignment is in a much different area, and the current hypothesis is that the Egyptians somehow discovered or were shown about these geometric occurrences. That the pyramids were an attempt to attract lightning strikes. So that the discharge into the pyramid would be greater than the charge released from atmosphere. This causes a reversal of polarity, sometimes affecting gravity. It is still unclear if the effect on gravity has any connection to electricity or if it is the imbalance of Aether. The gravitational effects slowly weaken over time with no observable interference.

Consider the analogy of trying to force two south poles of magnets together, you are storing energy in that magnetic field and when you let go they push apart again. This energy is being released in the form of kinetic energy and sometimes heat. Somehow during the energy release an upwards force is created, or the downward force of gravity is reduced. This effect slowly diminishes.

Nikola Tesla, discovered these same behaviors. However he had a less effective method of accumulating the Aether. I can't comment on his death or the reason they did not want his latest book going public. I don't know who controls things at the highest level, but it should be clear why free energy would be a threat to control. My team was reassigned and we will be moving to a undisclosed location in Asia.

I've essentially give you a blueprint to free electricity, you can research it further or dismiss as pseudoscience, it's of no consequence to me.

This is all I have to say on the matter, I don't know who you really are. This is the first and last time I will ever use this email account and if you try to track me be aware that this message was sent through a dozen countries from a public connection. It would be a futile effort.”

Continuation of interview with Douglas Alan Mutschler, retired U. S. Army Commissioned Warrant Officer in Counterintelligence (CW2), Fairborn, Ohio, followed by Paul Vincent, Ph.D., Geophysicist, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.


Douglas Alan Mutschler, physical disability retirement as CW2 Commissioned Warrant Officer in Counterintelligence from U. S. Army on October 31, 1995, Fairborn, Ohio:  “AND THE QUESTION IS: WHO IS 'THEM'? AND EXACTLY WHAT'S UP THERE? AND WHY WOULD THE TV BROADCAST ABOUT A PYRAMID LARGER THAN CHEOPS FOUND BETWEEN MOUNT MC KINLEY AND NOME, ALASKA, BE OFF LIMITS TO ANYBODY IN THE WORLD KNOWING?

Right. You know, when I first thought of this, I was thinking archaeologically. This was underground so it must have been covered over by the ice age. And I was thinking, 'God, I wonder what's in there?' You know, it might have the capstone still. But when those guys (in Fort Meade archive) talked about 'they,' my whole mind started going. Who are They? What am I stepping into here? It stuck with me.


Well, they said it was greatly larger than the one in Egypt.


That's the way they were talking and that's why I want to get this program. I mean, they did a great job. The TV news showed the whole world and they had it sliced out where the pyramid was and how big it was in proportion. I mean the thing was huge in the proportional graph they showed. And I was like, 'Whoaa! This has got to be news!' But everybody covered it up. So what's up there? And now, who is up there? (laughs) That's the thing that kept me trying to find somebody who could help me find this information. That's why I contacted you. There's got to be not only those guys who were in the Orderly Room that day, but the geologists who did that research. You know, one of you has got to have the information about that pyramid. It's been long enough. It's been 20 some years.


My age. (laughs) The clocks running. It's been long enough.




It has haunted me. I mean really!"

Geophysicist  Paul Vincent, OSU

I wondered how a large pyramid-shaped structure discovered in the Earth's crust during an underground nuclear test could be hidden from seismologists and geophysicists. So I took the question to Paul Vincent, Ph.D., Geophysicist in the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University in Corvallis. In the 1990s, Prof. Vincent studied Earth crustal changes during underground nuclear tests for Lawrence-Livermore Laboratory in Berkeley, California. Here now is professor and geophysicist Paul Vincent, Ph.D., from Oregon State University.

Paul Vincent, Ph.D., Geophysicist, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon:  “Talking about a pyramidal structure, I suspect they might be talking about some of the oil traps up there.


Well, it depends on how deep they are talking about, but if there are manmade structures, I would be looking at a seismic reflection profile and those are things that oil companies do all the time. They thump the ground with a stimulation source like a big piston that hits the ground at known frequency and then they have a whole string of geophones, or seismometers, strung out at known distances from their source or thumping positions and they get seismic arrival times at each of those geophones at known distances and they can  map that travel time to depths. And so you get kind of a cross-section of what is underground that way.

Ground-penetrating radar is for more shallow stuff, for shallow mines or to find buried pipe or shallow archaeological structures. But if you want to go deeper, you use seismic reflection and seismic refraction studies with an active source - an active source being either hitting a steel plate with a sledge hammer or you have a seismic device.


Yes, seismic waves, but not to resolve any manmade structures. When the waves arrive at seismic stations from the source, there is more in the crust than it does in the mantle. And so our biggest source of uncertainty is in travel times, which is critical in locating events, is through the crust.

So the reason why nuclear tests are so valuable for understanding the Earth's crustal structure is because it's a large seismic source that is very shallow. Earthquakes happen at much deeper depths - several kilometers - and so they are not embedded in the shallow crust like underground nuclear tests are.


No, you don't get profiles from teleseismic distances. The profiles are from the seismic reflection and refraction surveys. In order to get a profile, you would have to string a string of geophonews or seismometers out at relatively short distances - one every 100 meters or less apart. And when we're talking about China, we're talking about a source like that would look like the exact same thing on an array of geophones you would use for doing these cross-section imaging stuff I'm talking about. They would all look the same, so it would make no sense to do that.




China to Alaska, a few thousand miles.


The only information that we can get from underground nuclear test source that far away is the crustal structure between China where the test is and the seismic stations that pick up the signal.


Sure, yes. We did.


A seismogram. We would see a typical explosion source time function. It's an explosive source so everything around that test, the rock is compressed - meaning the seismic trace goes up. That's not counting any complicated reflections and phase transitions between P waves and S waves.


Source:  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 94, No. 5, pp. 1879-1889,
October 2004: Lop Nor Revisited: Underground Nuclear Explosion Locations, 1976-1996,
from Double-Difference Analysis of Regional and Teleseismic Data by Felix Waldhauser et al.


Nothing. You cannot use teleseismic data to image something manmade that is very shallow underneath you.


Because there are so many more things that affect the data - the seismic energy - because it's coming from such a long distance. There are so many more things in the crust that will perturb that seismic ray that by the time it gets to you in Alaska, there are the unknowns and what's affecting the propagation of that seismic ray. So it's an integrated effect of thousands of miles of rock. Any affect of any structure locally would only be observed if your station happened to be - the chances of having this supposed structure between you and the test in China - the odds would be astronomical.

If you drew several curved rays between the test location in China and different points in Alaska and then you imagine this supposed pyramidal structure that's buried, then you would have to draw it pretty small if it's manmade. Even if you were to bury the Great Pyramid (Cheops), it would be like a tiny dot, a small perturbation in the seismic data.”

Continued in Part 3:  Purckeypile and Telida Seismic Stations, Alaska

Return to Part 1.

If any Earthfiles viewer or Coast to Coast AM radio listener has any information about the alleged underground pyramid structure between Mount McKinley and Nome, Alaska, found during Earth crust studies in conjunction with China's May 22, 1992, one megaton nuclear underground test, please email me: All requests for confidentiality are honored.

Bosnian pyramid of the Sun (massive hand made blocks)

The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko. The pyramid has all the elements: four perfectly shaped slopes pointing toward the cardinal points, a flat top and an entrance complex. On top of the pyramid are also the ruins of a Medieval walled town, once the base of a Bosnian king Tvrtko of Kotromanic (1338-1391). Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the “Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” ('Bosanska Piramida Sunca'). There are also a four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon ('Bosanska Piramida Mjeseca'), Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon ( 'Bosanska Piramida Zmaja'), Bosnian Pyramid of the Love ('Bosanska Piramida Ljubavi') and Temple of the Earth, ('Hram Zemlje').'We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid', said Semir (Sam) Osmanagic, a Bosnian American archaeologist who has spent the last 15 years studying the pyramids of Latin America. 'We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels'..... (October 2005)


With the melting of the ice and snow in the Antarctic several pyramid like structures have been located. There are several pictures of what may be pyramids in Antarctica, that may be manmade or alien made. All over the world and even under the sea there are pyramids hundreds of feet tall being found that are thousands of years old. Several hundred in China/Tibet are thought to be12, 000 years old. They provide strong evidence of extraterrestrial intervention or that advanced civilizations once existed on Earth.

Pyramid Mountain located at (77°47′S 160°40′E77.783°S 160.667°Eis a mountain resembling a pyramid, rising to 2,120 meters (6,955 ft) in Antarctica. The name first appears on maps of the British Antarctic Expedition (R.F. Scott), in 1910-13, but the mountain was almost certainly seen for the first time during Scott’s first expedition in 1901. Pyramid Mountain is just short of 7,000 feet or more than a mile high and would have been a tremendous feat to build.

The picture below shows one and possibly two or three pyramids lined up Giza style. They look like natural mountains, but they could have been used as power plants to energize the craft. Christopher Dunn book, “The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt,” explains the technology of how the pyramids gather electrical energy.

Antarctica Pyramids

The article, which goes on to explain that this may in fact be the lost continent of Atlantis which perhaps sunk and froze. If this is true, we may be on the verge of the Archaeological discovery of the millennium! But being realistic we may never find out the truth, ‘they’ always cover everything up.

Visit to read more about it: Antarctica Pyramids?

And just because I had some spare time to put it together, here’s a gallery with some of the photos I found online, enjoy.

Antarctica Pyramids

Antarctica Pyramids


Photos courtesy of Google Image Search

And just for the record, these are not the only newly discovered pyramids. Oh yes, there is more! Recently two complexes of pyramids were discovered through Google Maps/Google Earth, you can read more about it right HERE but essentially  all it says is that they found two previously unknown pyramid complexes in Egypt.

And there you have it, Folks, new pyramids found all around the world! Not to mention that one Millenniun-Falcon-shaped settlement at the bottom of the Baltic sea. I am not sure what to make of all of this. I don’t know if ‘they’ are preparing us for some sort of disclosure or if this is just a big coincidence. For now only one thing is sure: Something big is coming I just hope it doesn’t hit us on the head.

For now, if you need me I will be building my own pyramid-shaped helmet, just in case it does hit us on the head.

Nikola Tesla – Serbian scientific genius

by  Sir Vojislav Milosevic, Director

Center for Counter-terrorism & World Peace Serbia

The great inventor Nikola Tesla, was a man whose genius was far beyond the great minds of his day. He had an intellect that at times seemed almost unearthly.

I suppose this is why some have speculated that such a remarkable individual could not have sprung from the bosom of mother Earth, but instead was the product of extraterrestrial intervention.

His name, in its absence, spoke of dark conspiracies and downright thievery.  In public, only the Tesla-coil stands out in honor of its namesake, but few know of the person for whom it is christened.

Textbooks held no place between its pages for this great man, and teachers rarely uttered his name.  Thankfully, some have come to recognize the great injustice that has been done to Tesla and have found a place in some classrooms to teach his history.  It would be safe to say that Nikola Tesla was the man who invented the 20th Century.

But a mystery remains.

We know that the United State Patent Office granted patents to many of Tesla’s inventions.  These were inventions that Tesla and his investors saw as potentially profitable – the AC motor is an excellent example of one of Tesla’s inventions that changed the world.   However, Tesla also invented an unknown number of other items that were never patented for one reason or another.  Tesla had a keen sense of what would garner financial interest, but he also worked on and developed technology that was simply for his own curiosity. Of these inventions, we know practically nothing.

Tesla was always a very thin man, and even as far back as the 1890′s, he drove himself to exhaustion on many occasions. In 1893, speaking at the Chicago World’s Fair, the dignitaries attending were so concerned about him that he said the following:

“A number of scientific men asked a group of electricians to deliver a lecture. A great many promised that they would come [but] when the program was sifted down, I was the only healthy man left, and so I have managed to take some of my apparatus and give you a brief outline of some of my work.”

Katharine Johnson also, on many occasions, worried about Tesla’s health and refusal to eat a substantial meal.

Through the years, Tesla began to give up meat, and eventually some time in the 1930′s, he just about gave up solid foods altogether. He drank bowls of warm milk and a combination potion made from the hearts of numerous vegetables such as artichokes and celery. He also ate honey.

By the time he was in his 80′s he was cadaverously thin. The last published photo of him when he was He is much thinner in this picture than the famous one taken just a few months before when he met with his nephew, Sava Kosanovic, ambassador from Yugoslavia, and the exiled King Peter, of Serbia.

Nikola Tesla (in the middle) with King Petar Karadjordjevic, Serbian Dinasty and King of Yugoslavia (in uniform)

Tesla certainly discussed the idea of using  a  Wardenclyffe  like tower to shoot down incoming aircraft, via a particle beam weapon, and as a completely separate concept, he also discussed the idea of creating earthquakes, which could be engendered in a variety of ways, e.g., by bringing buildings down by placing oscillators on their main support beams, or by setting off gigantic dynamite charges timed to a resonant earth frequency.

So where did the idea that Tesla caused the explosion in Tunguska originate?

The answer is probably threefold:

Through Tesla’s own writings whereby he says on May 3, 1907, in the New York World, just one year before the Tunguska explosion, that his “magnifying transmitter” has already produced 25 million horse power, and that “a similar and much improved machine now under construction, will make it possible to attain maximum explosive rates of over 800 million horse power.” Tesla also states in this article and in an article the following year in Wireless Telegraphy & Telephone, 1908, pp. 67-71, that he will be able to direct electrical energy “with great precision” to any point of the globe.

Tesla was working on the Philadelphia Experiment. To what extent did he participate?

As you probably know, there is a lot of controversy about the Philadelphia Experiment, and what really occurred. There is one theory that an entire ship was made to disappear and then reappear someplace else.

One explanation is that this was done by dematerializing and then rematerializing the ship. A more likely scenario is that the ship disappeared on the radar screen and then reappeared later. This can be done in a variety of ways, by either creating a special electrical field that is hard to detect, or by making the skin of the ship out of some material, such as Kevlar, which is a polyurethane fiber that absorbs the electromagnetic energy thereby preventing the radar beams from bouncing off the hull, and thus giving the position of the ship away. The stealth bomber has a skin made up of a compound that absorbs radar beams.Tesla’s link to the Philadelphia Experiment is often tied to his supposed association with Albert Einstein. I have completed an exhaustive study of Tesla’s relationship to Albert Einstein and found out that there is no correspondence between them other than the famous letter Einstein sent to Tesla on Tesla’s 75th birthday. There are no letters in either the Tesla Museum in Belgrade or the Einstein archives which are in Israel at the University of Jerusalem.

Tesla lost his financing for Wardenclyffe because he ran out of money, in part, because he decided to build a larger tower than was contracted for with J.Pierpont Morgan. Tesla’s first major falling out with Morgan occurred in August of 1901, shortly after Morgan’s return from Europe, and this was during the Wall Street Panic of 1901.

Essentially, Morgan feared that a new wireless system of power distribution might threaten such companies that he had control over as General Electric or AT & T.

A question remains as to whether or not Tesla actually constructed a particle beam weapon. I believe that when looks at this question from a historical standpoint, we see that he had been working on this and similar devices for over 30 years. Thus, it is my opinion, that Tesla did, indeed, construct a working model. At the age of 81, at a luncheon in his honor, concerning the Death Ray, Tesla stated,

“But it is not an experiment…. I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will pass before I can give it to the world.”

We now know that Tesla was interested and experimented in such “wild” ideas as free energy, antigravity, invisibility and even time travel.  Its no surprise that Tesla in his day was loathe to speak of these kinds of interests – after all, even today these areas of study still come under fire by some “mainstream” scientists, who refuse to use their imaginations and intellect, and scorn such interests with terms such as “bad science” and quackery.

In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields.  Part of this revelation came about from Tesla’s experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere.  Tesla’s simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects.  But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel.

With these experiments in high-voltage electricity and magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that time and space could be breached, or warped, creating a “doorway” that could lead to other time frames. But with this monumental discovery, Tesla also discovered, through personal experience, the very real dangers inherent with time travel.

Tesla’s first brush with time travel came in March 1895.  A reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts, “I am afraid,” said Tesla, “that you won’t find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today.  The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder.  If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me.”

Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference.  He reported that he could see the immediate past – present and future, all at once.  But he was paralyzed within the electromagnetic field, unable to help himself. His assistant, by turning off the current, released Tesla before any permanent damage was done. A repeat of this very incident would occur years later during the Philadelphia Experiment.  Unfortunately, the sailors involved were  left outside their time-frame reference for too long with disastrous results.

In the 1930′s Nikola Tesla got involved with a group with was experimenting with moving through the Time/Space continuum. In the early 1930′s, the University of Chicago investigated the possibility of invisibility through the use of electricity.

It is believed that the Philadelphia Experiment was mostly an investigation into how Einstein’s Unified Field Theory for Gravitation and Electricity could be used in the development of electronic camouflage to keep naval ships from being seen by the enemy. The research was aimed at using intense electromagnetic fields to hide a ship from incoming torpedoes. This was later extended to include a study of creating radar invisibility by a similar field in the air rather than in the water.

The idea for the experiment came from investigations and experiments by a group involving Tesla for the possibility of invisibility through the use of electricity. The experiments succeeded for small objects, and around 1939, it was presented to the government. The military was particularly interested in this, possibly due to the fact that there was a war going on at the time, and technology like this would be monumental.

Tesla had a vivid imagination and an intuitive way of developing scientific hypotheses. After seeing a demonstration of the “Gramme dynamo” (a machine that when operated in one direction is a generator, and when reversed is an electric motor), Tesla visualized a rotating magnetic field and developed plans for an induction motor applying the concept. This electric motor was the first step toward the successful application of alternating-current. Telsa used his imagination to prove and apply his hypotheses.

Tesla, the prodigal genius, the forgotten genius, the sorcerer, the man out of time, the wizard with lightning in his hands.

Tesla’s abstruse, esoteric electric technology is beyond the average intellect and is best interpreted by qualified, degreed experts in quantum physics and scaler electromagnetics
In his old age, forgotten and penniless, Tesla was murdered by agents of the NAZZI government,Otto Skorzzeny and Reinhard Gehlen, in a seedy Manhattan hotel room, his papers confiscated and disappeared by the FBI. Tesla’s technology continues to be undisclosed to the public and instead is directed into black projects, like the Philadelphia Experiment, and HAARP.

Antigravitic UFO’s are Tesla technology, as are the quantum-vacuum, zero-point energy generators that drive them. Tesla’s technology has brought us such products as the Tesla Scaler Potentizer, the Teslar wristwatch, the Tesla Teletransporter, and the Tesla Male-Enhancement Helix, as well as the Tesla electric sportscar. It was Tesla’s magnifying transmitter that caused the devastating Tunguska explosion of 1908. A contemporary black-project version underground in Canada accidentally brought about the East Coast blackout of 2003.

The Mystique sentimentalizes, romanticizes, and mystifies the memory of Nikola Tesla. The Mystique is determined to make Tesla awesome, fantastic, and beyond comprehension. The Mystique is an intellectual fashion wave that distorts biography, history, science, and consciousness.

Possible Pyramid submerged within the Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth.

Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology…great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.

Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin, age and purpose completely unknown.


Giant Crystal Pyramid Discovered In Bermuda Triangle

Terrence Aym

The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth.

Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology…great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.


Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin, age and purpose completely unknown.

Pyramid discovery challenges current archaelogical theory

A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.

The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they’re more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they’ll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light ofthe potential ramifications.

The pyramid could confirm some engineers’ contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis




Possible Pyramids found in Antarctica

Above: Another pyramid structure, notice the dome type structure alongside the Pyramid - and there appears to be another smaller 'pyramid' like structure behind the main one

Above: This picture fascinates me - after playing around with the settings in photo-shop and enlarging the area, you can really notice a lot of geometry. It looks like a temple of some sort next to a pyramid!

Above: The left Pyramid highlighted red is the same structure(s) as the photo above this one. To the right there is a giant mound with 'looks' structured in some way. Almost reminds me of the sphinx. To the back which I did not amplify with photo'shop are what 'looks' like 'steps'

These photo's have been floating around the internet causing a buzz. As the ice cover rapidly melts - it is possible that structures will reveal themselves to us - or, as some of the photo's above show - Have (possibly) revealed themselves.




Security efforts so far undertaken is still limited in the area of safety wiring the top of the pyramid. Chairman of the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) of West Java, Pon S. Purajatnika add to this process of excavation can not be done, both in the peak area covering four acres and an estimated total area of 50 hektar.Bila this continues, it is feared objects scattered sites in the area used as a stone by bida population of the village of Karya Mukti tersebut.Berdasarkan various sources, site of Mount Padang is punden staircase-shaped megalithic sites of the largest in Southeast Asia. Is considering a building area of approximately 900 m2 purbakalanya with area around the site itself approximately 3 acres.


The existence of this site first appeared in the report Rapporten kundigen van de oudheid-Dienst (ROD), in 1914, later reported to NJ Krom 1949. in 1979 concerned officials in the development and research of cultural bend is followed by the overseers of local culture and Pulit ditlinbinjarah Arkenas to review the site location. Since that time research efforts toward the site of Mount Padang began to do well from the point of archaeological, historical, geological and lainnya.Bentuk berundaknya punden building reflects the tradition of megalithic (meaning great and Lithos mega means stone) as is common in some areas in West Java. Gunung Padang site located 50 kilometers from Cianjur said to be the greatest megalithic sites in Southeast Asia. Among the local community, the site is believed to be evidence of attempts to build castles in King Siliwangi semalam.Dibantu by his troops, he tried to collect the stone blocks that are only found in the area. However, the night seemed to pass faster.

Burst of dawn in the eastern horizon was thwarting his hard, then it is of Regional and then he left. He let the stones scattered on the hill which is now called Mount Padang. Gunung Padang Padang means terang.Punden staircase, built with massive volcanic rocks are rectangular. The building consists of five terraces with different sizes. The stones have not had a touch of human hands in a sense, has not worked or shaped by human hands. Blocks of stone which the sums are so many that spread almost over the top of Mount Padang.Penduduk local dub some stones of the terraces with the names of the smell of Islam. For example there is a table called Milled Pangancingan Kiai, Chair Bonang Grandmother, Grandmother Jojodog or Swasana seat, backrest stone Suhaedin Sheikh alias Sheikh Abdul Rusman, grandparent households Marzuki Sheikh, and Sheikh Abdul Fuko       


Possible New Pyramids Found in Egypt with Google Earth

Two unidentified, possible pyramid complexes have been located with satellite imagery from Google Earth.

One of the complex sites contains a distinct, four-sided, truncated, pyramidal shape that is approximately 140 feet in width. This site contains three smaller mounds in a very clear formation, similar to the diagonal alignment of the Giza Plateau pyramids.
The second possible site contains four mounds with a larger, triangular-shaped plateau. The two larger mounds at this site are approximately 250 feet in width, with two smaller mounds approximately 100 feet in width. This site complex is arranged in a very clear formation with the large plateau, or butte, nearby in a triangular shape with a width of approximately 600 feet.
The sites have been documented and discovered by satellite archaeology researcher Angela Micol of Maiden, North Carolina. Angela has been conducting satellite archaeology research for over ten years, searching for ancient sites from space using Google Earth. Angela is a UNC Charlotte alumnus and has studied archaeology since childhood. Google Earth has allowed her to document many possible archaeological sites, including a potential underwater city off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula that has sparked the interest of scientists, researchers and archaeologists. Angela is also a board member of the APEX Institute, founded by archaeologist William Donato, who is pioneering underwater archaeological research in the Bahamas. Angela has been assisted by Don J. Long, fellow APEX researcher and colleague.
The sites have been verified as undiscovered by Egyptologist and pyramid expert Nabil Selim. Nabil’s discoveries include the pyramid called Sinki at Abydos and the Dry Moat surrounding the Step pyramid Complex at Saqqara. Nabil has stated the smaller 100 foot “mounds”, at one of the proposed complex sites, are a similar size as the 13th Dynasty Egyptian pyramids, if a square base can be discovered...


(Following Images and text found here)

The image below is approximately 620 feet wide.  For comparison purposes the Great Pyramid is 208 feet in width.  This mound feature is almost 3 times the size of the Great Pyramid.  Upon closer examination of the formation, it appears to have a very flat top and a curiously symmetrical triangular shape that has been heavily eroded with time.


When zooming in on the top of the triangular formation it is very interesting to see two circular features almost in the very center of the triangle.


The cirular features are approximately 20 feet in width and almost appear to be well or shaft like features that have been dug out.

Pyramid discovery challenges current archeological theory


A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.

The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they’re more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they’ll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light ofthe potential ramifications.

The pyramid could confirm some engineers’ contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist, or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed theBermuda Triangle...

The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth.

Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology…great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.

Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin, age and purpose completely unknown.

Pyramid discovery challenges current archaelogical theory

A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.

The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they're more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they'll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light of the potential ramifications.

The pyramid could confirm some engineers' contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist, or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed the Bermuda Triangle.

Researcher Zach Royer, has more on the discovery here.

Artist's conception of the incredible crystal pyramid

First discovered in 1968

According to the history, the pyramid was accidentally discovered during 1968 by a doctor of naturopathy, Ray Brown of Mesa, Arizona.

Brown was in the Caribbean on vacation and making dives with friends in a region off the Bahamas known as "the Tongue of the Ocean." The area acquired that name because a tongue-shaped portion of the seabed extends out from the island before sharply dropping off into much greater depths.

When relating his discovery, the doctor explained he became separated from his diving friends underwater. While attempting to rejoin them he came upon a massive structure rising from the ocean floor: a black, hulking object silhouetted against the lighter sun-filtered water. The object was shaped like a pyramid.

Because he was low on air, he didn't spend much time investigating the pyramid, but did find a strange crystal sphere.

Images of 3 pyramids can be seen in Brown's crystal

He brought it to the surface with him and later when the ancient crystal was studied researchers were astonished by its properties.

Is the crystal pyramid causing the Triangle phenomena?

Some Triangle researchers have theorized for years that a strange energy source exists at the bottom of the sea within the region of the ocean affecting planes, ships, and boats.

A few investigators postulate that if the fabled Atlantis really did exist the remains of its mythical energy-vortex machine might still be intact at the bottom of the ocean. Such a machine, they claim, would likely be pyramidal-shaped and the original historical template that succeeding cultures around the globe copied much later.

Mysterious pyramids scattered across the world

Pyramid structures have been discovered across North, Central, and South America; Eastern Europe; the icy tundra of Siberia; Northern and Central China; and possibly Antarctica. The South Pole pyramid cannot be confirmed as it's deep under more than a mile of ice and images of it are controversial.

Years ago, mysterious ruins—the vestiges of an unknown culture—were discovered on a small island called Malden in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The ruins were claimed to also have the remains of an ancient pyramid.

Enigmatic Pacific Island Malden in the middle of nowhere

Believers in the ancient land of Lemuria (also called Mu) proposed that the ruins might be all that were left of that ancient land, while others speculated it might have been an outpost colony of Atlantis.

An anthropologist from the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii explored the ruins back in 1924 and found no pyramid. What scientist Kenneth Emory did find, however, was evidence that a small Polynesian tribe once settled there briefly, perhaps no further back in time than the 16th Century. Despite that finding, more revelations were to come from the tiny island during the ensuing years.

Researcher Mitch Williamson dug deeper into the mysteries.

Reporting on some of Williamson's amazing findings, Rich Hoffman, explorer and investigator, writes: "There are 40 stone temples on Malden Island that are described as similar in design to the buildings of Nan Madol on Pohnpei, some 3,400 miles (5,475 km) away. In fact, there is a basalt road that runs along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean which connects these islands under hundreds of feet of water.

"This suggests a culture that is more than 50,000 years old and that this entire land mass was once above water supporting a civilization that had no trouble moving around tremendous stones to build very large, complicated societies which we know absolutely nothing about, other than the fact that someone built them and they are older than biblical history.

"Yet, nobody discusses them because they don’t fit into our understanding of the human race and their origins. Scientists have their diffusion theories of how migrants arrived in North America using the land bridge of the Bering Straight and they are sticking with it."

The same can be said of the scattered ruins of the Caribbean that suggest a very large civilization extending from the coastal waters off the Florida Keys, toward the Bahamian waters, crossing near Bimini, and east into the Atlantic.

Cuba too has underwater ruins off its coast that may have been part of the same city-state complex.

Two divers explore the rambling ruins off Bimini

Hoffman also mentions, almost in passing, the incredible report of explorer Tony Benik who made the momentous discovery of yet another huge pyramid under 10,000 feet of water in the middle of the Atlantic. The pyramid, Benik claims, is capped with a huge crystal.

And if that's not enough, Hoffman shares the discovery of the Ari Marshall expedition in 1977. The team discovered a smaller pyramid off Cay Sal in the Bahamas. Marshall snapped underwater photos of the pyramid that's submerged beneath 150 feet of water.

According to Marshall's account the mystery pyramid glows. He also reported the water around the pyramid was luminescent and glistening white water flowed out of openings in the pyramid.

Despite the water at that depth being dark (not much light reaches that far down), the water surrounding the amazing pyramid was lit by the glow from the structure and appeared like a phosphoresent green color.

If Atlantis did exist, it probably existed during the end of the last Ice Age. The story of its sinking relates to the massive floods and rising ocean when the oversized Arctic icecap suddenly receded with catastrophic results for much of the Northern Hemisphere.

At the end of last Ice Age sea levels were nearly 400 feet lower than present day levels. Once the waters began to rise, they rose swiftly. Conceivably, no technology then, or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave.

World’s Pyramids Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

Although NASA covered up the strange photon cloud that's now enveloped the solar system, the word has leaked out from some scientists.

And now, as the ominous cloud approaches it's affecting the sun and planets in measurable ways.

Amazingly, as the bizarre energy invades our space, some of the world's most famous pyramids are generating intense energy.

Several incredible incidents of visible power beams shooting skywards into space towards the region of the alien photonic cloud are well-documented.

At the same time, people around the world began hearing and recording frightening sounds—noises that seem as if the Earth itself is moaning and wailing.

All the phenomena—including measurements of the never-before-seen gigantic electrification of the turbulent sun—seem to be centered on the deadly photonic cloud that some have called a 'potential Doomsday space event.'


Pyramids beam energy to approaching space cloud

Ancient pyramids awake after centuries, millennia of slumber

Tourists screamed, others shot hasty videos with their camera phones as the Mayan pyramid rumbled. But no earthquake followed, instead a brilliant beam of light shot skyward into space as awed onlookers gasped, wondering what it meant.

Mayan energy beam. Processed image on right shows hidden lightning bolt

But the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan transmitting a raw column of incredible energy into space was just the latest pyramid to do so.

Artist's re-creation of what witnesses saw at Bosnian pyramid

In 2009 and 2010 the Bosnian pyramid of the sun beamed a pencil thin ray of pure energy towards space.

Recently, the Chinese government began closely monitoring the Xianyang pyramid for signs of activity. Last year a team of scientists investigated the pyramid and believe it may have extraterrestrial origins. [Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid]

Aztec Pyramid of the Moon blasts energy vortex from apex

That amazing incident was followed by the vortex blast—witnessed and captured on film—shooting from the apex of the famous Aztec Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico.

Energy beams, vortexes, whirlwinds of intense force…what does it mean? Where is that energy being directed and why? What activated the mysterious power of these silent sentinels of stone quietly marking the passage of centuries…until something disturbed their slumber?

What brought them to life may be something more incredible than the actions of the pyramids: the arrival of an unknown force from the galactic void that's now surrounded much of the solar system.

The deadly photon belt

NASA and the European Space Agency have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during 2012 to 2013. Few listened.

Astrophysicist Dr. Alexey Dmitriev

Now the eminent astrophysicist, Alexey Demetriev ["PLANETOPHYSICAL STATE OF THE EARTH AND LIFE"] claims what is happening is worse—much worse—than NASA and the ESA's warnings. [Claim: NASA Hiding Approaching Doomsday Space Event]

Our entire solar system has entered an immense, potentially deadly, interstellar energy cloud.

Pyramids reacting to unknown, alien cloud

Dr. Demetriev has revealed that both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes reported the entire solar system is at risk. Worse, Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University claims this interstellar energy cloud is unstable and turbulent.

The Russian scientist further asserts this photonic cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of the planets and especially our sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite and interact with the sun, it causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater output and instability.

The magnetic flux, interaction with the solar magnetosphere and Earth's geomagnetic fields, can cause core mutations, anomalous field vortices, and polar magnetic permutations creating superstorms, wild weather swings, and—most amazing of all—atmospheric and subterranean harmonics capable of being heard all across the planet.

Illustration of how pyramids may generate power

The pyramids—natural reservoirs of earth energy and advanced capacitors engineered to draw upon the planet's magnetic force field—are releasing and blasting pure energy into the drifting space cloud engulfing our defenseless planetary system.

The predicted harmonics have been heard, recorded, and heatedly discussed since the spring of 2011.

Recently, some recordings have appeared on Youtube from countries all over the globe posted by puzzled, sometimes frightened people, demanding to know what the sounds are. [Skyquakes: Warnings From Earth's Destabilizing Core]

While some are undoubtedly fakes and hoaxes, others are genuine recordings of subterranean and atmospheric harmonics.

Professor Dr. Elchin Khalilov discusses the harmonics

In a recent interview with Geochange Magazine about the strange earth harmonics, eminent scientist, Professor Dr. Elchin Khalilov, gave this analysis:

"[The]…possible cause of these sounds…may lie at the Earth's core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth's north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth's core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth's geomagnetic field.

"Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth's gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth's core level. That huge energy release from the Earth's core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase."[Geochange Magazine]

And the harmonics are emanating from the Earth's core as the good professor theorizes. Similar sounds are sometimes heard before great earthquakes strike.

This time, however, the sounds are not presaging massive earthquakes, but are being generated by the twisting magnetic field and the pulsing permutations of the spinning Earth's core warping parts of the mantel. Everything's reacting to the arrival of the huge photonic cloud that's invaded our region of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Properties of crystal pyramids Some theories of Atlantis propose the island city's power pyramids were made of crystal, or their tops were capped with a crystalline substance.

Kirlian photograph of pyramid grid energy

Image by Dr. Dee J. Nelson, University of Wyoming

Crystal has long been known to have energy applications and exhibits natural piezoelectrical properties.

Could such a thing actually generate, store, and distribute energy on demand?


Experimenters discovered decades ago that pyramids do tend to act in some ways like a natural electrical capacitor gathering and storing energy around them. The larger the pyramid, the greater the capacity of gathering and storing energy. A pyramid's composition is important too. Having one made of crystal, or an apex made of crystal, could vastly increase its power.

Early radio used germanium crystals to capture the radiowaves and convert them into electrical signals that could be processed and broadcast through headphones into soundwaves duplicating the human voice, music, and other sounds.

Illustration of vortex energy and apex discharge Pyramid power, say investigators, is intrinsic to the pyramid shape. It's an architecture that's proven to function as an energy accumulator and amplifier of energetic force.

Pyramids and the 'Cavity Structural Effect'

Barry Carter calls attention to another property that pyramids exhibit called the "Cavity Structural Effect" (CSE) by its discoverer, Dr. Viktor S. Grebennikov. The scientist employed the CSE to construct a rudimentary anti-gravitic platform.

Viktor S. Grebennikov demonstrates anti-gravity platform


As if to prove the investigators' assertions true, recently some of the worlds pyramids began discharging beams of raw energy into space. [See: World's Pyramids Beaming Energy]

The bottom line? Pyramids are intrinsically natural generators of power.

Carter explains that "Grebennikov also claimed that he could feel energies emitting from the apex of a pyramid: 'You will soon pick up an active zone, a "clot", where the Egyptians had their tombs. Another active zone (a "flame") above the top of the pyramid is also well-perceived by the indicator if you drag its end over the top. The "clot" and the "flame" are well-felt by the finger inserted into the pyramid, or your palm moved above it after some practice. The pyramid effect, which generated many scary and mysterious stories over the centuries, is one of the CSE manifestations.'"

A Bermuda Triangle 'Death Vortex'

Another deadly phenomenon pyramids may create: an energy vortex Besides the time and spatial anomalies reported in the Triangle, some survivors of terrifing incidents there have reported huge, swirling vortices suddenly appearing and disappearing .

Observations of some of the submerged pyramids reveals they sporadically generate intense vortices in the ocean water flowing around them. Those vortices may be caused by a discharge of internal energy.

Computer simulation of pyramid creating vortices Evidence exists that some missing ships may have gone missing because of this phenomenon.

If those submerged pyramids also discharge massive enegy through their apexes, that could account for the formation of deadly vortices on the surface of the sea that swallows up whole ships along with their doomed crews. 

Nasa reveals massive halo of hot gas that envelops our universe
  • The estimated mass of the halo is comparable to the mass of all the stars in the galaxy.

  • Prediction could also explain the astronomical mystery known as the 'missing bayron problem'

It is an astonishing reminder of just how large the universe is. Nasa today revealed this incredible image showing our Milky Way Galaxy is embedded in an enormous halo of hot gas that extends for hundreds of thousands of light years.

The estimated mass of the halo is comparable to the mass of all the stars in the galaxy.

This artist's illustration shows an enormous halo of hot gas (in blue) around the Milky Way galaxy

This artist's illustration shows an enormous halo of hot gas (in blue) around the Milky Way galaxy


Baryons are particles, such as protons and neutrons, that make up more than 99.9 percent of the mass of atoms found in the cosmos.

Measurements of extremely distant gas halos and galaxies indicate the baryonic matter present when the universe was only a few billion years old represented about one-sixth the mass and density of the existing unobservable, or dark, matter.

In the current epoch, about 10 billion years later, a census of the baryons present in stars and gas in our galaxy and nearby galaxies shows at least half the baryons are unaccounted for

Astronomers have used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to estimate the size.

If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the 'missing baryon' problem for the galaxy.

Baryons are particles, such as protons and neutrons, that make up more than 99.9 percent of the mass of atoms found in the cosmos.

Measurements of extremely distant gas halos and galaxies indicate the baryonic matter present when the universe was only a few billion years old represented about one-sixth the mass and density of the existing unobservable, or dark, matter.

In the current epoch, about 10 billion years later, a census of the baryons present in stars and gas in our galaxy and nearby galaxies shows at least half the baryons are unaccounted for.

In a recent study, a team of five astronomers used data from Chandra, the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton space observatory and Japan's Suzaku satellite to set limits on the temperature, extent and mass of the hot gas halo.

Chandra observed eight bright X-ray sources located far beyond the galaxy at distances of hundreds of millions of light-years.

The data revealed X-rays from these distant sources are absorbed selectively by oxygen ions in the vicinity of the galaxy.

The scientists determined the temperature of the absorbing halo is between 1 million and 2.5 million kelvins, or a few hundred times hotter than the surface of the sun.

Other studies have shown that the Milky Way and other galaxies are embedded in warm gas with temperatures between 100,000 and 1 million kelvins.

Studies have indicated the presence of a hotter gas with a temperature greater than 1 million kelvins.

This new research provides evidence the hot gas halo enveloping the Milky Way is much more massive than the warm gas halo.

'We know the gas is around the galaxy, and we know how hot it is,' said Anjali Gupta, lead author of The Astrophysical Journal paper describing the research.

The Milky Way galaxy. Researchers now believe a vast gas cloud covers our galaxy.

The Milky Way galaxy. Researchers now believe a vast gas cloud covers our galaxy. 'The big question is, how large is the halo, and how massive is it?' To begin to answer this question, the authors supplemented Chandra data on the amount of absorption produced by the oxygen ions with XMM-Newton and Suzaku data on the X-rays emitted by the gas halo.

They concluded that the mass of the gas is equivalent to the mass in more than 10 billion suns, perhaps as large as 60 billion suns.

'Our work shows that, for reasonable values of parameters and with reasonable assumptions, the Chandra observations imply a huge reservoir of hot gas around the Milky Way,' said co-author Smita Mathur of Ohio State University in Columbus.

'It may extend for a few hundred thousand light-years around the Milky Way or it may extend farther into the surrounding local group of galaxies.'Either way, its mass appears to be very large.'The estimated mass depends on factors such as the amount of oxygen relative to  hydrogen, which is the dominant element in the gas.

Nevertheless, the estimation represents an important step in solving the case of the missing baryons, a mystery that has puzzled astronomers for more than a decade. Although there are uncertainties, the work by Gupta and colleagues provides the best evidence yet that the galaxy's missing baryons have been hiding in a halo of million-kelvin gas that envelopes the galaxy. The estimated density of this halo is so low that similar halos around other galaxies would have escaped detection.



A rainbow appears as lightning strikes after a rainstorm in Haikou, Hainan province, China, on May 13, 2012. (Reuters/China Daily)


An elusive "red sprite" flash, photographed by Expedition 31 astronauts aboard the International Space Station on April 30, 2012. The sprite (upper right) appears high above a lightning strike (bright spot in the clouds). Red sprites only last for a few milliseconds, sending pulses of electrical energy up toward the edge of space--the electrically charged layer known as the ionosphere--instead of down to Earth's surface. More about this image on NASA's Earth Observatory. (NASA) #


A lightning bolt flashes above Independence Square near the landmark Palacio Salvo, in Montevideo, Uruguay, as a storm passes over the capital early on February 28, 2012. (Mariana Suarez/AFP/Getty Images) #


Lightning over the Grand Tetons. Original here. (CC BY ND Flickr user inuyashacow) #


Forks of lightning during a thunderstorm in Warsaw, Poland, on June 20, 2012. (Alex Grimm/Getty Images) #


Lightning streaks across the sky in Tyler, Texas as a powerful line of thunderstorms, several spawning tornadoes moved across Texas, on April 3, 2012. (AP Photo/Dr. Scott M. Lieberman) #


Lightning illuminates the sky above Donbass Arena during the Group D Euro 2012 soccer match Ukraine vs France in Donetsk, Ukraine, on June 15, 2012. The game was suspended due to heavy rain and thunder storm. (Reuters/Felix Ordonez) #


Lighting strikes behind a barn surrounded by a soybean crop in Donnellson, Iowa, on July 13, 2012. (Reuters/Adrees Latif) #


Viewed from low Earth orbit, lightning illuminates a cloud from within, above Oklahoma, on April 11, 2012. Photo taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station, some 250 miles above the clouds. (NASA) #


Lightning strikes over buildings during a thunderstorm in Berlin, on June 29, 2012. (Reuters/Pawel Kopczynski) #


A double rainbow appears in the sky as lightning strikes during a severe thunderstorm in Hamilton, Ohio, on May 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Steve Vaughn) #


Lightning, during a storm above the Memorial Center in Potocari the night before a mass burial, near Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on July 10, 2012. The bodies of 520 recently identified victims of the Srebrenica massacre were buried on July 11, the anniversary of the massacre when Bosnian Serb forces commanded by Ratko Mladic slaughtered 8,000 Muslim men and boys and buried them in mass graves, in Europe's worst massacre since World War Two. (Reuters/Dado Ruvic) #


Lightning strikes Lake Michigan, seen from Streeterville, north of downtown Chicago. Original here. (CC BY Chad Kainz) #


Lightning strikes over a house in the northern Swiss town of Muellheim, on August 20, 2012. (Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann) #


Lightning touches down during a storm in central Shanghai, on August 20, 2012. (Reuters/Aly Song) #


A flash of lightning illuminates the night sky during a thunderstorm in Cali, Valle del Cauca department, Colombia, on April 25, 2012. (Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images) #


Lighting strikes over Saint Joseph cathedral Hanoi, Vietnam, on July 14, 2012. (Reuters/Carlos Barria) #


Lightningin the sky above the Christopher Columbus monument at Madrid's Colon Square, on July 26, 2012. (Reuters/Juan Medina) #


Lightning bolts crisscross the sky above Lahore City, Pakistan, during a thunderstorm that was followed with heavy rain on April 13, 2012. (Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) #


A soldier from the U.S. Army's Alpha Company, 1-12 Infantry, 4th Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, mans a weapon during a lightning storm at Combat Outpost Pirtle-King in Afghanistan's Kunar Province, on June 8, 2012. (Reuters/Tim Wimborne) #


Forks of lightning during a thunderstorm above Warsaw, Poland, on June 20, 2012. (Alex Grimm/Getty Images) #


A double rainbow appears after a heavy monsoon storms over Nipton Road in Searchlight, Nevada, on July 13, 2012. (Reuters/Gene Blevins)